module Brief class Repository attr_reader :briefcase, :options include Enumerable # should compare vs yield def each(*args, &block) documents.send(:each, *args, &block) end def initialize(briefcase, options={}) @briefcase = briefcase @options = options load_documents end def documents return @documents if @documents load_documents end def where(*args), *args) end def order_by(*args), *args) end def root briefcase.root end def load_documents @documents = do |path| end end def document_paths Dir[root.join("**/*.md").to_s] end def self.define_document_finder_methods # Create a finder method on the repository # which lets us find instances of models by their class name Brief::Model.table.keys.each do |type| define_method(type.to_s.pluralize) do Brief::Model.for_type(type).models.to_a end end end end end