module CamaleonCms::CamaleonHelper # create the html link with the url passed # verify if current user is logged in, if not, then return nil # return html link def cama_edit_link(url, title = nil, attrs = { }) return '' unless cama_current_user.present? return '' unless cama_current_user.admin? attrs = {target: "_blank", style: "font-size:11px !important;cursor:pointer;"}.merge(attrs) ActionController::Base.helpers.link_to("→ #{title || ct("edit", default: 'Edit')}".html_safe, url, attrs) end # execute controller action and return response # NON USED def cama_requestAction(controller,action,params={}) controller.class_eval{ def params=(params); @params = params end def params; @params end } c = c.request = @_request c.response = @_response c.params = params c.send(action) c.response.body end # theme common translation text # key: key for translation # args: hash of arguments for i18n.t() # database customized translations def ct(key, args = {}) language = I18n.locale r = {flag: false, key: key, translation: "", locale: language.to_sym} hooks_run("on_translation", r) return r[:translation] if r[:flag] I18n.translate("camaleon_cms.common.#{key}", args) end # check if current request was for admin panel def cama_is_admin_request? @cama_i18n_frontend.present? end # generate loop categories html sitemap links # this is a helper for sitemap generator to print categories, sub categories and post contents in html list format def cama_sitemap_cats_generator(cats) res = [] cats.decorate.each do |cat| next if @r[:skip_cat_ids].include?( res_posts = [] cat.the_posts.decorate.each do |post| next if @r[:skip_post_ids].include?( res_posts << "