require 'etc' require 'thread' require 'ncurses' if defined? Ncurses module Ncurses def rows lame, lamer = [], [] stdscr.getmaxyx lame, lamer lame.first end def cols lame, lamer = [], [] stdscr.getmaxyx lame, lamer lamer.first end def curx lame, lamer = [], [] stdscr.getyx lame, lamer lamer.first end def mutex; @mutex ||=; end def sync &b; mutex.synchronize(&b); end ## magically, this stuff seems to work now. i could swear it didn't ## before. hm. def nonblocking_getch if[$stdin], nil, nil, 1) Ncurses.getch else nil end end module_function :rows, :cols, :curx, :nonblocking_getch, :mutex, :sync remove_const :KEY_ENTER remove_const :KEY_CANCEL KEY_ENTER = 10 KEY_CANCEL = 7 # ctrl-g KEY_TAB = 9 end end module Redwood class InputSequenceAborted < StandardError; end class Buffer attr_reader :mode, :x, :y, :width, :height, :title bool_reader :dirty bool_accessor :force_to_top def initialize window, mode, width, height, opts={} @w = window @mode = mode @dirty = true @focus = false @title = opts[:title] || "" @force_to_top = opts[:force_to_top] || false @x, @y, @width, @height = 0, 0, width, height end def content_height; @height - 1; end def content_width; @width; end def resize rows, cols return if cols == @width && rows == @height @width = cols @height = rows @dirty = true mode.resize rows, cols end def redraw status if @dirty draw status else draw_status status end commit end def mark_dirty; @dirty = true; end def commit @dirty = false @w.noutrefresh end def draw status @mode.draw draw_status status commit end ## s nil means a blank line! def write y, x, s, opts={} return if x >= @width || y >= @height @w.attrset Colormap.color_for(opts[:color] || :none, opts[:highlight]) s ||= "" maxl = @width - x @w.mvaddstr y, x, s[0 ... maxl] unless s.length >= maxl || opts[:no_fill] @w.mvaddstr(y, x + s.length, " " * (maxl - s.length)) end end def clear @w.clear end def draw_status status write @height - 1, 0, status, :color => :status_color end def focus @focus = true @dirty = true @mode.focus end def blur @focus = false @dirty = true @mode.blur end end class BufferManager include Singleton attr_reader :focus_buf ## we have to define the key used to continue in-buffer search here, because ## it has special semantics that BufferManager deals with---current searches ## are canceled by any keypress except this one. CONTINUE_IN_BUFFER_SEARCH_KEY = "n" HookManager.register "status-bar-text", <<EOS Sets the status bar. The default status bar contains the mode name, the buffer title, and the mode status. Note that this will be called at least once per keystroke, so excessive computation is discouraged. Variables: num_inbox: number of messages in inbox num_inbox_unread: total number of messages marked as unread num_total: total number of messages in the index num_spam: total number of messages marked as spam title: title of the current buffer mode: current mode name (string) status: current mode status (string) Return value: a string to be used as the status bar. EOS HookManager.register "terminal-title-text", <<EOS Sets the title of the current terminal, if applicable. Note that this will be called at least once per keystroke, so excessive computation is discouraged. Variables: the same as status-bar-text hook. Return value: a string to be used as the terminal title. EOS def initialize @name_map = {} @buffers = [] @focus_buf = nil @dirty = true @minibuf_stack = [] @minibuf_mutex = @textfields = {} @flash = nil @shelled = @asking = false @in_x = ENV["TERM"] =~ /(xterm|rxvt|screen)/ self.class.i_am_the_instance self end def buffers; @name_map.to_a; end def focus_on buf return unless @buffers.member? buf return if buf == @focus_buf @focus_buf.blur if @focus_buf @focus_buf = buf @focus_buf.focus end def raise_to_front buf @buffers.delete(buf) or return if @buffers.length > 0 && @buffers.last.force_to_top? @buffers.insert(-2, buf) else @buffers.push buf end focus_on @buffers.last @dirty = true end ## we reset force_to_top when rolling buffers. this is so that the ## human can actually still move buffers