= mirah * http://groups.google.com/group/mirah * http://kenai.com/projects/duby == DESCRIPTION: Mirah is a customizable programming language featuring static types, local type inference and a heavily Ruby-inspired syntax. Mirah currently includes a typer/compiler backend for the JVM which can output either JVM bytecode or Java source files. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Ruby syntax * Compiles to .class or .java * Fast as Java == SYNOPSIS: mirah mirah -e "inline script" mirahc mirahc -e "inline script" # produces DashE.class mirahc -java mirahc -java -e "inline script" # produces DashE.java == REQUIREMENTS: * JRuby 1.6.0 or higher. * BiteScript 0.0.8 or higher == INSTALL: If your gem and rake are not from from JRuby, prefix the commands with jruby -S $ gem install mirah To build and install from source, $ git clone http://github.com/headius/bitescript.git $ git clone http://github.com/mirah/mirah.git $ cd bitescript $ gem build bitescript.gemspec $ gem install bitescript-* $ cd - $ cd mirah $ rake gem $ gem install pkg/mirah-* $ cd - == For Java tools: To build the Mirah jars from source you should have a checkout of both jruby and bitescript in Mirah's parent directory. Run "ant jar-complete" in jruby, then in the mirah directory "../jruby/bin/jruby -S rake jar" to build the Mirah jar. Use "jar:complete" instead to produce a free-standing jar file with JRuby and the JRubyParser libraries included.