# frozen_string_literal: true module Zypper module Onlinesearch module View TYPE_COLORS = { experimental: :yellow, supported: :green, community: :red, unsupported: :bg_red }.freeze SEPARATOR_LENGTH = 100 # # Cache clean view. # class CacheClean def self.reset(size) puts "Cache cleared! #{size.to_f.to_human.bold.red} freed." end end module Search # # Common methods for the search operation. # class Common def self.separator puts "-" * SEPARATOR_LENGTH end def self.no_packages puts "#{" " * 3} - | No packages found!" separator end def self.no_compatible_packages puts "#{" " * 3} - | No compatible packages found!" separator end def self.parameters(args) engine = args[:engine].bold.red query = args[:query].bold cache = if args[:refresh] "Off".bold elsif args[:cache_time] "#{"On".bold.yellow} (#{args[:cache_time].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")})" else "#{"On".bold.yellow} (Now)" end puts "" puts "=" * SEPARATOR_LENGTH puts "#{"Parameters:".bold} Engine: #{engine} | Query: #{query} | Cache: #{cache}" puts "=" * SEPARATOR_LENGTH end end # # Report view for the search operation. # class Report < Common def self.header(_args) puts "#{" " * 3} # | Info" separator end def self.package(args) name = args[:name] name = if name =~ / / name.split.map.with_index do |x, i| x = x.bold if i.zero? x end.join " " else name.bold end puts "#{" " * (5 - args[:num].to_s.length)}#{args[:num]} | Page: #{name}" puts "#{" " * 5} | Description: #{args[:description]}" separator end end # # Table view for search operation. # class Table < Common def self.header(args) @@first_col = args[:first_col] nl = (args[:first_col] - 4) / 2 puts "#{" " * 4}# | #{" " * nl} Page#{" " * nl} | Description" separator end def self.package(args) name = args[:name] name = if name =~ / / name.split.map.with_index do |x, i| x = x.bold if i.zero? x end.join " " else name.bold end nl = 5 - args[:num].to_s.length fl = @@first_col - args[:name].length puts "#{" " * nl}#{args[:num]} | #{name}#{" " * fl} | #{args[:description]}" separator end end class Urls < Table end end module Page # # Common view elements for page operation. # class Common def self.separator puts "-" * SEPARATOR_LENGTH end def self.general(args) engine = args[:engine].bold.red distro = args[:distro].bold.blue arch = PageData::FORMATS[args[:architecture]].bold cache = if args[:refresh] "Off".bold elsif args[:cache_time] "#{"On".bold.yellow} (#{args[:cache_time].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")})" else "#{"On".bold.yellow} (Now)" end puts "" puts "=" * SEPARATOR_LENGTH puts "#{"Parameters: ".bold} Engine: #{engine} | OS: #{distro} | Architecture: #{arch} | Cache: #{cache}" puts "=" * SEPARATOR_LENGTH puts "#{"Name: ".bold}#{args[:name]}" puts "#{"Summary: ".bold}#{args[:short_description]}" if args[:short_description] puts "#{"Description: ".bold}#{args[:description].chomp}" if args[:description] end def self.no_packages(compatible) separator puts "#{" " * 3} - | No #{compatible ? "compatible" : ""} packages found!" separator end def self.no_item(num) separator puts "#{" " * 3} - | Invalid item number #{num}" end end # # Table view for page operation. # class Table < Common def self.header(args) @@first_col = args[:first_col] @@second_col = args[:second_col] first_col = (args[:first_col] - 4) / 2 second_col = args[:second_col].positive? ? ((args[:second_col] - 6) / 2) : 0 np = " " * 3 fcp = " " * first_col scp = " " * second_col separator if second_col.positive? puts "#{np} # | Version | #{fcp}Repo #{fcp} | #{scp} Distro #{scp}" else puts "#{np} # | Version | #{fcp}Repo" end separator end def self.package(args) num = args[:num].to_s.bold.send(TYPE_COLORS[args[:pack][:type]]) repo = args[:pack][:repo].bold.send(TYPE_COLORS[args[:pack][:type]]) distro = if args[:args][:distro] == args[:pack][:distro] args[:pack][:distro].bold.blue else args[:pack][:distro] end version = args[:pack][:version].to_s[0..6] nl = 5 - args[:num].to_s.length rl = @@first_col - args[:pack][:repo].to_s.length dl = @@second_col.positive? ? @@second_col - args[:pack][:distro].to_s.length : 0 vl = 7 - version.length if @@second_col.positive? puts "#{" " * nl}#{num} | #{" " * vl}#{version} | #{repo}#{" " * rl} | #{distro}#{" " * dl}" else puts "#{" " * nl}#{num} | #{" " * vl}#{version} | #{repo}" end separator end end # # Report view for page operation. # class Report < Common def self.header(args) @@second_col = args[:second_col] separator puts "#{" " * 3} # | Info" separator end def self.package(args) n_length = args[:num].to_s.length num = args[:num].to_s.bold.send(TYPE_COLORS[args[:pack][:type]]) repo = args[:pack][:repo].bold.send(TYPE_COLORS[args[:pack][:type]]) distro = if args[:args][:distro] == args[:pack][:distro] args[:pack][:distro].bold.blue else args[:pack][:distro] end version = args[:pack][:version].to_s type = args[:pack][:type].to_s.capitalize.bold.send(TYPE_COLORS[args[:pack][:type]]) prefix = " " * 5 puts "#{" " * (5 - n_length)}#{num} | Version: #{version}" puts "#{prefix} | Repository: #{repo}" puts "#{prefix} | Distribution: #{distro}" if @@second_col.positive? # puts #{prefix} | Formats: ' + args[:formats].join(', ') puts "#{prefix} | Type: #{type}" separator end end class Urls < Table end end module Links # # Common class for links view. # class Common < Page::Common def self.info_package(args) separator repo = args[:repo].bold.send(TYPE_COLORS[args[:type]]) distro = args[:distro].bold ver = args[:version].bold puts "#{"Selected Item:".bold} Repository: #{repo} | Distribution: #{distro} | Version: #{ver}" separator end def self.header(args) @@first_col = args[:first_col] end end # # Table view for links operation. # class Table < Common def self.header(args) super args separator puts "#{" " * 3} # | Format | Link" separator end def self.package(args); end def self.link(args) nl = args[:num].to_s.length fl = args[:pack][:format].to_s.length puts "#{" " * (5 - nl)}#{args[:num]} | #{" " * (6 - fl)}#{args[:pack][:format]} | #{args[:pack][:link]}" separator end end # # Report view for links operation. # class Report < Common def self.header(_args) separator puts "#{" " * 3} # | Links" separator end def self.link(args) alt_format = if args[:pack][:format].to_s == PageData::FORMATS[args[:pack][:format]] "" else " (#{PageData::FORMATS[args[:pack][:format]]})" end n_length = args[:num].to_s.length puts "#{" " * (5 - n_length)}#{args[:num]} | Format: #{args[:pack][:format].to_s.bold}#{alt_format}" puts "#{" " * 5} | Distribution: #{args[:pack][:distro]}" puts "#{" " * 5} | Link: #{args[:pack][:link]}" separator end end # # URLs view for links operation. # class Urls def self.general(args); end def self.info_package(args); end def self.header(args); end def self.separator; end def self.package(args); end def self.link(args) puts args[:pack][:link] end def self.no_packages(args); end end end end end end