module PandaCms # Represents a template in the Panda CMS application. class Template < ApplicationRecord self.table_name = "panda_cms_templates" # Enables versioning for the Template model using the `has_paper_trail` gem. has_paper_trail versions: { class_name: "PandaCms::TemplateVersion" } # Associations has_many :pages, class_name: "PandaCms::Page", dependent: :restrict_with_error, inverse_of: :template, foreign_key: :panda_cms_template_id has_many :blocks, class_name: "PandaCms::Block", dependent: :restrict_with_error, inverse_of: :template, foreign_key: :panda_cms_template_id has_many :block_contents, through: :blocks # Validations validates :name, presence: true, uniqueness: true validates :file_path, presence: true, uniqueness: true, format: {with: /\Alayouts\/.*\z/, message: "must be a valid layout file path"} validate :validate_template_file_exists # Scopes scope :ordered, -> { order(:sort_order) } scope :available, -> { where("max_uses IS NULL OR (pages_count < max_uses)") } private # Custom validation method to check if the file_path is a valid layout file path # NB: Currently only supports .html.erb templates, may want to expand in future? # @return [void] def validate_template_file_exists # Remove any directory traversal attempts from the file_path safe_file_path = file_path.to_s.gsub("../", "") # Check if the file_path is an ERB template that exists in app/views template_path = Rails.root.join("app", "views", "#{safe_file_path}.html.erb") # NB: file? checks for files and excludes directories (unlike exist?) errors.add(:file_path, "must be an existing layout file path") unless File.file?(template_path) end # Import templates from the filesystem into the database # @return [void] def self.load_from_filesystem Rails.root.glob("app/views/layouts/**/*.html.erb").each do |file| # Extract the file path from the Rails root file_path = file.to_s.sub("#{Rails.root}/app/views/", "").sub(".html.erb", "") next if file_path == "layouts/application" || file_path == "layouts/mailer" # Find or create the template based on the file path find_or_create_by(file_path: file_path) do |t| = file_path.sub("layouts/", "").titleize end end end private_class_method :load_from_filesystem # Generate missing blocks for all templates # @return [void] def self.generate_missing_blocks # Loop through all templates in app/views/layouts/*.html.erb Dir.glob("app/views/layouts/*.html.erb").each do |file| # TODO: Delete all blocks which aren't in use by a template? do |line| # Matches: # :value) # key: :value, key: value line.match(/PandaCms::([a-zA-Z]+)Component\.new[ \(]+([^\)]+)[\)]*/) do |match| puts "- #{match[0]}" # Extract the hash values template_path = file.gsub("app/views/", "").gsub(".html.erb", "") template_name = template_path.gsub("layouts/", "").titleize # Create the template if it doesn't exist template = PandaCms::Template.find_or_create_by!(file_path: template_path) do |template| = template_name end # Previously used match[1].underscore but this supports more complex database # operations, and is more secure as it'll force the usage of a class block_kind = "PandaCms::#{match[1]}Component".constantize::KIND match[2].split(",").map do |keyvar| key, value = keyvar.split(":", 2) next if key != "key" block_name =":", "") # Create the block if it doesn't exist # TODO: +/- the output if it's created or removed begin block = PandaCms::Block.find_or_create_by!(template: template, kind: block_kind, key: block_name) do |block| = block_name.titleize end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e raise "Error creating block '#{block_name}' on template '#{template_name}': #{e.message}" end # For the given block, create the block_content for each page using the template template.pages.each do |page| PandaCms::BlockContent.find_or_create_by!(block: block, page: page) do |block_content| block_content.content = "" end end end end end end end private_class_method :generate_missing_blocks end end