# @@changelog @@changes require 'tty-markdown' MARKDOWN_THEME = { em: %i[white dark], header: %i[cyan bold], hr: :yellow, link: %i[bright_cyan underline], list: :yellow, strong: %i[yellow bold], table: :yellow, quote: :yellow, image: :bright_black, note: :yellow, comment: :bright_black }.deep_freeze module Doing # changes command methods class ChangesCommand CHANGE_RX = /^(?:(?:(?:[<>=]+|p(?:rior)|b(?:efore)|o(?:lder)|s(?:ince)|a(?:fter)|n(?:ewer))? *[0-9.*?]{1,10} *)+|(?:[\d.]+ *(?:-|to)+ *[0-9.]{1,10}))$/ def add_options(cmd) cmd.desc 'Display all versions' cmd.switch %i[a all], default_value: false, negatable: false cmd.desc %(Look up a specific version. Specify versions as "MAJ.MIN.PATCH", MIN and PATCH are optional. Use > or < to see all changes since or prior to a version. Wildcards (*?) accepted unless using < or >.) cmd.arg_name 'VERSION' cmd.flag %i[l lookup], must_match: CHANGE_RX cmd.desc %(Show changelogs matching search terms (uses pattern-based searching). Add slashes to search with regular expressions, e.g. `--search "/output.*flag/"`) cmd.flag %i[s search] cmd.desc 'Sort order (asc/desc)' cmd.arg_name 'ORDER' cmd.flag %i[sort], must_match: REGEX_SORT_ORDER, default_value: :desc, type: OrderSymbol cmd.desc 'Only output changes, no version numbers, headers, or dates' cmd.switch %i[C changes], default_value: false, negatable: false cmd.desc 'Include (CHANGE|NEW|IMPROVED|FIXED) prefix on each line' cmd.switch %i[p prefix] cmd.desc 'Only show changes of type(s), comma-separated' cmd.arg_name 'TYPES' cmd.flag %i[only], default_value: 'changed,new,improved,fixed' cmd.desc 'Output raw Markdown' cmd.switch %i[m md markdown], default_value: false, negatable: false cmd.desc 'Force rendered output' cmd.switch %i[render], default_value: false, negatable: false cmd.desc 'Open changelog in interactive viewer' cmd.switch %i[i interactive], default_value: false, negatable: false end def add_examples(cmd) cmd.example 'doing changes', desc: 'View changes in the current version' cmd.example 'doing changes --all', desc: 'See the entire changelog' cmd.example 'doing changes --lookup 2.0.21', desc: 'See changes from version 2.0.21' cmd.example 'doing changes --lookup "> 2.1"', desc: 'See all changes since 2.1.0' cmd.example 'doing changes --search "tags +bool"', desc: 'See all changes containing "tags" and "bool"' cmd.example 'doing changes -l "> 2.1" -s "pattern"', desc: 'Lookup and search can be combined' end end end desc 'List recent changes in Doing' long_desc %(Display a formatted list of changes in recent versions. Without flags, displays only the most recent version. Use --lookup or --all for history.) command %i[changes changelog] do |c| cmd = Doing::ChangesCommand.new cmd.add_options(c) cmd.add_examples(c) c.action do |_global_options, options, _args| only = options[:only].split(/ *, */).map(&:normalize_change_type) cl = Doing::Changes.new(lookup: options[:lookup], search: options[:search], changes: options[:changes], prefix: options[:prefix], sort: options[:sort], only: only) if options[:interactive] cl.interactive else content = if options[:all] || options[:search] || options[:lookup] cl.to_s else cl.latest end parsed = if (options[:markdown] || !$stdout.isatty) && !options[:render] content else TTY::Markdown.parse(content, width: 80, theme: MARKDOWN_THEME, symbols: { override: { bullet: '•' } }) end Doing::Pager.paginate = true Doing::Pager.page parsed end end end