# frozen_string_literal: true require "json" require "rack/test" RSpec.describe "Web / Rendering errors", :app_integration do include Rack::Test::Methods let(:app) { Hanami.app } before do with_directory(@dir = make_tmp_directory) do write "config/app.rb", <<~RUBY require "hanami" module TestApp class App < Hanami::App config.logger.stream = File.new("/dev/null", "w") config.render_errors = true config.render_detailed_errors = false end end RUBY write "config/routes.rb", <<~RUBY module TestApp class Routes < Hanami::Routes get "index", to: "index" get "error", to: "error" end end RUBY write "app/actions/index.rb", <<~RUBY module TestApp module Actions class Index < Hanami::Action def handle(*, response) response.body = "Hello" end end end end RUBY write "app/actions/error.rb", <<~RUBY module TestApp module Actions class Error < Hanami::Action def handle(*) raise "oops" end end end end RUBY before_prepare if respond_to?(:before_prepare) require "hanami/prepare" end end describe "HTML request" do context "error pages present" do def before_prepare write "public/404.html", <<~HTML

Not found

HTML write "public/500.html", <<~HTML


HTML end it "responds with the HTML for a 404 from a not found error" do get "/__not_found__" expect(last_response.status).to eq 404 expect(last_response.body.strip).to eq "

Not found

" expect(last_response.get_header("Content-Type")).to eq "text/html; charset=utf-8" expect(last_response.get_header("Content-Length")).to eq "19" end it "responds with the HTML for a 404 from a method not allowed error" do post "/index" expect(last_response.status).to eq 404 expect(last_response.body.strip).to eq "

Not found

" expect(last_response.get_header("Content-Type")).to eq "text/html; charset=utf-8" expect(last_response.get_header("Content-Length")).to eq "19" end it "responds with the HTML for a 500" do get "/error" expect(last_response.status).to eq 500 expect(last_response.body.strip).to eq "


" expect(last_response.get_header("Content-Type")).to eq "text/html; charset=utf-8" expect(last_response.get_header("Content-Length")).to eq "15" end end context "error pages missing" do it "responds with default text for a 404 from a not found error" do get "/__not_found__" expect(last_response.status).to eq 404 expect(last_response.body.strip).to eq "Not Found" expect(last_response.get_header("Content-Type")).to eq "text/html; charset=utf-8" expect(last_response.get_header("Content-Length")).to eq "9" end it "responds with default text for a 404 from a metohd not allowed error" do post "/index" expect(last_response.status).to eq 404 expect(last_response.body.strip).to eq "Not Found" expect(last_response.get_header("Content-Type")).to eq "text/html; charset=utf-8" expect(last_response.get_header("Content-Length")).to eq "9" end it "responds with default text for a 500" do get "/error" expect(last_response.status).to eq 500 expect(last_response.body.strip).to eq "Internal Server Error" expect(last_response.get_header("Content-Type")).to eq "text/html; charset=utf-8" expect(last_response.get_header("Content-Length")).to eq "21" end end end describe "JSON request" do it "renders a JSON response for a 404 from a not found error" do get "/__not_found__", {}, "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/json" expect(last_response.status).to eq 404 expect(last_response.body.strip).to eq %({"status":404,"error":"Not Found"}) expect(last_response.get_header("Content-Type")).to eq "application/json; charset=utf-8" expect(last_response.get_header("Content-Length")).to eq "34" end it "renders a JSON response for a 404 from a metnod not allowed error" do post "/index", {}, "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/json" expect(last_response.status).to eq 404 expect(last_response.body.strip).to eq %({"status":404,"error":"Not Found"}) expect(last_response.get_header("Content-Type")).to eq "application/json; charset=utf-8" expect(last_response.get_header("Content-Length")).to eq "34" end it "renders a JSON response for a 500" do get "/error", {}, "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/json" expect(last_response.status).to eq 500 expect(last_response.body.strip).to eq %({"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error"}) expect(last_response.get_header("Content-Type")).to eq "application/json; charset=utf-8" expect(last_response.get_header("Content-Length")).to eq "46" end end describe "configuring error responses" do def before_prepare write "config/app.rb", <<~RUBY require "hanami" module TestApp CustomNotFoundError = Class.new(StandardError) class App < Hanami::App config.logger.stream = File.new("/dev/null", "w") config.render_errors = true config.render_error_responses["TestApp::CustomNotFoundError"] = :not_found config.render_detailed_errors = false end end RUBY write "app/actions/error.rb", <<~RUBY module TestApp module Actions class Error < Hanami::Action def handle(*) raise CustomNotFoundError end end end end RUBY write "public/404.html", <<~HTML

Not found

HTML end it "uses the configured errors to determine the response" do get "/error" expect(last_response.status).to eq 404 expect(last_response.body.strip).to eq "

Not found

" end end describe "render_errors config disabled" do def before_prepare write "config/app.rb", <<~RUBY require "hanami" module TestApp class App < Hanami::App config.logger.stream = File.new("/dev/null", "w") config.render_errors = false config.render_detailed_errors = false end end RUBY # Include error pages here to prove they are _not_ used write "public/404.html", <<~HTML

Not found

HTML write "public/500.html", <<~HTML


HTML end it "renders the hanami-router default 404 response for a not found error" do get "/__not_found__" expect(last_response.status).to eq 404 end it "renders the hanami-router default 405 response for a not allowed error" do post "/index" expect(last_response.status).to eq 405 end it "raises the original error for a 500" do expect { get "/error" }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "oops") end end end