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Possible values: 'rspec', 'cucumber', 'test_unit'. - 'object_module': [String] Base module for selenium objects. Default: 'SeleniumObject' - 'navigation_components': [Array] The names of the navigation components expected. Default: ['pages', 'tab'] ## Usage ### Lookup strategy Everytime you create a Selenium object it is fired the lookup process. This mean that based on selected strategy is defined the value for `root_el` (an instance of `Selenium::WebDriver::Element`). What really matters about this is that all `find_element` or `find_elements` operations will be done always in the scope of the `root_el`. #### Hooks The lookup process defines two hooks: - before_load_dom: This hook allows you to do some actions before the lookup process. For example, `SeleniumRecord::NavigationItem` takes this hook to click on a menu page and start lookup only once the new page it is loaded. - after_load_dom: This hook allows you to do some actions after lookup process. For example, `SeleniumRecord::Base` takes this hook to inject components defined. ```ruby # selenium_record/component_autoload.rb # Inject components after loading dom, providing reader methods for # accessing them # @param names [Array] component names. Valid formats Regex: # /(?.*)_(?view|tab|pill|modal|panel)$/ def component_reader(*names) names.each { |name| create_component_reader name } define_method :after_load_dom do load_components names end end ``` **REMEMBER:** All selenium objects should define their lookup strategy through the class method `lookup_strategy`. #### Relative title In the next example it is search in first place element relative to element for locator returned by `title_locator` instance method. Once found this element it is searched the `root_el` using a relative xpath. ```ruby # spec/support/selenium_objects/panels/image_panel.rb module SeleniumObjects module Panels # Selenium Page Object to interact with areas sections for a page class ImagePanel < Base::ApplicationView lookup_strategy :relative_title, locator: { xpath: '../../..' } # ... ``` #### Matching element This strategy searchs exactly for the element which the locator passed as parameter. ```ruby # spec/support/selenium_objects/panels/image_panel.rb module SeleniumObjects module Panels # Selenium Page Object to interact with areas sections for a page class ImagePanel < Base::ApplicationView lookup_strategy :matching, locator: { xpath: ".//div[@class='todo-list']" } # ... ``` #### Root This strategy sets as `root_el` the element associated with html `body` tag ```ruby module SeleniumRecord # Base model to be extended by all Selenium page objects class NavigationItem < Base lookup_strategy :root # ... ``` ### Dependency injection When you call `component_reader` class method you pass a list of components that will be injected into the current component once it is instantiated. They will be available through the related accessor methods (Example: `filter_panel`). #### Components ```ruby # spec/support/selenium_objects/panels/search/filter_panel module SeleniumObjects module Panels class FilterPanel < Base::ApplicationPanel # ... def search # Do search stuff end # spec/support/selenium_objects/views/search_view module SeleniumObjects module Views class SearchView < Base::ApplicationView navigate_to :labels component_reader :filter_panel, :results_panel # ... ``` In addition all method calls to instance methods of components will be proxied through the container component if this component doesn't define the proper method. In the previous example: ```ruby search_view # => SearchView instance search_view.search # => equal to search_view.filter_panel.search ``` #### Action components When you call `action_component_reader` class method you can pass a list of components that will perform an action once they are instantiated. Because of that, when you create an instance of `ConceptView` it will be generated only the accessors methods to create the related instance of `DetailsTab` (equal to other tabs). As `DetailsTab` is a component of `ConceptView`, the attribute `parent_el` of `DetailsTab` will match the `root_el` of `ConceptView`. ```ruby # spec/support/selenium_objects/tabs/details_tab module SeleniumObjects module Tabs class DetailsTab < Base::ApplicationView navigate_to :details # spec/support/selenium_objects/views/concept_view.rb module SeleniumObjects module Views class ConceptView < Base::ApplicationView lookup_strategy :root action_component_reader :main_tab, :details_tab, :audit_tab ``` If we focus on `DetailsTab`: ```ruby class DetailsTab < Base::ApplicationView navigate_to :details ``` The method `navigate_to` will perform a click on link with localized string "details". Of course you can customize to fit your needs this approach using a code like this one. In the next example we change from expected `trans key` to `trans "txt.views.layouts.sections.#{key}"` ```ruby # spec/support/selenium_objects/base/application_tab.rb module SeleniumObjects module Base # Base class for all selenium objects representing an application tab class ApplicationTab < ::SeleniumRecord::NavigationItem def self.navigate_to(key) define_method :before_navigate do @title = trans "txt.views.layouts.sections.#{key}" end end # ... ``` ### Scopes Scopes allow you to execute code inside a block in the scope of the `Selenium::WebDriver::Element` associated to the scope definition. To define a scoped block you use the syntax: `scope :my_symbol { #stuff }`. The code will be executed in the context of the element with locator defined through method `my_symbol_locator`. #### Using locator symbol ```ruby # spec/support/selenium_objects/views/concept_view.rb module SeleniumObjects module Views class ConceptView < Base::ApplicationView lookup_strategy :root def create_new_version scope :fieldset_relations do # Methods from Actions module are executed relative to the element # specified by fieldset_relations_locator # See `selenium_record/actions` for more details end end def fieldset_relations_locator { xpath: ".//div[@class='relations']" end # ... ``` #### Extensions Everytime you call methods like `find` or `find_elements`, it will be returned the `Selenium::WebDriver::Element` instances with methods from modules: - `SeleniumRecord::Axiable` **WARNING**: Currently this behaviour it is only implemented for `find` #### Plugins As a good practice, all stuff related to a explicit javascript library should be package inside plugins folder. As an example: ``` # spec/support/selenium_objects/plugins/jquery_autocomplete.rb module SeleniumObjects module Plugins class JQueryAutocomplete < ::SeleniumRecord::Base attr_accessor :input_el # @param browser [Selenium::WebDriver::Driver] # @param locator [Hash] The locator of the input text autocomplete element def initialize(browser, locator) @root_el = browser @input_el = find(locator) end def perform(text) @text = text search_text select_from_pulldown_menu wait_for_tag_created end # ... ``` ## Install After running `rake selenium_record::install`, you should include a module in Rspec with: ```ruby module SeleniumRecordHelpers def browser @browser ||= page.driver.browser end def create_page(page_sym) klass = page_sym.to_s.camelize "SeleniumObjects::Pages::#{klass}Page".constantize.new(browser).load_dom! end end ``` ## Warning This gem is still under development! As this gem was born while I was trying to right acceptance tests in a more maintainable and productive way, it is not already tested!! Check the roadmap for upcoming updates. All pending tasks should be completed for '1.0.0' version. Keep up to date! ## Roadmap SeleniumRecord is on its way towards 1.0.0. Please refer to [issues](https://github.com/dsaenztagarro/selenium-record/issues) for details. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'seleniumrecord' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install seleniumrecord ## Usage TODO: Write usage instructions here ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/dsaenztagarro/selenium-record/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request ## References - [Selenium Wiki Page](https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/PageObjects) - "Selenium 2 Testing Tools" by David Burns ## Thanks Thanks to [Hola Internet](https://github.com/holadev) for let me right this kind of tools