around, while still ## programmatically being able to pop stuff up in the middle of ## drawing a window without worrying about covering it up. ## ## if we ever start calling roll_buffers programmatically, we will ## have to change this. but it's not clear that we will ever actually ## do that. def roll_buffers @buffers.last.force_to_top = false raise_to_front @buffers.first end def roll_buffers_backwards return unless @buffers.length > 1 @buffers.last.force_to_top = false raise_to_front @buffers[@buffers.length - 2] end def handle_input c if @focus_buf if @focus_buf.mode.in_search? && c != CONTINUE_IN_BUFFER_SEARCH_KEY[0] @focus_buf.mode.cancel_search! @focus_buf.mark_dirty end @focus_buf.mode.handle_input c end end def exists? n; @name_map.member? n; end def [] n; @name_map[n]; end def []= n, b raise ArgumentError, "duplicate buffer name" if b && @name_map.member?(n) raise ArgumentError, "title must be a string" unless n.is_a? String @name_map[n] = b end def completely_redraw_screen return if @shelled status, title = get_status_and_title(@focus_buf) # must be called outside of the ncurses lock Ncurses.sync do @dirty = true Ncurses.clear draw_screen :sync => false, :status => status, :title => title end end def draw_screen opts={} return if @shelled status, title = if opts.member? :status [opts[:status], opts[:title]] else raise "status must be supplied if draw_screen is called within a sync" if opts[:sync] == false get_status_and_title @focus_buf # must be called outside of the ncurses lock end print "\033]2;#{title}\07" if title && @in_x Ncurses.mutex.lock unless opts[:sync] == false ## disabling this for the time being, to help with debugging ## (currently we only have one buffer visible at a time). ## TODO: reenable this if we allow multiple buffers false && @buffers.inject(@dirty) do |dirty, buf| buf.resize Ncurses.rows - minibuf_lines, Ncurses.cols #dirty ? buf.draw : buf.redraw buf.draw status dirty end ## quick hack if true buf = @buffers.last buf.resize Ncurses.rows - minibuf_lines, Ncurses.cols @dirty ? buf.draw(status) : buf.redraw(status) end draw_minibuf :sync => false unless opts[:skip_minibuf] @dirty = false Ncurses.doupdate Ncurses.refresh if opts[:refresh] Ncurses.mutex.unlock unless opts[:sync] == false end ## if the named buffer already exists, pops it to the front without ## calling the block. otherwise, gets the mode from the block and ## creates a new buffer. returns two things: the buffer, and a boolean ## indicating whether it's a new buffer or not. def spawn_unless_exists title, opts={} new = if @name_map.member? title raise_to_front @name_map[title] unless opts[:hidden] false else mode = yield spawn title, mode, opts true end [@name_map[title], new] end def spawn title, mode, opts={} raise ArgumentError, "title must be a string" unless title.is_a? String realtitle = title num = 2 while @name_map.member? realtitle realtitle = "#{title} <#{num}>" num += 1 end width = opts[:width] || Ncurses.cols height = opts[:height] || Ncurses.rows - 1 ## since we are currently only doing multiple full-screen modes, ## use stdscr for each window. once we become more sophisticated, ## we may need to use a new Ncurses::WINDOW ## ## w =, width, (opts[:top] || 0), ## (opts[:left] || 0)) w = Ncurses.stdscr b = w, mode, width, height, :title => realtitle, :force_to_top => (opts[:force_to_top] || false) mode.buffer = b @name_map[realtitle] = b @buffers.unshift b if opts[:hidden] focus_on b unless @focus_buf else raise_to_front b end b end ## requires the mode to have #done? and #value methods def spawn_modal title, mode, opts={} b = spawn title, mode, opts draw_screen until mode.done? c = Ncurses.nonblocking_getch next unless c # getch timeout break if c == Ncurses::KEY_CANCEL begin mode.handle_input c rescue InputSequenceAborted # do nothing end draw_screen erase_flash end kill_buffer b mode.value end def kill_all_buffers_safely until @buffers.empty? ## inbox mode always claims it's unkillable. we'll ignore it. return false unless @buffers.last.mode.is_a?