# -*- coding: binary -*- require 'rex' require 'forwardable' module Rex module Powershell class Script attr_accessor :code attr_reader :functions, :rig include Output include Parser include Obfu # Pretend we are actually a string extend ::Forwardable # In case someone messes with String we delegate based on its instance methods # eval %Q|def_delegators :@code, :#{::String.instance_methods[0..(String.instance_methods.index(:class)-1)].join(', :')}| def_delegators :@code, :each_line, :strip, :chars, :intern, :chr, :casecmp, :ascii_only?, :<, :tr_s, :!=, :capitalize!, :ljust, :to_r, :sum, :private_methods, :gsub, :dump, :match, :to_sym, :enum_for, :display, :tr_s!, :freeze, :gsub!, :split, :rindex, :<<, :<=>, :+, :lstrip!, :encoding, :start_with?, :swapcase, :lstrip!, :encoding, :start_with?, :swapcase, :each_byte, :lstrip, :codepoints, :insert, :getbyte, :swapcase!, :delete, :rjust, :>=, :!, :count, :slice, :clone, :chop!, :prepend, :succ!, :upcase, :include?, :frozen?, :delete!, :chop, :lines, :replace, :next, :=~, :==, :rstrip!, :%, :upcase!, :each_char, :hash, :rstrip, :length, :reverse, :setbyte, :bytesize, :squeeze, :>, :center, :[], :<=, :to_c, :slice!, :chomp!, :next!, :downcase, :unpack, :crypt, :partition, :between?, :squeeze!, :to_s, :chomp, :bytes, :clear, :!~, :to_i, :valid_encoding?, :===, :tr, :downcase!, :scan, :sub!, :each_codepoint, :reverse!, :class, :size, :empty?, :byteslice, :initialize_clone, :to_str, :to_enum, :tap, :tr!, :trust, :encode!, :sub, :oct, :succ, :index, :[]=, :encode, :*, :hex, :to_f, :strip!, :rpartition, :ord, :capitalize, :upto, :force_encoding, :end_with? def initialize(code) @code = '' @rig = Rex::RandomIdentifierGenerator.new begin # Open code file for reading fd = ::File.new(code || '', 'rb') while (line = fd.gets) @code << line end # Close open file fd.close rescue Errno::ENAMETOOLONG, Errno::ENOENT # Treat code as a... code @code = code.to_s.dup # in case we're eating another script end @functions = get_func_names.map { |f| get_func(f) } end ## # Class methods ## # # Convert binary to byte array, read from file if able # # @param input_data [String] Path to powershell file or powershell # code string # @param var_name [String] Byte array variable name # # @return [String] input_data as a powershell byte array def self.to_byte_array(input_data, var_name = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(rand(3) + 3)) # File will raise an exception if the path contains null byte if input_data.include? "\x00" code = input_data else code = ::File.file?(input_data) ? ::File.read(input_data) : input_data end code = code.unpack('C*') psh = "[Byte[]] $#{var_name} = 0x#{code[0].to_s(16)}" lines = [] 1.upto(code.length - 1) do |byte| if (byte % 10 == 0) lines.push "\r\n$#{var_name} += 0x#{code[byte].to_s(16)}" else lines.push ",0x#{code[byte].to_s(16)}" end end psh << lines.join('') + "\r\n" end # # Return list of code modifier methods # # @return [Array] Code modifiers def self.code_modifiers instance_methods.select { |m| m =~ /^(strip|sub)/ } end end # class Script end end