require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:user).provider(:windows_adsi), :if => do let(:resource) do Puppet::Type.type(:user).new( :title => 'testuser', :comment => 'Test J. User', :provider => :windows_adsi ) end let(:provider) { resource.provider } let(:connection) { double('connection') } before :each do allow(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI).to receive(:computer_name).and_return('testcomputername') allow(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI).to receive(:connect).and_return(connection) # this would normally query the system, but not needed for these tests allow(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::User).to receive(:localized_domains).and_return([]) end describe ".instances" do it "should enumerate all users" do names = ['user1', 'user2', 'user3'] stub_users = {|n| double(:name => n)} allow(connection).to receive(:execquery).with('select name from win32_useraccount where localaccount = "TRUE"').and_return(stub_users) expect( match(names) end end it "should provide access to a Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::User object" do expect(provider.user).to be_a(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::User) end describe "when retrieving the password property" do context "when the resource has a nil password" do it "should never issue a logon attempt" do allow(resource).to receive(:[]).with(eq(:name).or(eq(:password))).and_return(nil) expect(Puppet::Util::Windows::User).not_to receive(:logon_user) provider.password end end end describe "when managing groups" do it 'should return the list of groups as an array of strings' do allow(provider.user).to receive(:groups).and_return(nil) groups = {'group1' => nil, 'group2' => nil, 'group3' => nil} expect(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::Group).to receive(:name_sid_hash).and_return(groups) expect(provider.groups).to eq(groups.keys) end it "should return an empty array if there are no groups" do allow(provider.user).to receive(:groups).and_return([]) expect(provider.groups).to eq([]) end it 'should be able to add a user to a set of groups' do resource[:membership] = :minimum expect(provider.user).to receive(:set_groups).with('group1,group2', true) provider.groups = 'group1,group2' resource[:membership] = :inclusive expect(provider.user).to receive(:set_groups).with('group1,group2', false) provider.groups = 'group1,group2' end end describe "#groups_insync?" do let(:group1) { double(:account => 'group1', :domain => '.', :sid => 'group1sid') } let(:group2) { double(:account => 'group2', :domain => '.', :sid => 'group2sid') } let(:group3) { double(:account => 'group3', :domain => '.', :sid => 'group3sid') } before :each do allow(Puppet::Util::Windows::SID).to receive(:name_to_principal).with('group1').and_return(group1) allow(Puppet::Util::Windows::SID).to receive(:name_to_principal).with('group2').and_return(group2) allow(Puppet::Util::Windows::SID).to receive(:name_to_principal).with('group3').and_return(group3) end it "should return true for same lists of members" do expect(provider.groups_insync?(['group1', 'group2'], ['group1', 'group2'])).to be_truthy end it "should return true for same lists of unordered members" do expect(provider.groups_insync?(['group1', 'group2'], ['group2', 'group1'])).to be_truthy end it "should return true for same lists of members irrespective of duplicates" do expect(provider.groups_insync?(['group1', 'group2', 'group2'], ['group2', 'group1', 'group1'])).to be_truthy end it "should return true when current group(s) and should group(s) are empty lists" do expect(provider.groups_insync?([], [])).to be_truthy end it "should return true when current groups is empty and should groups is nil" do expect(provider.groups_insync?([], nil)).to be_truthy end context "when membership => inclusive" do before :each do resource[:membership] = :inclusive end it "should return true when current and should contain the same groups in a different order" do expect(provider.groups_insync?(['group1', 'group2', 'group3'], ['group3', 'group1', 'group2'])).to be_truthy end it "should return false when current contains different groups than should" do expect(provider.groups_insync?(['group1'], ['group2'])).to be_falsey end it "should return false when current is nil" do expect(provider.groups_insync?(nil, ['group2'])).to be_falsey end it "should return false when should is nil" do expect(provider.groups_insync?(['group1'], nil)).to be_falsey end it "should return false when current contains members and should is empty" do expect(provider.groups_insync?(['group1'], [])).to be_falsey end it "should return false when current is empty and should contains members" do expect(provider.groups_insync?([], ['group2'])).to be_falsey end it "should return false when should groups(s) are not the only items in the current" do expect(provider.groups_insync?(['group1', 'group2'], ['group1'])).to be_falsey end it "should return false when current group(s) is not empty and should is an empty list" do expect(provider.groups_insync?(['group1','group2'], [])).to be_falsey end end context "when membership => minimum" do before :each do # this is also the default resource[:membership] = :minimum end it "should return false when current contains different groups than should" do expect(provider.groups_insync?(['group1'], ['group2'])).to be_falsey end it "should return false when current is nil" do expect(provider.groups_insync?(nil, ['group2'])).to be_falsey end it "should return true when should is nil" do expect(provider.groups_insync?(['group1'], nil)).to be_truthy end it "should return true when current contains members and should is empty" do expect(provider.groups_insync?