# Middleman-Scaffold [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/middleman-scaffold.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/middleman-scaffold) `middleman-scaffold` is an extension for the `Middleman` static site generator that adds support for `slim`, `sass`, `coffee-script`. and its Gemfile includes live-reload, deploy modules. ## Installation You will have access to the middleman command with generating scaffold. From the terminal: $ gem install middleman $ gem install middleman-scaffold $ middleman init MY_PROJECT --template scaffold And then execute: $ cd MY_PROJECT $ bundle install --path vendor/bundle ## Template file └── source ├── css │   └── all.css.sass │   └── reset.css.sass ├── img ├── js │   └── all.js.coffee └── layouts │   ├── layout.slim │   ├── _footer.slim │   └── _header.slim └────── index.html.slim ## Usage # run local server $ bundle exec middleman server # build html $ bundle exec middleman build # deploy build html $ bundle exec middleman deploy