Feature: initialize command As a Cookbook author I want a way to quickly prepare a Cookbook on my local disk with Berkshelf files So that I can resolve my Cookbook's dependencies with Berkshelf Scenario: initializing a path containing a cookbook Given a cookbook named "sparkle_motion" When I run the init command with the cookbook "sparkle_motion" as the target Then the cookbook "sparkle_motion" should have the following files: | Berksfile | | .chefignore | And the file "Berksfile" in the cookbook "sparkle_motion" should contain: """ metadata """ And the output should contain "Successfully initialized" And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: initializing a path that does not contain a cookbook Given a directory named "not_a_cookbook" When I run the init command with the directory "not_a_cookbook" as the target Then the directory "not_a_cookbook" should have the following files: | Berksfile | And the directory "not_a_cookbook" should not have the following files: | .chefignore | And the file "Berksfile" in the directory "not_a_cookbook" should not contain: """ metadata """ And the output should contain "Successfully initialized" And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: initializing with no value given for target When I run the init command with no value for the target Then the output should contain "Successfully initialized" And the current directory should have the following files: | Berksfile | And the current directory should not have the following files: | .chefignore | And the exit status should be 0