#!/usr/bin/env ruby $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w{ .. lib }) require 'commander/import' require 'jekyll' program :name, 'jekyll' program :version, Jekyll::VERSION program :description, 'Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby' default_command :help global_option '-s', '--source [DIR]', 'Source directory (defaults to ./)' global_option '-d', '--destination [DIR]', 'Destination directory (defaults to ./_site)' global_option '--safe', 'Safe mode (defaults to false)' global_option '--plugins', 'Plugins directory (defaults to ./_plugins)' global_option '--layouts', 'Layouts directory (defaults to ./_layouts)' # Option names don't always directly match the configuration value we'd like. # This method will rename options to match what Jekyll configuration expects. # # options - The Hash of options from Commander. # # Returns the normalized Hash. def normalize_options(options) if drafts_state = options.delete(:drafts) options[:show_drafts] = drafts_state end options end command :build do |c| c.syntax = 'jekyll build [options]' c.description = 'Build your site' c.option '--future', 'Publishes posts with a future date' c.option '--limit_posts MAX_POSTS', 'Limits the number of posts to parse and publish' c.option '-w', '--watch', 'Watch for changes and rebuild' c.option '--lsi', 'Use LSI for improved related posts' c.option '--drafts', 'Render posts in the _drafts folder' c.action do |args, options| options.defaults :serving => false options = normalize_options(options.__hash__) options = Jekyll.configuration(options) Jekyll::Commands::Build.process(options) end end command :serve do |c| c.syntax = 'jekyll serve [options]' c.description = 'Serve your site locally' c.option '--future', 'Publishes posts with a future date' c.option '--limit_posts MAX_POSTS', 'Limits the number of posts to parse and publish' c.option '-w', '--watch', 'Watch for changes and rebuild' c.option '--lsi', 'Use LSI for improved related posts' c.option '--drafts', 'Render posts in the _drafts folder' c.option '-p', '--port [PORT]', 'Port to listen on' c.option '-h', '--host [HOST]', 'Host to bind to' c.option '-b', '--baseurl [URL]', 'Base URL' c.action do |args, options| options.default :port => '4000', :host => '', :baseurl => '/', :serving => true options = normalize_options(options.__hash__) options = Jekyll.configuration(options) Jekyll::Commands::Build.process(options) Jekyll::Commands::Serve.process(options) end end alias_command :server, :serve command :import do |c| c.syntax = 'jekyll import [options]' c.description = 'Import your old blog to Jekyll' c.option '--source', 'Source file or URL to migrate from' c.option '--file', 'File to migrate from' c.option '--dbname', 'Database name to migrate from' c.option '--user', 'Username to use when migrating' c.option '--pass', 'Password to use when migrating' c.option '--host', 'Host address to use when migrating' c.action do |args, options| begin require 'jekyll-import' rescue LoadError msg = "You must install the 'jekyll-import' gem before continuing.\n" msg += "* Do this by running `gem install jekyll-import`.\n" msg += "* Or if you need root privileges, run `sudo gem install jekyll-import`." abort msg end Jekyll::Commands::Import.process(args.first, options) end end