require 'spec_helper' class JsonAPIAssociationExampleAuthor < Flexirest::Base; end class JsonAPIAssociationExampleTag < Flexirest::Base proxy :json_api has_many :authors, JsonAPIAssociationExampleAuthor end class JsonAPIAssociationExampleAuthor < Flexirest::Base proxy :json_api has_one :tag, JsonAPIAssociationExampleTag end class JsonAPIExampleArticle < Flexirest::Base proxy :json_api has_many :tags, JsonAPIAssociationExampleTag has_one :main_theme, JsonAPIAssociationExampleTag has_one :author, JsonAPIAssociationExampleAuthor has_many :co_authors, JsonAPIAssociationExampleAuthor faker1 = { data: { id: 1, type: 'articles', attributes: { item: 'item one' }, relationships: { 'tags' => { data: [{ id: 1, type: 'tags' }, { id: 2, type: 'tags' }] } } }, included: [ { id: 1, type: 'tags', attributes: { item: 'item two' } }, { id: 2, type: 'tags', attributes: { item: 'item three' } } ] } faker2 = { data: [ { id: 1, type: 'articles', attributes: { item: 'item one' }, relationships: { 'tags' => { data: [{ id: 1, type: 'tags' }, { id: 2, type: 'tags' }] } } }, { id: 2, type: 'articles', attributes: { item: 'item four' }, relationships: { 'tags' => { data: [{ id: 2, type: 'tags' }] } } } ], included: [ { id: 1, type: 'tags', attributes: { item: 'item two' } }, { id: 2, type: 'tags', attributes: { item: 'item three' } } ] } faker3 = { data: { id: 1, type: 'articles', attributes: { item: 'item one' }, relationships: { 'author' => { data: { id: 1, type: 'authors' } } } }, included: [{ id: 1, type: 'authors', attributes: { item: 'item two' } }] } faker4 = { data: { id: 1, type: 'articles', attributes: { item: 'item one' }, relationships: { 'author' => { data: { id: 1, type: 'authors' } } } }, included: [ { id: 1, type: 'authors', attributes: { item: 'item two' }, relationships: { 'tag' => { data: { id: 1, type: 'tags' } } } }, { id: 1, type: 'tags', attributes: { item: 'item three' } } ] } faker5 = { data: { id: 1, type: 'articles', attributes: { item: 'item one' }, relationships: { 'tags' => { data: [{ id: 1, type: 'tags' }] } } }, included: [ { id: 1, type: 'tags', attributes: { item: 'item three' }, relationships: { 'authors' => { data: [{ id: 1, type: 'authors' }] } } }, { id: 1, type: 'authors', attributes: { item: 'item two' } } ] } faker6 = { data: { id: 1, type: 'articles', attributes: { item: 'item one' }, relationships: { 'tags' => { data: [] }, 'author' => { data: nil } } } } faker7 = { data: { id: 1, type: 'articles', attributes: { item: 'item one' }, relationships: { 'tags' => { data: [{ id: 1, type: 'tags' }, { id: 2, type: 'tags' }] }, 'superman' => { links: { self: '', related: '' } } } }, included: [ { id: 1, type: 'tags', attributes: { item: 'item two' } }, { id: 2, type: 'tags', attributes: { item: 'item three' } } ] } faker8 = { data: { id: 1, type: 'articles', attributes: { item: 'item one' }, relationships: { 'main_theme' => { data: { id: 1, type: 'tags' } }, 'co_authors' => { data: [{ id: 1, type: 'authors' }, { id: 2, type: 'authors' }] }, } }, included: [ { id: 1, type: 'tags', attributes: { item: 'item one' } }, { id: 1, type: 'authors', attributes: { item: 'item one' } }, { id: 2, type: 'authors', attributes: { item: 'item two' } }, ] } get( :find, '/articles/:id', fake: faker1.to_json, fake_content_type: 'application/vnd.api+json' ) get( :find_all, '/articles', fake: faker2.to_json, fake_content_type: 'application/vnd.api+json' ) get( :find_single_author, '/articles/:id', fake: faker3.to_json, fake_content_type: 'application/vnd.api+json' ) get( :find_single_nested, '/articles/:id', fake: faker4.to_json, fake_content_type: 'application/vnd.api+json' ) get( :find_multi_nested, '/articles/:id', fake: faker5.to_json, fake_content_type: 'application/vnd.api+json' ) get( :no_assocs, '/articles/:id', fake: faker6.to_json, fake_content_type: 'application/vnd.api+json' ) get( :not_recognized_assoc, '/articles/:id', fake: faker7.to_json, fake_content_type: 'application/vnd.api+json' ) get( :custom_relationship_name, '/articles/:id', fake: faker8.to_json, fake_content_type: 'application/vnd.api+json' ) end module JsonAPIExample class Author < Flexirest::Base proxy :json_api base_url '' author_faker = { data: { id: 1, type: 'authors', attributes: { item: 'item three' } } } get( :find_author, '/articles/:article_id/author', fake: author_faker.to_json, fake_content_type: 'application/vnd.api+json' ) end class Tag < Flexirest::Base proxy :json_api base_url '' tags_faker = { data: [{ id: 1, type: 'tags', attributes: { item: 'item two' } }] } get( :find_tags, '/articles/:article_id/tags', fake: tags_faker.to_json, fake_content_type: 'application/vnd.api+json' ) end class Article < Flexirest::Base base_url '' proxy :json_api has_one :author, Author has_many :tags, Tag faker = { data: { id: 1, type: 'articles', attributes: { item: 'item one' } } } faker_lazy = { data: { id: 1, type: 'articles', attributes: { item: 'item one' }, relationships: { 'tags' => { links: { self: '', related: '' } }, 'author' => { links: { self: '', related: '' } } } } } get(:real_index, '/articles') get(:real_find, '/articles/:id') get( :find_lazy, '/articles/:id', fake: faker_lazy.to_json, fake_content_type: 'application/vnd.api+json' ) get( :find, '/articles/:id', fake: faker.to_json, fake_content_type: 'application/vnd.api+json' ) post :create, '/articles', fake_content_type: 'application/vnd.api+json' patch( :update, '/articles/:id', fake_content_type: 'application/vnd.api+json' ) delete( :delete, '/articles/:id', fake_content_type: 'application/vnd.api+json' ) end class AuthorAlias < Flexirest::Base alias_type :authors proxy :json_api end class ArticleAlias < Flexirest::Base alias_type :articles base_url '' proxy :json_api has_one :author, AuthorAlias faker = { data: { id: 1, type: 'articles', attributes: { item: 'item one' } } } get( :find, '/articles/:id', fake: faker.to_json, fake_content_type: 'application/vnd.api+json' ) patch :update, '/articles/:id' end end describe 'JSON API' do let(:subject) { JsonAPIExampleArticle } let(:article) { JsonAPIExample::Article } let(:tags) { JsonAPIExample::Tag } let(:author) { JsonAPIExample::Author } describe 'responses' do it 'should return the data object if the response contains only one data instance' do expect(subject.find(1)).to be_an_instance_of(JsonAPIExampleArticle) end it 'should return a Flexirest::ResultIterator if the response contains more than one data instance' do expect(subject.find_all).to be_an_instance_of(Flexirest::ResultIterator) end describe 'error responses' do subject(:make_request) { JsonAPIExample::Article.real_find(123) } before do headers = { "Content-Type" => "application/vnd.api+json" } expect_any_instance_of(Flexirest::Connection). to receive(:get).with("/articles/123", an_instance_of(Hash)). and_return( response_body.to_json, response_headers: headers, status: 404))) end context 'when no "data" key is present alongside the "errors" key' do let(:response_body) do { errors: [ { detail: "The record identified by 123456 could not be found", } ] } end it 'should raise the relevant Flexirest error' do expect { make_request }.to raise_error(Flexirest::HTTPNotFoundClientException) do |exception| expect(exception.result.first.detail).to eq("The record identified by 123456 could not be found") end end end context 'when a "data" key is present alongside the "errors" key (although this is forbidden by the spec)' do let(:response_body) do { errors: [ { detail: "The record identified by 123456 could not be found", } ], data: {} } end it 'should ignore the "data" key and raise the relevant Flexirest error' do expect { make_request }.to raise_error(Flexirest::HTTPNotFoundClientException) do |exception| expect(exception.result.first.detail).to eq("The record identified by 123456 could not be found") end end end end context 'when response has an empty "data" key' do let(:headers) { { "Content-Type" => "application/vnd.api+json" } } let(:response_body) { { data: [] } } it 'should return an empty array' do expect_any_instance_of(Flexirest::Connection). to receive(:get).with("/articles", an_instance_of(Hash)). and_return( response_body.to_json, response_headers: headers, status: 200))) expect(JsonAPIExample::Article.real_index.to_a).to eq([]) end end end describe 'attributes' do it 'should return the attributes as part of the data instance' do expect(subject.find(1).item).to eq("item one") end it 'should return the association\'s attributes as part of the association instance' do expect(subject.includes(:author).find_single_author(1).author.item).to eq("item two") end end describe 'associations' do it 'should retrieve the resource\'s associations via its relationships object' do expect(subject.includes(:tags).find(1).tags.size).to eq(2) end it 'should retrieve the response object if the relationship type is singular' do expect(subject.includes(:author).find_single_author(1).author).to be_an_instance_of(JsonAPIAssociationExampleAuthor) end it 'should retrieve a Flexirest::ResultIterator if the relationship type is plural' do expect(subject.includes(:tags).find(1).tags).to be_an_instance_of(Flexirest::ResultIterator) end it 'should retrieve nested linked resources' do expect(subject.includes(author: [:tag]).find_single_nested(1).author.tag).to be_an_instance_of(JsonAPIAssociationExampleTag) expect(subject.includes(author: [:tag]).find_single_nested(1) be_nil expect(subject.includes(tags: [:authors]).find_multi_nested(1).tags.first.authors.first).to be_an_instance_of(JsonAPIAssociationExampleAuthor) expect(subject.includes(tags: [:authors]).find_multi_nested(1) be_nil end it 'should retrieve a nil if the singular relationship type is empty' do expect(subject.includes(:author).no_assocs(1).author).to be_nil end it 'should retrieve empty array if the plural relationship type is empty' do expect(subject.includes(:tags).no_assocs(1).tags).to be_empty end it 'should retrieve associations that have a name that differs from their type name' do parsed = subject.includes(:main_theme, :co_authors).custom_relationship_name(1) expect(parsed.main_theme).to be_an_instance_of(JsonAPIAssociationExampleTag) expect(parsed.co_authors).to be_an_instance_of(Flexirest::ResultIterator) end end describe 'requests' do describe 'the `include=` parameter' do before { stub_request(:get, %r{example\.com/articles}) } context 'when using `.includes(:tags)`' do it 'equal "tags"' do JsonAPIExample::Article.includes(:tags).real_index expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:get, '') end end context 'when using `.includes(tags: [:authors, :articles])`' do it 'equal "tags.authors,tags.articles"' do JsonAPIExample::Article.includes(tags: [:authors, :articles]).real_index expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:get, ',tags.articles') end end context 'when using both `.includes(:tags)` and other params in the final call' do it 'uses the values passed to the `includes() method`' do JsonAPIExample::Article.includes(:tags).real_index(filter: { author_id: 4 }) expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:get, '') end end context 'when using both `.includes(:tags)` and the :include param in final call' do it 'uses the values passed to the `includes() method`' do JsonAPIExample::Article.includes(:tags).real_index(include: "author") expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:get, '') end end end end context 'lazy loading' do it 'should fetch association lazily' do stub_request(:get, /\/articles\/1\/tags/) .to_return(body: tags.find_tags(article_id: 1).to_json) stub_request(:get, /\/articles\/1\/author/) .to_return(body: author.find_author(article_id: 1).to_json) expect(article.find_lazy(1).tags).to be_an_instance_of(Flexirest::LazyAssociationLoader) expect(article.find_lazy(1).tags.count).to