module Audumbla ## # Enrich a specific field or list of fields, setting the property to the # supplied value module FieldEnrichment include Enrichment ## # The main enrichment method; runs the enrichment against a stated # set of fields for a record. # # This is a narrower case of `Audumbla::Enrichment` which runs the # enrichment against each of the specified fields in turn, setting # the field's value to the result. # # For example: # # delete_empty_string_literals.enrich(record, # {:sourceResource => {:creator => :name}}) # # To apply the enrichment across all fields, leave the fields parameter # empty, or use `:all`: # # delete_empty_string_literals.enrich(record) # delete_empty_string_literals.enrich(record, :all) # # @see Audumbla::Enrichment#enrich for documentation about field # formatting # # @param record [ActiveTriples::Resource] the record to enrich # @param fields [Array] the fields on which to apply the enrichment # @return [ActiveTriples::Resource] the enriched record def enrich(record, *fields) record = record.clone return enrich_all(record) if fields.empty? || fields == [:all] fields.each { |f| enrich_field(record, field_to_chain(f)) } record end def enrich_field(record, field_chain) field = field_chain.first return record unless record.respond_to? field values = record.send(field) if field_chain.length == 1 new_values = { |v| enrich_value(v) }.flatten.compact record.send("#{field}=".to_sym, new_values) else resources(values).each { |v| enrich_field(v, field_chain[1..-1]) } end record end def enrich_all(record) list_fields(record).each do |field| enrich_field(record, field_to_chain(field)) end record end end end