

Class Index [+]



This class provides the functionality to format a Float according to certain rules. These rules determine how negative values are represented, how the fractional part is shown and how to structure the mantissa. The result is always a String.

The class uses the following parameters to control the formating. signPrefix: Prefix used for negative numbers. (String) signSuffix: Suffix used for negative numbers. (String) thousandsSeparator: Separator used after 3 integer digits. (String) fractionSeparator: Separator used between the inter part and the

                   fractional part. (String)

fractionDigits: Number of fractional digits to show. (Fixnum)

Public Class Methods

new(args) click to toggle source

Create a new RealFormat object and define the formating rules.

    # File lib/taskjuggler/RealFormat.rb, line 31
31:     def initialize(args)
32:       iVars = %( @signPrefix @signSuffix @thousandsSeparator
33:                   @fractionSeparator @fractionDigits )
34:       if args.is_a?(RealFormat)
35:         # The argument is another RealFormat object.
36:         iVars.each do |iVar|
37:           instance_variable_set(iVar, args.instance_variable_get(iVar))
38:         end
39:       elsif args.length == 5
40:         # The argument is a list of values.
41:         args.length.times do |i|
42:           instance_variable_set(iVars[i], args[i])
43:         end
44:       else
45:         raise RuntimeError, "Bad number of parameters #{args.length}"
46:       end
47:     end

Public Instance Methods

format(number) click to toggle source

Converts the Float number into a String representation according to the formating rules.

    # File lib/taskjuggler/RealFormat.rb, line 51
51:     def format(number)
52:       # Check for negative number. Continue with the absolute part.
53:       if number < 0
54:         negate = true
55:         number = -number
56:       else
57:         negate = false
58:       end
60:       # Determine the integer part.
61:       intNumber = (number * (10 ** @fractionDigits)).round.to_i.to_s
62:       if intNumber.length <= @fractionDigits
63:         intNumber = '0' * (@fractionDigits - intNumber.length + 1) + intNumber
64:       end
65:       intPart = intNumber[0..-(@fractionDigits + 1)]
66:       fracPart =
67:         @fractionDigits > 0 ? '.' + intNumber[-(@fractionDigits)..1] : ''
69:       if @thousandsSeparator.empty?
70:         out = intPart
71:       else
72:         out = ''
73:         1.upto(intPart.length) do |i|
74:           out = intPart[-i, 1] + out
75:           out = @thousandsSeparator + out if i % 3 == 0 && i < intPart.length
76:         end
77:       end
78:       out += fracPart
79:       # Now compose the result.
80:       out = @signPrefix + out + @signSuffix if negate
81:       out
82:     end
to_s() click to toggle source
    # File lib/taskjuggler/RealFormat.rb, line 84
84:     def to_s
85:       [ @signPrefix, @signSuffix, @thousandsSeparator, @fractionSeparator,
86:         @fractionDigits ].collect { |s| "\"#{s}\"" }.join(' ')
87:     end

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