#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Unit test & acceptance test runner for Trema. # # Copyright (C) 2008-2013 NEC Corporation # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # # Guard Trema codebase's coverage from dropping below the following # threshold. # $coverage_threshold = 70.2 ################################################################################ # Load libraries ################################################################################ $LOAD_PATH.unshift( File.expand_path( File.dirname( __FILE__ ) + "/ruby" ) ) require "rubygems" require "English" require "blocker" require "fileutils" require "find" require "optparse" require "stringio" require "sub-process" require "trema/path" include FileUtils ################################################################################ # Helper methods ################################################################################ def path_string paths = ENV[ "PATH" ].split( ":" ) paths << Gem::bindir unless paths.include?( Gem::bindir ) paths.join ":" end def sh cmd ENV[ "LC_ALL" ] = "C" ENV[ "PATH" ] = path_string puts cmd if $verbose unless system( cmd ) raise "Command '#{ cmd }' failed!" end end ################################################################################ # Code coverage (gcov) ################################################################################ $c_files = {} class Testee attr_reader :coverage attr_writer :lines def initialize path @path = path @lines = 0 @coverage = 0.0 end def name File.basename( @path ) end def lines return @lines if @lines != 0 n = 0 in_comment = false File.open( @path, "r" ).each_line do | l | next if /^\s+\/\//=~ l # comments starting with // next if /^\s*$/=~ l # empty lines next if /^\s*\/\*.*\*\//=~l # /* ... */ if /^\s*\/\*/=~ l # /* in_comment = true next end if /^\s*\*\//=~ l # */ in_comment = false next end next if in_comment n += 1 end n end def lines_tested @lines * @coverage / 100.0 end def coverage= value if value > @coverage @coverage = value end end def <=> other @name <=> other.name end end def testees $c_files.delete_if do | key, value | File.basename( key ) == "trema_wrapper.c" end end def files_tested testees.values.select do | each | each.coverage != 0.0 end end def files_not_tested testees.values - files_tested end def lines_total testees.values.inject( 0 ) do | r, each | r += each.lines end end def lines_tested testees.values.inject( 0 ) do | r, each | r += each.lines_tested end end def coverage sprintf( "%3.1f", lines_tested / lines_total * 100.0 ).to_f end def diff_coverage_threshold sprintf( "%3.1f", ( $coverage_threshold - coverage ).abs ).to_f end def gcov gcda, dir file = nil cmd = "gcov #{ gcda } -o #{ dir } -n" SubProcess.create do | shell | shell.on_stdout do | l | file = File.expand_path( $1 ) if /^File '(.*)'/=~ l testee = $c_files[ file ] if /^Lines executed:(.*)% of (.*)$/=~ l and not testee.nil? testee.coverage = $1.to_f testee.lines = $2.to_i end end shell.on_stderr do | l | $stderr.puts l end shell.on_failure do raise "'#{ cmd }' failed." end shell.exec cmd end end def measure_coverage Find.find( "src/lib", "src/packetin_filter", "src/switch_manager", "src/tremashark", "unittests" ) do | f | if /\.c$/=~ f path = File.expand_path( f ) $c_files[ path ] = Testee.new( path ) end end Dir.glob( "unittests/objects/*.gcda" ).each do | each | gcov each, "unittests/objects" end Dir.glob( "objects/unittests/*.gcda" ).each do | each | gcov each, "objects/unittests" end end ################################################################################ # Summaries ################################################################################ def banner message return <<-EOF #{ message } ================================================================================ EOF end def coverage_ranking summary = StringIO.new testees.values.sort_by do | each | each.coverage end.each do | each | summary.printf " %45s (%4s LoC): %5.1f%%\n", each.name, each.lines, each.coverage end summary.string end def coverage_threshold_error return <<-EOF #{ banner( "ERROR" ) } Oops... Overall coverage DECREASED to #{ coverage }% !!! IMPROVE the ratio and re-run #{ $0 }. EOF end def update_coverage_threshold_message return <<-EOF #{ banner( "WARNING" ) } Congratulations ! Overall coverage INCREASED to #{ coverage }% ! Update the $coverage_threshold line at the top of #{ $0 }: $coverage_threshold = #{ coverage } EOF end def delta_coverage_threshold 0.1 end def show_summary puts <<-EOF #{ banner( "Coverage details" ) } #{ coverage_ranking } #{ banner( "Summary" ) } - Total execution time = #{ ( Time.now - $start_time ).to_i } seconds - Overall coverage = #{ coverage }% (#{ files_not_tested.size }/#{ testees.size } files not yet tested) EOF if ( coverage < $coverage_threshold ) and ( diff_coverage_threshold > delta_coverage_threshold ) puts coverage_threshold_error puts; puts exit -1 elsif ( coverage > $coverage_threshold ) and ( diff_coverage_threshold > delta_coverage_threshold ) puts update_coverage_threshold_message puts; puts exit -1 end end ################################################################################ # Tests ################################################################################ def test message puts message cd Trema.home do sh "bundle exec rake clean" begin yield ensure sh "./trema killall" end end end def run_unit_test test "Running unit tests ..." do sh "bundle exec rake unittests" sh "bundle exec rake spec" end measure_coverage end def run_acceptance_test test "Running acceptance tests ..." do sh "bundle exec rake features" end end ################################################################################ # Main ################################################################################ $options = OptionParser.new $options.on( "-u", "--unit-test-only" ) do $unit_test_only = true end $options.on( "-a", "--acceptance-test-only" ) do $acceptance_test_only = true end $options.separator "" $options.on( "-h", "--help" ) do puts $options.to_s exit end $options.on( "-v", "--verbose" ) do $verbose = true end $options.parse! ARGV def init_cruise sh "bundle install" sh "bundle update" sh "bundle exec rake clobber" end Blocker.start do $start_time = Time.now cd Trema.home do init_cruise run_unit_test if not $acceptance_test_only run_acceptance_test if not $unit_test_only show_summary if not $acceptance_test_only end end ### Local variables: ### mode: Ruby ### coding: utf-8-unix ### indent-tabs-mode: nil ### End: