{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} import Data.Foldable (for_) import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe) import Test.Hspec.Runner (configFastFail, defaultConfig, hspecWith) import Phone (number) main :: IO () main = hspecWith defaultConfig {configFastFail = True} specs specs :: Spec specs = describe "number" $ for_ cases test where test Case{..} = it description $ number input `shouldBe` expected data Case = Case { description :: String , input :: String , expected :: Maybe String } cases :: [Case] cases = [ Case { description = "cleans the number" , input = "(223) 456-7890" , expected = Just "2234567890" } , Case { description = "cleans numbers with dots" , input = "223.456.7890" , expected = Just "2234567890" } , Case { description = "cleans numbers with multiple spaces" , input = "223 456 7890 " , expected = Just "2234567890" } , Case { description = "invalid when 9 digits" , input = "123456789" , expected = Nothing } , Case { description = "invalid when 11 digits does not start with a 1" , input = "22234567890" , expected = Nothing } , Case { description = "valid when 11 digits and starting with 1" , input = "12234567890" , expected = Just "2234567890" } , Case { description = "valid when 11 digits and starting with 1 even with punctuation" , input = "+1 (223) 456-7890" , expected = Just "2234567890" } , Case { description = "invalid when more than 11 digits" , input = "321234567890" , expected = Nothing } , Case { description = "invalid with letters" , input = "123-abc-7890" , expected = Nothing } , Case { description = "invalid with punctuations" , input = "123-@:!-7890" , expected = Nothing } , Case { description = "invalid if area code does not start with 2-9" , input = "(123) 456-7890" , expected = Nothing } , Case { description = "invalid if exchange code does not start with 2-9" , input = "(223) 056-7890" , expected = Nothing } ]