require 'rest-core/test' describe RC::Cache do after do WebMock.reset! Muack.verify end def simple_client RC::Builder.client{ use RC::Cache, {}, nil }.new end def json_client RC::Builder.client do use RC::JsonResponse, true use RC::Cache, {}, 3600 end would 'basic 0' do c = RC::Builder.client do use RC::Cache, {}, 3600 run{ attr_accessor :tick def initialize self.tick = 0 end def call env self.tick +=1 yield(env.merge(RC::RESPONSE_BODY => 'response', RC::RESPONSE_HEADERS => {'A' => 'B'}, RC::RESPONSE_STATUS => 200)) end } c.get('/') key = Digest::MD5.hexdigest('get:/:') c.cache.should.eq("rest-core:cache:#{key}" => "200\nA: B\n\n\nresponse") 1 c.get('/') 1 c.cache.clear c.get('/') 2 c.head('/').should.eq('A' => 'B') c.get('/').should.eq 'response' c.request(RC::REQUEST_PATH => '/', RC::RESPONSE_KEY => RC::RESPONSE_STATUS).should.eq 200 end would 'basic 1' do path = 'http://a' stub_request(:get , path).to_return(:body => 'OK') stub_request(:post, path).to_return(:body => 'OK') c = RC::Builder.client do use RC::Cache, nil, nil end . get(path).should.eq('OK') => (h={})).post(path).should.eq('OK') h.should.eq({}) => (h={})). get(path).should.eq('OK') h.size.should.eq 1 => (h={})). get(path, {}, :cache => false).should.eq('OK') h.should.eq({}) . get(path, {}, 'cache.update' => true). should.eq('OK') end would 'not raise error if headers is nil' do path = 'http://a' stub_request(:get , path).to_return(:body => 'OK', :headers => nil) c = simple_client c.get(path).should.eq 'OK' c.get(path).should.eq 'OK' end would 'head then get' do c = simple_client path = '' stub_request(:head, path).to_return(:headers => {'A' => 'B'}) c.head(path).should.eq('A' => 'B') stub_request(:get , path).to_return(:body => 'body') c.get(path).should.eq('body') end would 'only [] and []= should be implemented' do cache = do def initialize ; @h = {} ; end def [] key ; @h[key] ; end def []= key, value; @h[key] = value.sub('4', '5'); end c = RC::Builder.client do use RC::Cache, cache, 0 run{ def call env yield(env.merge(RC::RESPONSE_BODY => env[RC::REQUEST_PATH], RC::RESPONSE_STATUS => 200)) end } c.get('4') c.get('4').should.eq '5' end would 'cache the original response' do c = json_client stub_request(:get, 'http://me').to_return(:body => body = '{"a":"b"}') c.get('http://me').should.eq 'a' => 'b' c.cache.values.first.should.eq "200\n\n\n#{body}" end would 'cache multiple headers' do c = simple_client stub_request(:get, 'http://me').to_return(:headers => {'Apple' => 'Orange', 'Orange' => 'Apple'}) expected = {'APPLE' => 'Orange', 'ORANGE' => 'Apple'} args = ['http://me', {}, {RC::RESPONSE_KEY => RC::RESPONSE_HEADERS}] 2.times{ c.get(*args).should.eq expected } end would 'preserve promise and REQUEST_URI' do c = simple_client uri = 'http://me?a=b' stub_request(:get, uri) args = ['http://me', {:a => 'b'}, {RC::RESPONSE_KEY => RC::PROMISE}] 2.times{ c.get(*args).yield[RC::REQUEST_URI].should.eq uri } end would 'preserve promise and preserve wrapped call' do c = json_client stub_request(:get, 'http://me').to_return(:body => '{"a":"b"}') args = ['http://me', {}, {RC::RESPONSE_KEY => RC::PROMISE}] 2.times do c.get(*args).then{ |r| r[RC::RESPONSE_BODY].should.eq 'a' => 'b' }.yield end end would 'multiline response' do c = simple_client stub_request(:get, 'http://html').to_return(:body => body = "a\n\nb") c.get('http://html').should.eq body c.cache.values.first.should.eq "200\n\n\n#{body}" c.get('http://html').should.eq body end would "follow redirect with cache.update correctly" do c = RC::Builder.client do use RC::FollowRedirect, 10 use RC::Cache, {}, nil x, y, z = 'http://X', 'http://Y', 'http://Z' stub_request(:get, x).to_return(:headers => {'Location' => y}, :status => 301) stub_request(:get, y).to_return(:headers => {'Location' => z}, :status => 302) stub_request(:get, z).to_return(:body => 'OK') c.get(x, {}, 'cache.update' => true).should.eq 'OK' end would 'not cache post/put/delete' do [:put, :post, :delete].each{ |meth| url, body = "https://cache", 'ok' stub_request(meth, url).to_return(:body => body).times(3) cache = {} c = RC::Builder.client{use RC::Cache, cache, nil}.new 3.times{ if meth == :delete c.send(meth, url).should.eq(body) else c.send(meth, url, 'payload').should.eq(body) end } cache.should.eq({}) } end would 'not cache dry run' do c = simple_client c.url('test') c.cache.should.eq({}) end would 'not cache hijacking' do stub_request(:get, 'http://a').to_return(:body => 'ok') c = simple_client 2.times do c.get('http://a', {}, RC::HIJACK => true, RC::RESPONSE_KEY => RC::RESPONSE_SOCKET). read.should.eq 'ok' end c.cache.should.eq({}) end would 'update cache if there is cache option set to false' do url, body = "https://cache", 'ok' stub_request(:get, url).to_return(:body => body) c = simple_client c.get(url) .should.eq body stub_request(:get, url).to_return(:body => body.reverse).times(2) c.get(url) .should.eq body c.get(url, {}, 'cache.update' => true).should.eq body.reverse c.get(url) .should.eq body.reverse c.cache = nil c.get(url, {}, 'cache.update' => true).should.eq body.reverse end describe 'expires_in' do before do @url, @body = "https://cache", 'ok' stub_request(:get, @url).to_return(:body => @body) @cache = {} mock(@cache).method(:store){ mock.arity{ -3 }.object } mock(@cache).store(is_a(String), is_a(String), :expires_in => 3){} @cache end would 'respect in options' do c = RC::Builder.client{use RC::Cache, nil, nil}.new c.get(@url, {}, :cache => @cache, :expires_in => 3).should.eq @body end would 'respect in middleware' do c = RC::Builder.client{use RC::Cache, nil, 3}.new(:cache => @cache) c.get(@url).should.eq @body end end end