be_an(Integer) expect(article.find_lazy(1) be_nil expect(article.find_lazy(1).author).to be_an_instance_of(JsonAPIExample::Author) expect(article.find_lazy(1) be_nil end it 'should raise exception when an association in the response is not defined in base class' do expect { subject.includes(:tags).not_recognized_assoc(1) }.to raise_error(Exception) end end describe 'client' do it 'should request with json api format, and expect a json api response' do expect_any_instance_of(Flexirest::Connection).to receive(:post) { |_, _, _, options| expect(options[:headers]).to include('Content-Type' => 'application/vnd.api+json') expect(options[:headers]).to include('Accept' => 'application/vnd.api+json') }.and_return( '{}', response_headers: {}))) end it 'should be able to call #.create on class' do expect_any_instance_of(Flexirest::Connection).to receive(:post) { |_, path, data| hash = MultiJson.load(data) expect(path).to eq('/articles') expect(hash['data']).to_not be_nil expect(hash['data']['id']).to be_nil expect(hash['data']['type']).to eq('articles') }.and_return( '{}', response_headers: {}))) JsonAPIExample::Article.create end it 'should be able to call #.create with params on class' do expect_any_instance_of(Flexirest::Connection).to receive(:post) { |_, path, data| hash = MultiJson.load(data) expect(path).to eq('/articles') expect(hash['data']).to_not be_nil expect(hash['data']['id']).to be_nil expect(hash['data']['type']).to eq('articles') expect(hash['data']['relationships']['author']['data']['type']).to eq('authors') expect(hash['data']['relationships']['tags']['data'].first['type']).to eq('tags') }.and_return( '{}', response_headers: {}))) author = tag = JsonAPIExample::Article.create(item: 'item one', author: author, tags: [tag]) end it 'should perform a post request in proper json api format' do expect_any_instance_of(Flexirest::Connection).to receive(:post) { |_, path, data| hash = MultiJson.load(data) expect(path).to eq('/articles') expect(hash['data']).to_not be_nil expect(hash['data']['id']).to be_nil expect(hash['data']['type']).to eq('articles') expect(hash['data']['relationships']['author']['data']['type']).to eq('authors') expect(hash['data']['relationships']['tags']['data'].first['type']).to eq('tags') }.and_return( '{}', response_headers: {}))) author = tag = article = article.item = 'item one' = author article.tags = [tag] article.create end it 'should raise a Flexirest error when two different classes are in one relationship' do author = tag = article = article.item = 'item one' article.tags = [tag, author] expect { article.create }.to raise_error(Exception) end it 'should perform a patch request in proper json api format' do expect_any_instance_of(Flexirest::Connection).to receive(:patch) { |_, path, data| hash = MultiJson.load(data) expect(path).to eq('/articles/1') expect(hash['data']).to_not be_nil expect(hash['data']['id']).to_not be_nil expect(hash['data']['type']).to_not be_nil }.and_return( '{}', response_headers: {}))) article = JsonAPIExample::Article.find(1) article.item = 'item one' article.update end it 'should perform a delete request in proper json api format' do expect_any_instance_of(Flexirest::Connection).to receive(:delete) { |_, path, data| expect(path).to eq('/articles/1') expect(data).to eq('') }.and_return( '{}', response_headers: {}))) JsonAPIExample::Article.find(1).delete end it 'should have placed the right type value in the request' do expect_any_instance_of(Flexirest::Connection).to receive(:patch) { |_, _, data| hash = MultiJson.load(data) expect(hash['data']['type']).to eq(JsonAPIExample::ArticleAlias.alias_type.to_s) expect(hash['data']['relationships']['author']['data']['type']).to eq(JsonAPIExample::AuthorAlias.alias_type.to_s) }.and_return( '{}', response_headers: {}))) author = = 1 article = JsonAPIExample::ArticleAlias.find(1) article.item = 'item one' = author article.update end end end