require 'colorize' require 'seed_helper/version' require 'seed_helper/bulk_create' require 'seed_helper/output_formatter' require 'seed_helper/rake_helper' class SeedHelper extend SeedHelper::BulkCreate extend SeedHelper::OutputFormatter extend SeedHelper::RakeHelper # If a resource_class with matching identifiable_attributes exists, return that user and present a # resource_already_exists message. # # Otherwise, create a new instance of resource_class using the identifiable_attributes and # additional_attributes. # # @param [Class] resource_class: The class to create the resource in. EG: User # @param [Hash] identifiable_attributes: A hash of attributes and values that can be used to # identify the given resource. EG: {email: ""} # @param [Hash] additional_attributes: A hash of attributes and values that don't identify # the given resource, but should be assigned to the new resource. def self.find_or_create_resource(resource_class, identifiable_attributes, additional_attributes={}, &constructor) if resource = find_resource(resource_class, identifiable_attributes) resource_already_exists(resource) else if constructor.present? resource = else resource = end create_resource(resource) end return resource end def self.create_resource(resource) if (did_save = message = "#{resource} successfully created" success(message) else message = "#{resource} failed to create. Errors: #{resource.errors.full_messages}" error(message) end did_save end private def self.find_resource(resource_class, attributes) # Remove symbols from attributes. They cause SQL to get mad. cloned_attributes = Hash[ { |k, v| [k, v.is_a?(Symbol) ? v.to_s : v] } ] cloned_attributes.delete_if do |key, value| # Can't search for password [:password, :password_confirmation].include?(key) || # Arrays are bad for searches value.kind_of?(Array) || # As are Files value.kind_of?(File) end # Rails 4 if resource_class.respond_to?(:find_by) return resource_class.find_by(cloned_attributes) # Rails 3 else return resource_class.where(cloned_attributes).first end end end