# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'pp' require 'base64' require 'etc' Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir if !ENV.include?('MU_INSTALLDIR') ENV['MU_INSTALLDIR'] = "/opt/mu" end if !ENV.include?('MU_LIBDIR') ENV['MU_LIBDIR'] = ENV['MU_INSTALLDIR']+"/lib" end $MUDIR = ENV['MU_LIBDIR'] $LOAD_PATH << "#{$MUDIR}/modules" require File.realpath(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/mu-load-config.rb")) require 'mu' begin MU::Groomer::Chef.loadChefLib # pre-cache this so we don't take a hit on a user-interactive need $ENABLE_SCRATCHPAD = true rescue LoadError MU.log "Chef libraries not available, disabling Scratchpad", MU::WARN end #MU.setLogging($opts[:verbose], $opts[:web]) if MU.myCloud == "AWS" MU::Cloud::AWS.openFirewallForClients # XXX add the other clouds, or abstract end Signal.trap("URG") do puts "------------------------------" puts "Open flock() locks:" pp MU::MommaCat.trapSafeLocks puts "------------------------------" end begin MU::Master.syncMonitoringConfig(false) rescue StandardError => e MU.log e.inspect, MU::ERR, details: e.backtrace # ...but don't die! end parent_thread_id = Thread.current.object_id Thread.new { MU.dupGlobals(parent_thread_id) begin MU::MommaCat.cleanTerminatedInstances MU::Master.cleanExpiredScratchpads if $ENABLE_SCRATCHPAD sleep 60 rescue StandardError => e MU.log "Error in cleanTerminatedInstances thread: #{e.inspect}", MU::ERR, details: e.backtrace retry end while true } # Use a template to generate a pleasant-looking HTML page for simple messages # and errors. def genHTMLMessage(title: "", headline: "", msg: "", template: $MU_CFG['html_template'], extra_vars: {}) logo_url = "/cloudamatic.png" page = "


#{msg}" vars = { "title" => title, "msg" => msg, "headline" => headline, "logo" => logo_url }.merge(extra_vars) if !template.nil? and File.exist?(template) and File.readable?(template) page = Erubis::Eruby.new(File.read(template)).result(vars) elsif $MU_CFG.has_key?('html_template') and File.exist?($MU_CFG['html_template']) and File.readable?($MU_CFG['html_template']) page = Erubis::Eruby.new(File.read($MU_CFG['html_template'])).result(vars) elsif File.exist?("#{$MU_CFG['libdir']}/modules/html.erb") and File.readable?("#{$MU_CFG['libdir']}/modules/html.erb") page = Erubis::Eruby.new(File.read("#{$MU_CFG['libdir']}/modules/html.erb")).result(vars) end page end # Return an error message to web clients. def throw500(msg = "", details = nil) MU.log "Returning 500 to client: #{msg}", MU::ERR, details: details page = genHTMLMessage(title: "500 Error", headline: msg, msg: details) [ 500, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => page.length.to_s }, [page] ] end def throw404(msg = "", details = nil) MU.log "Returning 404 to client: #{msg}", MU::ERR, details: details page = genHTMLMessage(title: "404 Not Found", headline: msg, msg: details) [ 404, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => page.length.to_s }, [page] ] end def returnRawJSON(data) MU.log "Returning 200 to client", MU::NOTICE, details: data [ 200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Content-Length' => data.length.to_s }, [data] ] end @litters = Hash.new @litter_semaphore = Mutex.new # Load a {MU::MommaCat} instance for the requested deployment. # @param req [Hash]: The web request describing the requested deployment. Must include a *mu_id* and *mu_deploy_secret*. # return [MU::MommaCat] def getKittenPile(req) @litter_semaphore.synchronize { mu_id = req["mu_id"] if !@litters.has_key?(mu_id) begin kittenpile = MU::MommaCat.new( mu_id, deploy_secret: Base64.urlsafe_decode64(req["mu_deploy_secret"]), set_context_to_me: true, mu_user: req['mu_user'] ) rescue MU::MommaCat::DeployInitializeError => e MU.log e.inspect, MU::ERR, details: req return nil end @litters[mu_id] = Hash.new @litters[mu_id]['kittenpile'] = kittenpile @litters[mu_id]['kittencount'] = 1 @litters[mu_id]['threads'] = [Thread.current.object_id] else @litters[mu_id]['kittencount'] += 1 @litters[mu_id]['threads'] << Thread.current.object_id MU.dupGlobals(@litters[mu_id]['threads'].first) end # Make sure enough per-thread global MU class variables are set for us # to operate in this thread context MU.setVar("mu_id", mu_id) MU.setVar("mommacat", @litters[mu_id]['kittenpile']) MU.log "Adding kitten in #{mu_id}: #{@litters[mu_id]['kittencount']}", MU::DEBUG, details: @litters return @litters[mu_id]['kittenpile'] } end # Release a {MU::MommaCat} object. # @param mu_id [String]: The MU identifier of the loaded deploy to replace. def releaseKitten(mu_id) @litter_semaphore.synchronize { if @litters.has_key?