Sha256: 9a7f3547f6a9d167f9528c15642dc16d30916dd29e58eeac117993bee60edb3f

Contents?: true

Size: 562 Bytes

Versions: 6


Stored size: 562 Bytes


# This file is automatically generated by Android Tools.
# Do not modify this file -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED!
# This file must be checked in Version Control Systems.
# To customize properties used by the Ant build system edit
# "", and override values to adapt the script to your
# project structure.
# To enable ProGuard to shrink and obfuscate your code, uncomment this (available properties: sdk.dir, user.home):

# Project target.

Version data entries

6 entries across 6 versions & 2 rubygems

Version Path
mdbe-0.1.0 public/amber/examples/android/helloamber/
maglev-database-explorer-0.0.5 public/amber/examples/android/helloamber/
maglev-database-explorer-0.0.4 public/amber/examples/android/helloamber/
maglev-database-explorer-0.0.3 public/amber/examples/android/helloamber/
maglev-database-explorer-0.0.2 public/amber/examples/android/helloamber/
maglev-database-explorer-0.0.1 public/amber/examples/android/helloamber/