/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #include "indexer.h" #include "git2/indexer.h" #include "git2/object.h" #include "commit.h" #include "tree.h" #include "tag.h" #include "pack.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "posix.h" #include "pack.h" #include "filebuf.h" #include "oid.h" #include "oidmap.h" #include "zstream.h" #include "object.h" extern git_mutex git__mwindow_mutex; size_t git_indexer__max_objects = UINT32_MAX; #define UINT31_MAX (0x7FFFFFFF) struct entry { git_oid oid; uint32_t crc; uint32_t offset; uint64_t offset_long; }; struct git_indexer { unsigned int parsed_header :1, pack_committed :1, have_stream :1, have_delta :1, do_fsync :1, do_verify :1; struct git_pack_header hdr; struct git_pack_file *pack; unsigned int mode; git_off_t off; git_off_t entry_start; git_object_t entry_type; git_buf entry_data; git_packfile_stream stream; size_t nr_objects; git_vector objects; git_vector deltas; unsigned int fanout[256]; git_hash_ctx hash_ctx; git_oid hash; git_transfer_progress_cb progress_cb; void *progress_payload; char objbuf[8*1024]; /* OIDs referenced from pack objects. Used for verification. */ git_oidmap *expected_oids; /* Needed to look up objects which we want to inject to fix a thin pack */ git_odb *odb; /* Fields for calculating the packfile trailer (hash of everything before it) */ char inbuf[GIT_OID_RAWSZ]; size_t inbuf_len; git_hash_ctx trailer; }; struct delta_info { git_off_t delta_off; }; const git_oid *git_indexer_hash(const git_indexer *idx) { return &idx->hash; } static int parse_header(struct git_pack_header *hdr, struct git_pack_file *pack) { int error; git_map map; if ((error = p_mmap(&map, sizeof(*hdr), GIT_PROT_READ, GIT_MAP_SHARED, pack->mwf.fd, 0)) < 0) return error; memcpy(hdr, map.data, sizeof(*hdr)); p_munmap(&map); /* Verify we recognize this pack file format. */ if (hdr->hdr_signature != ntohl(PACK_SIGNATURE)) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INDEXER, "wrong pack signature"); return -1; } if (!pack_version_ok(hdr->hdr_version)) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INDEXER, "wrong pack version"); return -1; } return 0; } static int objects_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct entry *entrya = a; const struct entry *entryb = b; return git_oid__cmp(&entrya->oid, &entryb->oid); } int git_indexer_init_options(git_indexer_options *opts, unsigned int version) { GIT_INIT_STRUCTURE_FROM_TEMPLATE( opts, version, git_indexer_options, GIT_INDEXER_OPTIONS_INIT); return 0; } int git_indexer_new( git_indexer **out, const char *prefix, unsigned int mode, git_odb *odb, git_indexer_options *in_opts) { git_indexer_options opts = GIT_INDEXER_OPTIONS_INIT; git_indexer *idx; git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT, tmp_path = GIT_BUF_INIT; static const char suff[] = "/pack"; int error, fd = -1; if (in_opts) memcpy(&opts, in_opts, sizeof(opts)); idx = git__calloc(1, sizeof(git_indexer)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(idx); idx->odb = odb; idx->progress_cb = opts.progress_cb; idx->progress_payload = opts.progress_cb_payload; idx->mode = mode ? mode : GIT_PACK_FILE_MODE; git_hash_ctx_init(&idx->hash_ctx); git_hash_ctx_init(&idx->trailer); git_buf_init(&idx->entry_data, 0); idx->expected_oids = git_oidmap_alloc(); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(idx->expected_oids); idx->do_verify = opts.verify; if (git_repository__fsync_gitdir) idx->do_fsync = 1; error = git_buf_joinpath(&path, prefix, suff); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; fd = git_futils_mktmp(&tmp_path, git_buf_cstr(&path), idx->mode); git_buf_dispose(&path); if (fd < 0) goto cleanup; error = git_packfile_alloc(&idx->pack, git_buf_cstr(&tmp_path)); git_buf_dispose(&tmp_path); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; idx->pack->mwf.fd = fd; if ((error = git_mwindow_file_register(&idx->pack->mwf)) < 