(mu_id) @litters[mu_id]['kittencount'] -= 1 @litters[mu_id]['threads'].delete(Thread.current.object_id) MU.log "Releasing kitten in #{mu_id}: #{@litters[mu_id]['kittencount']}", MU::DEBUG, details: @litters if @litters[mu_id]['kittencount'] < 1 @litters.delete(mu_id) end MU.purgeGlobals end } end app = proc do |env| returnval = [ 200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => '2' }, ['hi'] ] begin if !env.nil? and !env['REQUEST_PATH'].nil? and env['REQUEST_PATH'].match(/^\/scratchpad/) if !$ENABLE_SCRATCHPAD msg = "Scratchpad disabled in non-Chef Mu installations" return [ 504, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => msg.length.to_s }, [msg] ] end itemname = env['REQUEST_PATH'].sub(/^\/scratchpad\//, "") begin if itemname.sub!(/\/secret$/, "") secret = MU::Master.fetchScratchPadSecret(itemname) MU.log "Retrieved scratchpad secret #{itemname} for #{env['REMOTE_ADDR']}" returnval = [ 200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Content-Length' => secret.length.to_s }, [secret] ] else secret = " " page = nil if $MU_CFG.has_key?('scratchpad') and $MU_CFG['scratchpad'].has_key?("template_path") and File.exist?($MU_CFG['scratchpad']['template_path']) and File.readable?($MU_CFG['scratchpad']['template_path']) page = genHTMLMessage( title: "Your Scratchpad Secret", headline:"YOU MAY ONLY RETRIVE THIS SECRET ONCE! Be sure to copy it somewhere safe before reloading, browsing away, or closing your browser window.", msg: secret, template: $MU_CFG['scratchpad']['template_path'], extra_vars: { "secret" => secret } ) else page = genHTMLMessage( title: "Your Scratchpad Secret", headline:"YOU MAY ONLY RETRIVE THIS SECRET ONCE! Be sure to copy it somewhere safe before reloading, browsing away, or closing your browser window.", msg: secret ) end returnval = [ 200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => page.length.to_s }, [page] ] end rescue MU::Groomer::MuNoSuchSecret page = nil if $MU_CFG.has_key?('scratchpad') and $MU_CFG['scratchpad'].has_key?("template_path") and File.exist?($MU_CFG['scratchpad']['template_path']) and File.readable?($MU_CFG['scratchpad']['template_path']) page = genHTMLMessage( title: "No such secret", headline: "No such secret", msg: "The secret '#{itemname}' does not exist or has already been retrieved", template: $MU_CFG['scratchpad']['template_path'], extra_vars: { "secret" => nil } ) else page = genHTMLMessage( title: "No such secret", headline: "No such secret", msg: "The secret '#{itemname}' does not exist or has already been retrieved" ) end returnval = [ 200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => page.length.to_s }, [page] ] end elsif !env.nil? and !env['REQUEST_PATH'].nil? and env['REQUEST_PATH'].match(/^\/rest\//) action, filter, path = env['REQUEST_PATH'].sub(/^\/rest\/?/, "").split(/\//, 3) # Don't give away the store. This can't be public until we can # authenticate and access-control properly. if env['REMOTE_ADDR'] != "" and action != "bucketname" returnval = throw500 "Service not available" next end if action == "hosts_add" if Process.uid != 0 returnval = throw500 "Service not available" elsif !filter or !path returnval = throw404 env['REQUEST_PATH'] else MU::Master.addInstanceToEtcHosts(path, filter) returnval = [ 200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Content-Length' => 2 }, ["ok"] ] end elsif action == "deploy" returnval = throw404 env['REQUEST_PATH'] if !filter MU.log "Loading deploy data for #{filter} #{path}" kittenpile = MU::MommaCat.getLitter(filter) returnval = returnRawJSON JSON.generate(kittenpile.deployment) elsif action == "config" returnval = throw404 env['REQUEST_PATH'] if !filter MU.log "Loading config #{filter} #{path}" kittenpile = MU::MommaCat.getLitter(filter) returnval = returnRawJSON JSON.generate(kittenpile.original_config) elsif action == "list" MU.log "Listing deployments" returnval = returnRawJSON JSON.generate(MU::MommaCat.listDeploys) elsif action == "bucketname" returnval = [ 200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Content-Length' => MU.adminBucketName(filter, credentials: