class DebugConsole < Hyperloop::Component param :application_window_id param :context param :title state history: [], scope: :shared state console_state: :waiting_for_code, scope: :shared class << self attr_accessor :application_window_id attr_accessor :context def console_id @console_id ||= ( `sessionStorage.getItem('Hyperloop::Console::ConsoleId')` || SecureRandom.uuid.tap { |id| `sessionStorage.setItem('Hyperloop::Console::ConsoleId', #{id})` } ) end def ready!(code, compiled_code) @code_to_send = code mutate.error_message nil evaluate compiled_code if @code_to_send =~ /.\n$/ end def evaluate(compiled_code) @code_to_send = @code_to_send[0..-2] mutate.history << {eval: @code_to_send} mutate.console_state :sending target_id: application_window_id, sender_id: console_id, context: context, string: compiled_code end end after_mount do DebugConsole.application_window_id = params.application_window_id DebugConsole.context = params.context mutate.history(JSON.parse(`sessionStorage.getItem('Hyperloop::Console.history')` || '[]')) `document.title = #{params.title}` `window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, 99999)` Response.on_dispatch do |p| next unless p.target_id == DebugConsole.console_id mutate.console_state :waiting_for_code mutate.history << {p.kind => p.message} `sessionStorage.setItem('Hyperloop::Console.history', #{state.history.to_json})` end end after_update do `window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, 99999)` end render(DIV, style: { height: '100vh' }) do # the outer DIV is needed to set fill the window so mouse clicks anywhere # will go to the last line of the editor DIV(class: :card) do state.history.each do |item| CodeHistoryItem(item_type: item.first.first, value: item.first.last || '') end CodeEditor(history: state.history, context: params.context) unless state.console_state == :sending end.on(:mouse_down) do |e| CodeEditor.set_focus e.prevent_default end end end class CodeMirror < Hyperloop::Component attr_reader :editor after_mount do @editor = `CodeMirror(#{dom_node}, { value: #{@code.to_s}, mode: 'text/x-ruby', matchBrackets: true, lineNumbers: false, indentUnit: 2, theme: 'github', readOnly: #{!!@read_only} });` end render(DIV) end class CodeHistoryItem < CodeMirror param :item_type param :value def format case params.item_type when :eval params.value when :exception format_lines("!!", params.value) when :result format_lines(">>", params.value) else format_lines("#{params.item_type}:", params.value) end end def format_lines(prefix, value) fill = prefix.gsub(/./, ' ') lines = value.split("\n") (["#{prefix} #{lines.shift}"]+lines.collect do |line| "#{fill} #{line}" end).join("\n") end def mark_response_lines return if params.item_type == :eval lines = params.value.split("\n") padding = [:exception, :result].include?(params.item_type) ? 3 : 2+params.item_type.to_s.length last_line = lines[-1] || '' `#{@editor}.markText({line: 0, ch: 0}, {line: #{lines.count-1}, ch: #{last_line.length+padding}}, {className: 'response-line'})` end before_mount do @code = format @read_only = true end after_mount do mark_response_lines end render do DIV {}.on(:mouse_down) { |e| e.stop_propagation } end end class CodeEditor < CodeMirror param :history param :context class << self attr_accessor :editor def set_focus editor.set_focus_at_end if editor end end before_mount do @history = params.history.collect { |item| item[:eval] }.compact + [''] @history_pos = @history.length-1 end after_mount do `#{@editor}.on('change', #{lambda {on_change} })` `#{@editor}.on('keydown', #{lambda { |cm, e| on_key_down(cm, e) } })` `#{@editor}.focus()` self.class.editor = self end before_unmount do self.class.editor = nil end def move_history(n) @history[@history_pos] = `#{@editor}.getValue()` @history_pos += n text = @history[@history_pos] lines = text.split("\n") `#{@editor}.setValue(#{text})` after(0) do `window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, 99999)` `#{@editor}.setCursor({line: #{lines.count}, ch: #{(lines.last || '').length}})` end end def set_focus_at_end `#{@editor}.focus()` lines = `#{@editor}.getValue()`.split("\n") `#{@editor}.setCursor({line: #{lines.count}, ch: #{(lines.last || '').length}})` end def on_key_down(cm, e) if `e.metaKey` || `e.ctrlKey` return unless `e.keyCode` == 13 `#{@editor}.setValue(#{@editor}.getValue()+#{"\n"})` #on_change elsif `e.key` == 'ArrowUp' move_history(-1) if @history_pos > 0 elsif `e.key` == 'ArrowDown' move_history(1) if @history_pos < @history.length-1 end end def mark_error(message) from, to, title = parse_error(message) @error = `#{@editor}.markText(#{from.to_n}, #{to.to_n}, {className: 'syntax-error', title: title})` end def parse_error(message) message = message.split("\n") position_info = message[3].split(':') last_line_number = `#{@editor}.lineCount()` last_line = `#{@editor}.getLine(last_line_number-1)` [ {line: 0, ch: 0}, {line: last_line_number, ch: last_line.length}, message[2].split(':(file)')[0] ] end def clear_error `#{@error}.clear()` if @error @error = nil end def on_change clear_error code = `#{@editor}.getValue()` if params.context.empty? compiled_code = Opal.compile(code, irb: true) else compiled_code = Opal.compile("#{params.context}.instance_eval {#{code}}") end DebugConsole.ready!(code, compiled_code) rescue Exception => e mark_error(e.message) end render do DIV {}.on(:mouse_down) { |e| e.stop_propagation } end end Document.ready? do mount_point = Element["[data-react-class='React.TopLevelRailsComponent']"] mount_point.render do DebugConsole(JSON.parse(mount_point.attr('data-react-props'))[:render_params]) end end