0) goto cleanup; *out = idx; return 0; cleanup: if (fd != -1) p_close(fd); if (git_buf_len(&tmp_path) > 0) p_unlink(git_buf_cstr(&tmp_path)); if (idx->pack != NULL) p_unlink(idx->pack->pack_name); git_buf_dispose(&path); git_buf_dispose(&tmp_path); git__free(idx); return -1; } void git_indexer__set_fsync(git_indexer *idx, int do_fsync) { idx->do_fsync = !!do_fsync; } /* Try to store the delta so we can try to resolve it later */ static int store_delta(git_indexer *idx) { struct delta_info *delta; delta = git__calloc(1, sizeof(struct delta_info)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(delta); delta->delta_off = idx->entry_start; if (git_vector_insert(&idx->deltas, delta) < 0) return -1; return 0; } static int hash_header(git_hash_ctx *ctx, git_off_t len, git_object_t type) { char buffer[64]; size_t hdrlen; int error; if ((error = git_odb__format_object_header(&hdrlen, buffer, sizeof(buffer), (size_t)len, type)) < 0) return error; return git_hash_update(ctx, buffer, hdrlen); } static int hash_object_stream(git_indexer*idx, git_packfile_stream *stream) { ssize_t read; assert(idx && stream); do { if ((read = git_packfile_stream_read(stream, idx->objbuf, sizeof(idx->objbuf))) < 0) break; if (idx->do_verify) git_buf_put(&idx->entry_data, idx->objbuf, read); git_hash_update(&idx->hash_ctx, idx->objbuf, read); } while (read > 0); if (read < 0) return (int)read; return 0; } /* In order to create the packfile stream, we need to skip over the delta base description */ static int advance_delta_offset(git_indexer *idx, git_object_t type) { git_mwindow *w = NULL; assert(type == GIT_OBJECT_REF_DELTA || type == GIT_OBJECT_OFS_DELTA); if (type == GIT_OBJECT_REF_DELTA) { idx->off += GIT_OID_RAWSZ; } else { git_off_t base_off = get_delta_base(idx->pack, &w, &idx->off, type, idx->entry_start); git_mwindow_close(&w); if (base_off < 0) return (int)base_off; } return 0; } /* Read from the stream and discard any output */ static int read_object_stream(git_indexer *idx, git_packfile_stream *stream) { ssize_t read; assert(stream); do { read = git_packfile_stream_read(stream, idx->objbuf, sizeof(idx->objbuf)); } while (read > 0); if (read < 0) return (int)read; return 0; } static int crc_object(uint32_t *crc_out, git_mwindow_file *mwf, git_off_t start, git_off_t size) { void *ptr; uint32_t crc; unsigned int left, len; git_mwindow *w = NULL; crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); while (size) { ptr = git_mwindow_open(mwf, &w, start, (size_t)size, &left); if (ptr == NULL) return -1; len = min(left, (unsigned int)size); crc = crc32(crc, ptr, len); size -= len; start += len; git_mwindow_close(&w); } *crc_out = htonl(crc); return 0; } static void add_expected_oid(git_indexer *idx, const git_oid *oid) { int ret; /* * If we know about that object because it is stored in our ODB or * because we have already processed it as part of our pack file, we do * not have to expect it. */ if ((!idx->odb || !git_odb_exists(idx->odb, oid)) && !git_oidmap_exists(idx->pack->idx_cache, oid) && !git_oidmap_exists(idx->expected_oids, oid)) { git_oid *dup = git__malloc(sizeof(*oid)); git_oid_cpy(dup, oid); git_oidmap_put(idx->expected_oids, dup, &ret); } } static int check_object_connectivity(git_indexer *idx, const git_rawobj *obj) { git_object *object; size_t keyidx; int error; if (obj->type != GIT_OBJECT_BLOB && obj->type != GIT_OBJECT_TREE && obj->type != GIT_OBJECT_COMMIT && obj->type != GIT_OBJECT_TAG) return 0; if ((error = git_object__from_raw(&object, obj->data, obj->len, obj->type)) < 0) goto out; keyidx = git_oidmap_lookup_index(idx->expected_oids, &object->cached.oid); if (git_oidmap_valid_index(idx->expected_oids, keyidx)) { const git_oid *key = git_oidmap_key(idx->expected_oids, keyidx); git__free((git_oid *) key); git_oidmap_delete_at(idx->expected_oids, keyidx); } /* * Check whether this is a known object. If so, we can just continue