path).length.to_s }, [MU.adminBucketName(filter, credentials: path)] ] else returnval = throw404 env['REQUEST_PATH'] end elsif !env["rack.input"].nil? req = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(env["rack.input"].read) if req["mu_user"].nil? req["mu_user"] = "mu" end requesttype = nil ["mu_ssl_sign", "mu_bootstrap", "mu_windows_admin_creds", "add_volume"].each { |rt| if req[rt] requesttype = rt break end } MU.log "Processing #{requesttype} request from #{env["REMOTE_ADDR"]} (MU-ID #{req["mu_id"]}, #{req["mu_resource_type"]}: #{req["mu_resource_name"]}, instance: #{req["mu_instance_id"]}, mu_user #{req['mu_user']}, path #{env['REQUEST_PATH']})" kittenpile = getKittenPile(req) if kittenpile.nil? or kittenpile.original_config.nil? or kittenpile.original_config[req["mu_resource_type"]+"s"].nil? returnval = throw500 "Couldn't find config data for #{req["mu_resource_type"]} in deploy_id #{req["mu_id"]}" next end server_cfg = nil kittenpile.original_config[req["mu_resource_type"]+"s"].each { |svr| if svr["name"] == req["mu_resource_name"] server_cfg = svr.dup break end } if server_cfg.nil? returnval = throw500 "Couldn't find config data for #{req["mu_resource_type"]} name: #{req["mu_resource_name"]} deploy_id: #{req["mu_id"]}" next end MU.log "Dug up server config for #{req["mu_resource_type"]} name: #{req["mu_resource_name"]} deploy_id: #{req["mu_id"]}", MU::DEBUG, details: server_cfg # XXX We can't assume AWS anymore. What does this look like otherwise? # If this is an already-groomed instance, try to get a real object for it instance = MU::MommaCat.findStray("AWS", "server", cloud_id: req["mu_instance_id"], region: server_cfg["region"], deploy_id: req["mu_id"], name: req["mu_resource_name"], dummy_ok: true, calling_deploy: kittenpile).first mu_name = nil if instance.nil? # Now we're just checking for existence in the cloud provider, really MU.log "No existing groomed server found, verifying that a server with this cloud id exists" instance = MU::Cloud::Server.find(cloud_id: req["mu_instance_id"], region: server_cfg["region"]) # instance = MU::MommaCat.findStray("AWS", "server", cloud_id: req["mu_instance_id"], region: server_cfg["region"], deploy_id: req["mu_id"], name: req["mu_resource_name"], dummy_ok: true, calling_deploy: kittenpile).first if instance.nil? returnval = throw500 "Failed to find an instance with cloud id #{req["mu_instance_id"]}" end else mu_name = instance.mu_name MU.log "Found an existing node named #{mu_name}" end if !req["mu_windows_admin_creds"].nil? if !instance.is_a?(MU::Cloud::Server) instance = MU::Cloud::Server.new(mommacat: kittenpile, kitten_cfg: server_cfg, cloud_id: req["mu_instance_id"]) end returnval[2] = [kittenpile.retrieveWindowsAdminCreds(instance).join(";")] logstr = returnval[2].is_a?(Array) ? returnval[2].first.sub(/;.*/, ";*********") : returnval[2].sub(/;.*/, ";*********") MU.log logstr, MU::NOTICE elsif !req["mu_ssl_sign"].nil? kittenpile.signSSLCert(req["mu_ssl_sign"], req["mu_ssl_sans"].split(/,/)) kittenpile.signSSLCert(req["mu_ssl_sign"], req["mu_ssl_sans"].split(/,/)) elsif !req["add_volume"].nil? if instance.respond_to?(:addVolume) # XXX make sure we handle mangled input safely params = JSON.parse(Base64.decode64(req["add_volume"])) MU.log "add_volume request", MU::NOTICE, details: params instance.addVolume(params["dev"], params["size"], delete_on_termination: params["delete_on_termination"]) else returnval = throw500 "I don't know how to add a volume for #{instance}" end elsif !instance.nil? if !req["mu_bootstrap"].nil? kittenpile.groomNode(req["mu_instance_id"], req["mu_resource_name"], req["mu_resource_type"], mu_name: mu_name, sync_wait: true) returnval[2] = ["Grooming asynchronously, check Momma Cat logs on the master for details."] else returnval = throw500 "Didn't get 'mu_bootstrap' parameter from instance id '#{req["mu_instance_id"]}'" end else returnval = throw500 "No such instance id '#{req["mu_instance_id"]}' nor was this an SSL signing request" end end rescue StandardError => e returnval = throw500 "Invalid request: #{e.inspect} (#{req})", e.backtrace ensure if !req.nil? releaseKitten(req['mu_id']) MU.purgeGlobals end end if returnval[1] and returnval[1].has_key?("Content-Length") and returnval[2] and returnval[2].is_a?(Array) returnval[1]["Content-Length"] = returnval[2][0].size.to_s end returnval end run app