# # Author:: Seth Chisamore () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require_relative "../api" class Chef module ReservedNames::Win32 module API module Unicode extend Chef::ReservedNames::Win32::API ############################################### # Win32 API Constants ############################################### CP_ACP = 0 CP_OEMCP = 1 CP_MACCP = 2 CP_THREAD_ACP = 3 CP_SYMBOL = 42 CP_UTF7 = 65000 CP_UTF8 = 65001 MB_PRECOMPOSED = 0x00000001 MB_COMPOSITE = 0x00000002 MB_USEGLYPHCHARS = 0x00000004 MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS = 0x00000008 WC_COMPOSITECHECK = 0x00000200 WC_DISCARDNS = 0x00000010 WC_SEPCHARS = 0x00000020 WC_DEFAULTCHAR = 0x00000040 WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS = 0x00000400 ANSI_CHARSET = 0 DEFAULT_CHARSET = 1 SYMBOL_CHARSET = 2 SHIFTJIS_CHARSET = 128 HANGEUL_CHARSET = 129 HANGUL_CHARSET = 129 GB2312_CHARSET = 134 CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET = 136 OEM_CHARSET = 255 JOHAB_CHARSET = 130 HEBREW_CHARSET = 177 ARABIC_CHARSET = 178 GREEK_CHARSET = 161 TURKISH_CHARSET = 162 VIETNAMESE_CHARSET = 163 THAI_CHARSET = 222 EASTEUROPE_CHARSET = 238 RUSSIAN_CHARSET = 204 IS_TEXT_UNICODE_ASCII16 = 0x0001 IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_ASCII16 = 0x0010 IS_TEXT_UNICODE_STATISTICS = 0x0002 IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_STATISTICS = 0x0020 IS_TEXT_UNICODE_CONTROLS = 0x0004 IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_CONTROLS = 0x0040 IS_TEXT_UNICODE_SIGNATURE = 0x0008 IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_SIGNATURE = 0x0080 IS_TEXT_UNICODE_ILLEGAL_CHARS = 0x0100 IS_TEXT_UNICODE_ODD_LENGTH = 0x0200 IS_TEXT_UNICODE_DBCS_LEADBYTE = 0x0400 IS_TEXT_UNICODE_NULL_BYTES = 0x1000 IS_TEXT_UNICODE_UNICODE_MASK = 0x000F IS_TEXT_UNICODE_REVERSE_MASK = 0x00F0 IS_TEXT_UNICODE_NOT_UNICODE_MASK = 0x0F00 IS_TEXT_UNICODE_NOT_ASCII_MASK = 0xF000 TCI_SRCCHARSET = 1 TCI_SRCCODEPAGE = 2 TCI_SRCFONTSIG = 3 TCI_SRCLOCALE = 0x100 ############################################### # Win32 API Bindings ############################################### ffi_lib "kernel32", "advapi32" =begin BOOL IsTextUnicode( __in const VOID *lpv, __in int iSize, __inout LPINT lpiResult ); =end safe_attach_function :IsTextUnicode, %i{pointer int LPINT}, :BOOL =begin int MultiByteToWideChar( __in UINT CodePage, __in DWORD dwFlags, __in LPCSTR lpMultiByteStr, __in int cbMultiByte, __out LPWSTR lpWideCharStr, __in int cchWideChar ); =end safe_attach_function :MultiByteToWideChar, %i{UINT DWORD LPCSTR int LPWSTR int}, :int =begin int WideCharToMultiByte( __in UINT CodePage, __in DWORD dwFlags, __in LPCWSTR lpWideCharStr, __in int cchWideChar, __out LPSTR lpMultiByteStr, __in int cbMultiByte, __in LPCSTR lpDefaultChar, __out LPBOOL lpUsedDefaultChar ); =end safe_attach_function :WideCharToMultiByte, %i{UINT DWORD LPCWSTR int LPSTR int LPCSTR LPBOOL}, :int end end end end