require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper" ) require 'action_mailer' ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :sendmail ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = true describe Mole::Moler do TEST_LOG = "/tmp/test.log" before( :each ) do ::Mole.reset_configuration! @io = ::Mole.initialize( :mode => :transient, :logger_name => "Test", :log_file => @io, :moleable => true, :emole_from => "", :emole_recipients => [''] ) @args = { :blee => "Hello", :duh => "World" } end it "should log unchecked to the db exceptions correctly" do ::Mole.switch_mode :persistent begin raise "Something bad happened !" rescue => boom @args[:boom] = boom ::Mole::Moler.check_it( self, 100, @args ) end feature = MoleFeature.find_exception_feature( ::Mole.application ) feature.should_not be_nil check_it( feature, 100, @args ) end it "should log perf exception to the db correctly" do ::Mole.switch_mode :persistent ::Mole::Moler.perf_it( self, 100, @args ) feature = MoleFeature.find_performance_feature( ::Mole.application ) feature.should_not be_nil check_it( feature, 100, @args ) end it "should mole a feature to the db correctly" do ::Mole.switch_mode :persistent ::Mole::Moler.mole_it( "Test", "fred", 100, @args ) feature = MoleFeature.find_or_create_feature( "fred", ::Mole.application, "Test" ) feature.should_not be_nil check_it( feature, 100, @args ) end it "should log a feature to the db and send an email correctly" do ::Mole.switch_mode :persistent @args[:email] = true ::Mole::Moler.mole_it( "Test", "fred", 100, @args ) feature = MoleFeature.find_or_create_feature( "fred", ::Mole.application, "Test" ) feature.should_not be_nil check_it( feature, 100, { :email => true, :blee => "Hello", :duh => "World" } ) end it "should log unchecked exceptions to the logger correctly" do ::Mole.switch_mode :transient ::Mole::Moler.check_it( self, 100, @args ) @io.string[@io.string.index( "---" )..@io.string.size].should == "--- 100 -> blee=>Hello, duh=>World\n" end it "should log perf exception to the logger correctly" do ::Mole.switch_mode :transient ::Mole::Moler.perf_it( self, 100, @args ) @io.string[@io.string.index( "---" )..@io.string.size].should == "--- 100 -> blee=>Hello, duh=>World\n" end it "should mole a feature to the logger correctly" do ::Mole.switch_mode :transient ::Mole::Moler.mole_it( "Test", "Fred", 100, @args ) @io.string[@io.string.index( "---" )..@io.string.size].should == "--- 100 -> blee=>Hello, duh=>World\n" end end