(['group1'], [])).to be_truthy end it "should return false when current is empty and should contains members" do expect(provider.groups_insync?([], ['group2'])).to be_falsey end it "should return true when current group(s) contains at least the should list" do expect(provider.groups_insync?(['group1','group2'], ['group1'])).to be_truthy end it "should return true when current group(s) is not empty and should is an empty list" do expect(provider.groups_insync?(['group1','group2'], [])).to be_truthy end it "should return true when current group(s) contains at least the should list, even unordered" do expect(provider.groups_insync?(['group3','group1','group2'], ['group2','group1'])).to be_truthy end end end describe "when creating a user" do it "should create the user on the system and set its other properties" do resource[:groups] = ['group1', 'group2'] resource[:membership] = :inclusive resource[:comment] = 'a test user' resource[:home] = 'C:\Users\testuser' user = double('user') expect(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::User).to receive(:create).with('testuser').and_return(user) allow(user).to receive(:groups).and_return(['group2', 'group3']) expect(user).to receive(:password=).ordered expect(user).to receive(:commit).ordered expect(user).to receive(:set_groups).with('group1,group2', false).ordered expect(user).to receive(:[]=).with('Description', 'a test user') expect(user).to receive(:[]=).with('HomeDirectory', 'C:\Users\testuser') provider.create end it "should load the profile if managehome is set" do resource[:password] = '0xDeadBeef' resource[:managehome] = true user = double('user') allow(user).to receive(:password=) allow(user).to receive(:commit) allow(user).to receive(:[]=) expect(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::User).to receive(:create).with('testuser').and_return(user) expect(Puppet::Util::Windows::User).to receive(:load_profile).with('testuser', '0xDeadBeef') provider.create end it "should set a user's password" do expect(provider.user).to receive(:disabled?).and_return(false) expect(provider.user).to receive(:locked_out?).and_return(false) expect(provider.user).to receive(:expired?).and_return(false) expect(provider.user).to receive(:password=).with('plaintextbad') provider.password = "plaintextbad" end it "should test a valid user password" do resource[:password] = 'plaintext' expect(provider.user).to receive(:password_is?).with('plaintext').and_return(true) expect(provider.password).to eq('plaintext') end it "should test a bad user password" do resource[:password] = 'plaintext' expect(provider.user).to receive(:password_is?).with('plaintext').and_return(false) expect(provider.password).to be_nil end it "should test a blank user password" do resource[:password] = '' expect(provider.user).to receive(:password_is?).with('').and_return(true) expect(provider.password).to eq('') end it 'should not create a user if a group by the same name exists' do expect(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::User).to receive(:create).with('testuser').and_raise("Cannot create user if group 'testuser' exists.")) expect{ provider.create }.to raise_error( Puppet::Error, /Cannot create user if group 'testuser' exists./ ) end it "should fail with an actionable message when trying to create an active directory user" do resource[:name] = 'DOMAIN\testdomainuser' expect(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::Group).to receive(:exists?).with(resource[:name]).and_return(false) expect(connection).to receive(:Create) expect(connection).to receive(:Get).with('UserFlags') expect(connection).to receive(:Put).with('UserFlags', true) expect(connection).to receive(:SetInfo).and_raise("(in OLE method `SetInfo': )\n OLE error code:8007089A in Active Directory\n The specified username is invalid.\r\n\n HRESULT error code:0x80020009\n Exception occurred.")) expect{ provider.create }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end it 'should be able to test whether a user exists' do allow(Puppet::Util::Windows::SID).to receive(:name_to_principal).and_return(nil) allow(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI).to receive(:connect).and_return(double('connection', :Class => 'User')) expect(provider).to be_exists allow(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI).to receive(:connect).and_return(nil) expect(provider).not_to be_exists end it 'should be able to delete a user' do expect(connection).to receive(:Delete).with('user', 'testuser') provider.delete end it 'should not run commit on a deleted user' do expect(connection).to receive(:Delete).with('user', 'testuser') expect(connection).not_to receive(:SetInfo) provider.delete provider.flush end it 'should delete the profile if managehome is set' do resource[:managehome] = true sid = 'S-A-B-C' expect(Puppet::Util::Windows::SID).to receive(:name_to_sid).with('testuser').and_return(sid) expect(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::UserProfile).to receive(:delete).with(sid) expect(connection).to receive(:Delete).with('user', 'testuser') provider.delete end it "should commit the user when flushed" do expect(provider.user).to receive(:commit) provider.flush end it "should return the user's SID as uid" do expect(Puppet::Util::Windows::SID).to receive(:name_to_sid).with('testuser').and_return('S-1-5-21-1362942247-2130103807-3279964888-1111') expect(provider.uid).to eq('S-1-5-21-1362942247-2130103807-3279964888-1111') end it "should fail when trying to manage the uid property" do expect(provider).to receive(:fail).with(/uid is read-only/) provider.send(:uid=, 500) end [:gid, :shell].each do |prop| it "should fail when trying to manage the #{prop} property" do expect(provider).to receive(:fail).with(/No support for managing property #{prop}/) provider.send("#{prop}=", 'foo') end end end