as * we assume that the ODB has a complete graph. */ if (idx->odb && git_odb_exists(idx->odb, &object->cached.oid)) return 0; switch (obj->type) { case GIT_OBJECT_TREE: { git_tree *tree = (git_tree *) object; git_tree_entry *entry; size_t i; git_array_foreach(tree->entries, i, entry) add_expected_oid(idx, entry->oid); break; } case GIT_OBJECT_COMMIT: { git_commit *commit = (git_commit *) object; git_oid *parent_oid; size_t i; git_array_foreach(commit->parent_ids, i, parent_oid) add_expected_oid(idx, parent_oid); add_expected_oid(idx, &commit->tree_id); break; } case GIT_OBJECT_TAG: { git_tag *tag = (git_tag *) object; add_expected_oid(idx, &tag->target); break; } case GIT_OBJECT_BLOB: default: break; } out: git_object_free(object); return error; } static int store_object(git_indexer *idx) { int i, error; size_t k; git_oid oid; struct entry *entry; git_off_t entry_size; struct git_pack_entry *pentry; git_off_t entry_start = idx->entry_start; entry = git__calloc(1, sizeof(*entry)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(entry); pentry = git__calloc(1, sizeof(struct git_pack_entry)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pentry); git_hash_final(&oid, &idx->hash_ctx); entry_size = idx->off - entry_start; if (entry_start > UINT31_MAX) { entry->offset = UINT32_MAX; entry->offset_long = entry_start; } else { entry->offset = (uint32_t)entry_start; } if (idx->do_verify) { git_rawobj rawobj = { idx->entry_data.ptr, idx->entry_data.size, idx->entry_type }; if ((error = check_object_connectivity(idx, &rawobj)) < 0) goto on_error; } git_oid_cpy(&pentry->sha1, &oid); pentry->offset = entry_start; k = git_oidmap_put(idx->pack->idx_cache, &pentry->sha1, &error); if (error == -1) { git__free(pentry); git_error_set_oom(); goto on_error; } if (error == 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INDEXER, "duplicate object %s found in pack", git_oid_tostr_s(&pentry->sha1)); git__free(pentry); goto on_error; } git_oidmap_set_value_at(idx->pack->idx_cache, k, pentry); git_oid_cpy(&entry->oid, &oid); if (crc_object(&entry->crc, &idx->pack->mwf, entry_start, entry_size) < 0) goto on_error; /* Add the object to the list */ if (git_vector_insert(&idx->objects, entry) < 0) goto on_error; for (i = oid.id[0]; i < 256; ++i) { idx->fanout[i]++; } return 0; on_error: git__free(entry); return -1; } GIT_INLINE(bool) has_entry(git_indexer *idx, git_oid *id) { return git_oidmap_exists(idx->pack->idx_cache, id); } static int save_entry(git_indexer *idx, struct entry *entry, struct git_pack_entry *pentry, git_off_t entry_start) { int i, error; size_t k; if (entry_start > UINT31_MAX) { entry->offset = UINT32_MAX; entry->offset_long = entry_start; } else { entry->offset = (uint32_t)entry_start; } pentry->offset = entry_start; k = git_oidmap_put(idx->pack->idx_cache, &pentry->sha1, &error); if (error <= 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INDEXER, "cannot insert object into pack"); return -1; } git_oidmap_set_value_at(idx->pack->idx_cache, k, pentry); /* Add the object to the list */ if (git_vector_insert(&idx->objects, entry) < 0) return -1; for (i = entry->oid.id[0]; i < 256; ++i) { idx->fanout[i]++; } return 0; } static int hash_and_save(git_indexer *idx, git_rawobj *obj, git_off_t entry_start) { git_oid oid; size_t entry_size; struct entry *entry; struct git_pack_entry *pentry = NULL; entry = git__calloc(1, sizeof(*entry)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(entry); if (git_odb__hashobj(&oid, obj) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INDEXER, "failed to hash object"); goto on_error; } pentry = git__calloc(1, sizeof(struct git_pack_entry)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pentry); git_oid_cpy(&pentry->sha1, &oid); git_oid_cpy(&entry->oid, &oid); entry->crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); entry_size = (size_t)(idx->off - entry_start); if (crc_object(&entry->crc, &idx->pack->mwf, entry_start, entry_size) < 0) goto on_error; return save_entry(idx, entry, pentry, entry_start); on_error: git__free(pentry); git__free(entry); git__free(obj->data); return -1; } static int do_progress_callback(git_indexer *idx, git_transfer_progress *stats) { if (idx->progress_cb) return git_error_set_after_callback_function( idx->progress_cb(stats, idx->progress_payload), "indexer progress"); return 0; } /* Hash everything but the last 20B of input */ static void hash_partially(git_indexer *idx, const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { size_t to_expell, to_keep; if (size == 0) return; /* Easy case, dump the buffer and the data minus the last 20 bytes */ if (size >= GIT_OID_RAWSZ) { git_hash_update(&idx->trailer, idx->inbuf, idx->inbuf_len); git_hash_update(&idx->trailer, data, size - GIT_OID_RAWSZ); data += size - GIT_OID_RAWSZ; memcpy(idx->inbuf, data, GIT_OID_RAWSZ); idx->inbuf_len = GIT_OID_RAWSZ; return; } /* We can just append */ if (idx->inbuf_len + size <= GIT_OID_RAWSZ) { memcpy(idx->inbuf + idx->inbuf_len, data, size); idx->inbuf_len += size; return; } /* We need to partially drain the buffer and then append */ to_keep = GIT_OID_RAWSZ - size; to_expell = idx->inbuf_len - to_keep; git_hash_update(&idx->trailer, idx->inbuf, to_expell); memmove(idx->inbuf, idx->inbuf + to_expell, to_keep); memcpy(idx->inbuf + to_keep, data, size); idx->inbuf_len += size - to_expell; } static int write_at(git_indexer *idx, const void *data, git_off_t offset, size_t size) { git_file fd = idx->pack->mwf.fd; size_t mmap_alignment; size_t page_offset; git_off_t page_start; unsigned char *map_data; git_map map; int error; assert(data && size); if ((error = git__mmap_alignment(&mmap_alignment)) < 0) return error; /* the offset needs to be at the mmap boundary for the platform */ page_offset = offset % mmap_alignment; page_start = offset - page_offset; if ((error = p_mmap(&map, page_offset + size, GIT_PROT_WRITE, GIT_MAP_SHARED, fd, page_start)) < 0) return error; map_data = (unsigned char *)map.data; memcpy(map_data + page_offset, data, size); p_munmap(&map); return 0; } static int append_to_pack(git_indexer *idx, const void *data, size_t size) { git_off_t new_size; size_t mmap_alignment; size_t page_offset; git_off_t page_start; git_off_t current_size = idx->pack->mwf.size; int fd = idx->pack->mwf.fd; int error; if (!size) return 0; if ((error = git__mmap_alignment(&mmap_alignment)) < 0) return error; /* Write a single byte to force the file system to allocate space now or * report an error, since we can't report errors when writing using mmap. * Round the size up to the nearest page so that we only need to perform file * I/O when we add a page, instead of whenever we write even a single byte. */ new_size = current_size + size; page_offset = new_size % mmap_alignment; page_start = new_size - page_offset; if (p_lseek(fd, page_start + mmap_alignment - 1, SEEK_SET) < 0 || p_write(idx->pack->mwf.fd, data, 1) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "cannot extend packfile '%s'", idx->pack->pack_name); return -1; } return write_at(idx, data, idx->pack->mwf.size, size); } static int read_stream_object(git_indexer *idx, git_transfer_progress *stats) { git_packfile_stream *stream = &idx->stream; git_off_t entry_start = idx->off; size_t entry_size; git_object_t type; git_mwindow *w = NULL; int error; if (idx->pack->mwf.size <= idx->off + 20) return GIT_EBUFS; if (!idx->have_stream) { error = git_packfile_unpack_header(&entry_size, &type, &idx->pack->mwf, &w, &idx->off); if (error == GIT_EBUFS) { idx->off = entry_start; return error; } if (error < 0) return error; git_mwindow_close(&w); idx->entry_start = entry_start; git_hash_init(&idx->hash_ctx); git_buf_clear(&idx->entry_data); if (type == GIT_OBJECT_REF_DELTA || type == GIT_OBJECT_OFS_DELTA) { error = advance_delta_offset(idx, type); if (error == GIT_EBUFS) { idx->off = entry_start; return error; } if (error < 0) return error; idx->have_delta = 1; } else { idx->have_delta = 0; error = hash_header(&idx->hash_ctx, entry_size, type); if (error < 0) return error; } idx->have_stream = 1; idx->entry_type = type; error = git_packfile_stream_open(stream, idx->pack, idx->off); if (error < 0) return error; } if (idx->have_delta) { error = read_object_stream(idx, stream); } else { error = hash_object_stream(idx, stream); } idx->off = stream->curpos; if (error == GIT_EBUFS) return error; /* We want to free the stream reasorces no matter what here */ idx->have_stream = 0; git_packfile_stream_dispose(stream); if (error < 0) return error; if (idx->have_delta) { error = store_delta(idx); } else { error = store_object(idx); } if (error < 0) return error; if (!idx->have_delta) { stats->indexed_objects++; } stats->received_objects++; if ((error = do_progress_callback(idx, stats)) != 0) return error; return 0; } int git_indexer_append(git_indexer *idx, const void *data, size_t size, git_transfer_progress *stats) { int error = -1; struct git_pack_header *hdr = &idx->hdr; git_mwindow_file *mwf = &idx->pack->mwf; assert(idx && data && stats); if ((error = append_to_pack(idx, data, size)) < 0) return error; hash_partially(idx, data, (int)size); /* Make sure we set the new size of the pack */ idx->pack->mwf.size += size; if (!idx->parsed_header) { unsigned int total_objects; if ((unsigned)idx->pack->mwf.size < sizeof(struct git_pack_header)) return 0; if ((error = parse_header(&idx->hdr, idx->pack)) < 0) return error; idx->parsed_header = 1; idx->nr_objects = ntohl(hdr->hdr_entries); idx->off = sizeof(struct git_pack_header); if (idx->nr_objects <= git_indexer__max_objects) { total_objects = (unsigned int)idx->nr_objects; } else { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INDEXER, "too many objects"); return -1; } idx->pack->idx_cache = git_oidmap_alloc(); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(idx->pack->idx_cache); idx->pack->has_cache = 1; if (git_vector_init(&idx->objects, total_objects, objects_cmp) < 0) return -1; if (git_vector_init(&idx->deltas, total_objects / 2, NULL) < 0) return -1; stats->received_objects = 0; stats->local_objects = 0; stats->total_deltas = 0; stats->indexed_deltas = 0; stats->indexed_objects = 0; stats->total_objects = total_objects; if ((error = do_progress_callback(idx, stats)) != 0) return error; } /* Now that we have data in the pack, let's try to parse it */ /* As the file grows any windows we try to use will be out of date */ git_mwindow_free_all(mwf); while (stats->indexed_objects < idx->nr_objects) { if ((error = read_stream_object(idx, stats)) != 0) { if (error == GIT_EBUFS) break; else goto on_error; } } return 0; on_error: git_mwindow_free_all(mwf); return error; } static int index_path(git_buf *path, git_indexer *idx, const char *suffix) { const char prefix[] = "pack-"; size_t slash = (size_t)path->size; /* search backwards for '/' */ while (slash > 0 && path->ptr[slash - 1] != '/') slash--; if (git_buf_grow(path, slash + 1 + strlen(prefix) + GIT_OID_HEXSZ + strlen(suffix) + 1) < 0) return -1; git_buf_truncate(path, slash); git_buf_puts(path, prefix); git_oid_fmt(path->ptr + git_buf_len(path), &idx->hash); path->size += GIT_OID_HEXSZ; git_buf_puts(path, suffix); return git_buf_oom(path) ? -1 : 0; } /** * Rewind the packfile by the trailer, as we might need to fix the * packfile by injecting objects at the tail and must overwrite it. */ static void seek_back_trailer(git_indexer *idx) { idx->pack->mwf.size -= GIT_OID_RAWSZ; git_mwindow_free_all(&idx->pack->mwf); } static int inject_object(git_indexer *idx, git_oid *id) { git_odb_object *obj; struct entry *entry; struct git_pack_entry *pentry = NULL; git_oid foo = {{0}}; unsigned char hdr[64]; git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; git_off_t entry_start; const void *data; size_t len, hdr_len; int error; seek_back_trailer(idx); entry_start = idx->pack->mwf.size; if (git_odb_read(&obj, idx->odb, id) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INDEXER, "missing delta bases"); return -1; } data = git_odb_object_data(obj); len = git_odb_object_size(obj); entry = git__calloc(1, sizeof(*entry)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(entry); entry->crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0); /* Write out the object header */ hdr_len = git_packfile__object_header(hdr, len, git_odb_object_type(obj)); if ((error = append_to_pack(idx, hdr, hdr_len)) < 0) goto cleanup; idx->pack->mwf.size += hdr_len; entry->crc = crc32(entry->crc, hdr, (uInt)hdr_len); if ((error = git_zstream_deflatebuf(&buf, data, len)) < 0) goto cleanup; /* And then the compressed object */ if ((error = append_to_pack(idx, buf.ptr, buf.size)) < 0) goto cleanup; idx->pack->mwf.size += buf.size; entry->crc = htonl(crc32(entry->crc, (unsigned char *)buf.ptr, (uInt)buf.size)); git_buf_dispose(&buf); /* Write a fake trailer so the pack functions play ball */ if ((error = append_to_pack(idx, &foo, GIT_OID_RAWSZ)) < 0) goto cleanup; idx->pack->mwf.size += GIT_OID_RAWSZ; pentry = git__calloc(1, sizeof(struct git_pack_entry)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pentry); git_oid_cpy(&pentry->sha1, id); git_oid_cpy(&entry->oid, id); idx->off = entry_start + hdr_len + len; error = save_entry(idx, entry, pentry, entry_start); cleanup: if (error) { git__free(entry); git__free(pentry); } git_odb_object_free(obj); return error; } static int fix_thin_pack(git_indexer *idx, git_transfer_progress *stats) { int error, found_ref_delta = 0; unsigned int i; struct delta_info *delta; size_t size; git_object_t type; git_mwindow *w = NULL; git_off_t curpos = 0; unsigned char *base_info; unsigned int left = 0; git_oid base; assert(git_vector_length(&idx->deltas) > 0); if (idx->odb == NULL) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INDEXER, "cannot fix a thin pack without an ODB"); return -1; } /* Loop until we find the first REF delta */ git_vector_foreach(&idx->deltas, i, delta) { if (!delta) continue; curpos = delta->delta_off; error = git_packfile_unpack_header(&size, &type, &idx->pack->mwf, &w, &curpos); if (error < 0) return error; if (type == GIT_OBJECT_REF_DELTA) { found_ref_delta = 1; break; } } if (!found_ref_delta) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INDEXER, "no REF_DELTA found, cannot inject object"); return -1; } /* curpos now points to the base information, which is an OID */ base_info = git_mwindow_open(&idx->pack->mwf, &w, curpos, GIT_OID_RAWSZ, &left); if (base_info == NULL) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INDEXER, "failed to map delta information"); return -1; } git_oid_fromraw(&base, base_info); git_mwindow_close(&w); if (has_entry(idx, &base)) return 0; if (inject_object(idx, &base) < 0) return -1; stats->local_objects++; return 0; } static int resolve_deltas(git_indexer *idx, git_transfer_progress *stats) { unsigned int i; int error; struct delta_info *delta; int progressed = 0, non_null = 0, progress_cb_result; while (idx->deltas.length > 0) { progressed = 0; non_null = 0; git_vector_foreach(&idx->deltas, i, delta) { git_rawobj obj = {0}; if (!delta) continue; non_null = 1; idx->off = delta->delta_off; if ((error = git_packfile_unpack(&obj, idx->pack, &idx->off)) < 0) { if (error == GIT_PASSTHROUGH) { /* We have not seen the base object, we'll try again later. */ continue; } return -1; } if (idx->do_verify && check_object_connectivity(idx, &obj) < 0) /* TODO: error? continue? */ continue; if (hash_and_save(idx, &obj, delta->delta_off) < 0) continue; git__free(obj.data); stats->indexed_objects++; stats->indexed_deltas++; progressed = 1; if ((progress_cb_result = do_progress_callback(idx, stats)) < 0) return progress_cb_result; /* remove from the list */ git_vector_set(NULL, &idx->deltas, i, NULL); git__free(delta); } /* if none were actually set, we're done */ if (!non_null) break; if (!progressed && (fix_thin_pack(idx, stats) < 0)) { return -1; } } return 0; } static int update_header_and_rehash(git_indexer *idx, git_transfer_progress *stats) { void *ptr; size_t chunk = 1024*1024; git_off_t hashed = 0; git_mwindow *w = NULL; git_mwindow_file *mwf; unsigned int left; mwf = &idx->pack->mwf; git_hash_init(&idx->trailer); /* Update the header to include the numer of local objects we injected */ idx->hdr.hdr_entries = htonl(stats->total_objects + stats->local_objects); if (write_at(idx, &idx->hdr, 0, sizeof(struct git_pack_header)) < 0) return -1; /* * We now use the same technique as before to determine the * hash. We keep reading up to the end and let * hash_partially() keep the existing trailer out of the * calculation. */ git_mwindow_free_all(mwf); idx->inbuf_len = 0; while (hashed < mwf->size) { ptr = git_mwindow_open(mwf, &w, hashed, chunk, &left); if (ptr == NULL) return -1; hash_partially(idx, ptr, left); hashed += left; git_mwindow_close(&w); } return 0; } int git_indexer_commit(git_indexer *idx, git_transfer_progress *stats) { git_mwindow *w = NULL; unsigned int i, long_offsets = 0, left; int error; struct git_pack_idx_header hdr; git_buf filename = GIT_BUF_INIT; struct entry *entry; git_oid trailer_hash, file_hash; git_filebuf index_file = {0}; void *packfile_trailer; if (!idx->parsed_header) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INDEXER, "incomplete pack header"); return -1; } /* Test for this before resolve_deltas(), as it plays with idx->off */ if (idx->off + 20 < idx->pack->mwf.size) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INDEXER, "unexpected data at the end of the pack"); return -1; } if (idx->off + 20 > idx->pack->mwf.size) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INDEXER, "missing trailer at the end of the pack"); return -1; } packfile_trailer = git_mwindow_open(&idx->pack->mwf, &w, idx->pack->mwf.size - GIT_OID_RAWSZ, GIT_OID_RAWSZ, &left); if (packfile_trailer == NULL) { git_mwindow_close(&w); goto on_error; } /* Compare the packfile trailer as it was sent to us and what we calculated */ git_oid_fromraw(&file_hash, packfile_trailer); git_mwindow_close(&w); git_hash_final(&trailer_hash, &idx->trailer); if (git_oid_cmp(&file_hash, &trailer_hash)) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INDEXER, "packfile trailer mismatch"); return -1; } /* Freeze the number of deltas */ stats->total_deltas = stats->total_objects - stats->indexed_objects; if ((error = resolve_deltas(idx, stats)) < 0) return error; if (stats->indexed_objects != stats->total_objects) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INDEXER, "early EOF"); return -1; } if (stats->local_objects > 0) { if (update_header_and_rehash(idx, stats) < 0) return -1; git_hash_final(&trailer_hash, &idx->trailer); write_at(idx, &trailer_hash, idx->pack->mwf.size - GIT_OID_RAWSZ, GIT_OID_RAWSZ); } /* * Is the resulting graph fully connected or are we still * missing some objects? In the second case, we can * bail out due to an incomplete and thus corrupt * packfile. */ if (git_oidmap_size(idx->expected_oids) > 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INDEXER, "packfile is missing %"PRIuZ" objects", git_oidmap_size(idx->expected_oids)); return -1; } git_vector_sort(&idx->objects); /* Use the trailer hash as the pack file name to ensure * files with different contents have different names */ git_oid_cpy(&idx->hash, &trailer_hash); git_buf_sets(&filename, idx->pack->pack_name); git_buf_shorten(&filename, strlen("pack")); git_buf_puts(&filename, "idx"); if (git_buf_oom(&filename)) return -1; if (git_filebuf_open(&index_file, filename.ptr, GIT_FILEBUF_HASH_CONTENTS | (idx->do_fsync ? GIT_FILEBUF_FSYNC : 0), idx->mode) < 0) goto on_error; /* Write out the header */ hdr.idx_signature = htonl(PACK_IDX_SIGNATURE); hdr.idx_version = htonl(2); git_filebuf_write(&index_file, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)); /* Write out the fanout table */ for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { uint32_t n = htonl(idx->fanout[i]); git_filebuf_write(&index_file, &n, sizeof(n)); } /* Write out the object names (SHA-1 hashes) */ git_vector_foreach(&idx->objects, i, entry) { git_filebuf_write(&index_file, &entry->oid, sizeof(git_oid)); } /* Write out the CRC32 values */ git_vector_foreach(&idx->objects, i, entry) { git_filebuf_write(&index_file, &entry->crc, sizeof(uint32_t)); } /* Write out the offsets */ git_vector_foreach(&idx->objects, i, entry) { uint32_t n; if (entry->offset == UINT32_MAX) n = htonl(0x80000000 | long_offsets++); else n = htonl(entry->offset); git_filebuf_write(&index_file, &n, sizeof(uint32_t)); } /* Write out the long offsets */ git_vector_foreach(&idx->objects, i, entry) { uint32_t split[2]; if (entry->offset != UINT32_MAX) continue; split[0] = htonl(entry->offset_long >> 32); split[1] = htonl(entry->offset_long & 0xffffffff); git_filebuf_write(&index_file, &split, sizeof(uint32_t) * 2); } /* Write out the packfile trailer to the index */ if (git_filebuf_write(&index_file, &trailer_hash, GIT_OID_RAWSZ) < 0) goto on_error; /* Write out the hash of the idx */ if (git_filebuf_hash(&trailer_hash, &index_file) < 0) goto on_error; git_filebuf_write(&index_file, &trailer_hash, sizeof(git_oid)); /* Figure out what the final name should be */ if (index_path(&filename, idx, ".idx") < 0) goto on_error; /* Commit file */ if (git_filebuf_commit_at(&index_file, filename.ptr) < 0) goto on_error; git_mwindow_free_all(&idx->pack->mwf); /* Truncate file to undo rounding up to next page_size in append_to_pack */ if (p_ftruncate(idx->pack->mwf.fd, idx->pack->mwf.size) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "failed to truncate pack file '%s'", idx->pack->pack_name); return -1; } if (idx->do_fsync && p_fsync(idx->pack->mwf.fd) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "failed to fsync packfile"); goto on_error; } /* We need to close the descriptor here so Windows doesn't choke on commit_at */ if (p_close(idx->pack->mwf.fd) < 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "failed to close packfile"); goto on_error; } idx->pack->mwf.fd = -1; if (index_path(&filename, idx, ".pack") < 0) goto on_error; /* And don't forget to rename the packfile to its new place. */ if (p_rename(idx->pack->pack_name, git_buf_cstr(&filename)) < 0) goto on_error; /* And fsync the parent directory if we're asked to. */ if (idx->do_fsync && git_futils_fsync_parent(git_buf_cstr(&filename)) < 0) goto on_error; idx->pack_committed = 1; git_buf_dispose(&filename); return 0; on_error: git_mwindow_free_all(&idx->pack->mwf); git_filebuf_cleanup(&index_file); git_buf_dispose(&filename); return -1; } void git_indexer_free(git_indexer *idx) { size_t pos; if (idx == NULL) return; if (idx->have_stream) git_packfile_stream_dispose(&idx->stream); git_vector_free_deep(&idx->objects); if (idx->pack->idx_cache) { struct git_pack_entry *pentry; git_oidmap_foreach_value(idx->pack->idx_cache, pentry, { git__free(pentry); }); git_oidmap_free(idx->pack->idx_cache); } git_vector_free_deep(&idx->deltas); if (!git_mutex_lock(&git__mwindow_mutex)) { if (!idx->pack_committed) git_packfile_close(idx->pack, true); git_packfile_free(idx->pack); git_mutex_unlock(&git__mwindow_mutex); } for (pos = git_oidmap_begin(idx->expected_oids); pos != git_oidmap_end(idx->expected_oids); pos++) { if (git_oidmap_has_data(idx->expected_oids, pos)) { git__free((git_oid *) git_oidmap_key(idx->expected_oids, pos)); git_oidmap_delete_at(idx->expected_oids, pos); } } git_hash_ctx_cleanup(&idx->trailer); git_hash_ctx_cleanup(&idx->hash_ctx); git_buf_dispose(&idx->entry_data); git_oidmap_free(idx->expected_oids); git__free(idx); }