John was always a bit of a loner, preferring the company of books and his own thoughts to that of other people. He wasn't unkind per se, he just didn't see the point in socializing for the sake of it. Over time, John's disinterest in traditional social norms began to worsen his relations with others. He would often decline invitations to parties or events, rarely responding to texts or phone calls. His few friends became frustrated with his lack of effort to maintain the relationships, but John simply didn't care. Despite his deteriorating social life, John found immense satisfaction in his personal accomplishments. He poured his time and energy into his writing, penning a novel that was eventually published and became a bestseller. It wasn't until after he achieved this feat that he realized most of his "friends" were only interested in him because of his newfound success. But John didn't regret his choices. He was content with his solitude and success, unbothered by the fact that he had alienated himself from others. In his mind, he knew that he had accomplished something major on his own terms, without having to compromise his values. John may not have been a scientist or a world-renowned athlete, but he had found his own path and was happy with the results. His story is a testament to the fact that not everyone needs to conform to social norms or expectations to achieve greatness.