(InboxMode) || @buffers.last.mode.killable? kill_buffer @buffers.last end true end def kill_buffer_safely buf return false unless buf.mode.killable? kill_buffer buf true end def kill_all_buffers kill_buffer @buffers.first until @buffers.empty? end def kill_buffer buf raise ArgumentError, "buffer not on stack: #{buf}: #{buf.title.inspect}" unless @buffers.member? buf buf.mode.cleanup @buffers.delete buf @name_map.delete buf.title @focus_buf = nil if @focus_buf == buf if @buffers.empty? ## TODO: something intelligent here ## for now I will simply prohibit killing the inbox buffer. else raise_to_front @buffers.last end end def ask_with_completions domain, question, completions, default=nil ask domain, question, default do |s| { |x| x =~ /^#{Regexp::escape s}/i }.map { |x| [x, x] } end end def ask_many_with_completions domain, question, completions, default=nil ask domain, question, default do |partial| prefix, target = case partial when /^\s*$/ ["", ""] when /^(.*\s+)?(.*?)$/ [$1 || "", $2] else raise "william screwed up completion: #{partial.inspect}" end { |x| x =~ /^#{Regexp::escape target}/i }.map { |x| [prefix + x, x] } end end def ask_many_emails_with_completions domain, question, completions, default=nil ask domain, question, default do |partial| prefix, target = partial.split_on_commas_with_remainder target ||= prefix.pop || "" prefix = prefix.join(", ") + (prefix.empty? ? "" : ", ") { |x| x =~ /^#{Regexp::escape target}/i }.map { |x| [prefix + x, x] } end end def ask_for_filename domain, question, default=nil answer = ask domain, question, default do |s| if s =~ /(~([^\s\/]*))/ # twiddle directory expansion full = $1 name = $2.empty? ? Etc.getlogin : $2 dir = Etc.getpwnam(name).dir rescue nil if dir [[s.sub(full, dir), "~#{name}"]] else { |u| u =~ /^#{Regexp::escape name}/ }.map do |u| [s.sub("~#{name}", "~#{u}"), "~#{u}"] end end else # regular filename completion Dir["#{s}*"] do |fn| suffix = ? "/" : "" [fn + suffix, File.basename(fn) + suffix] end end end if answer answer = if answer.empty? spawn_modal "file browser", elsif spawn_modal "file browser", else answer end end answer end ## returns an array of labels def ask_for_labels domain, question, default_labels, forbidden_labels=[] default_labels = default_labels - forbidden_labels - LabelManager::RESERVED_LABELS default = default_labels.join(" ") default += " " unless default.empty? applyable_labels = (LabelManager.applyable_labels - forbidden_labels).map { |l| LabelManager.string_for l }.sort_by { |s| s.downcase } answer = ask_many_with_completions domain, question, applyable_labels, default return unless answer user_labels = answer.split(/\s+/).map { |l| l.intern } user_labels.each do |l| if forbidden_labels.include?(l) || LabelManager::RESERVED_LABELS.include?(l) BufferManager.flash "'#{l}' is a reserved label!" return end end user_labels end def ask_for_contacts domain, question, default_contacts=[] default = { |s| s.to_s }.join(" ") default += " " unless default.empty? recent = Index.load_contacts(AccountManager.user_emails, :num => 10).map { |c| [c.full_address,] } contacts = { |c| [ContactManager.alias_for(c), c.full_address,] } completions = (recent + contacts).flatten.uniq.sort answer = BufferManager.ask_many_emails_with_completions domain, question, completions, default if answer { |x| ContactManager.contact_for(x.downcase) || PersonManager.person_for(x) } end end ## for simplicitly, we always place the question at the very bottom of the ## screen def ask domain, question, default=nil, &block raise "impossible!" if @asking @asking = true @textfields[domain] ||= tf = @textfields[domain] completion_buf = nil status, title = get_status_and_title @focus_buf Ncurses.sync do tf.activate Ncurses.stdscr, Ncurses.rows - 1, 0, Ncurses.cols, question, default, &block @dirty = true # for some reason that blanks the whole fucking screen draw_screen :sync => false, :status => status, :title => title tf.position_cursor Ncurses.refresh end while true c = Ncurses.nonblocking_getch next unless c # getch timeout break unless tf.handle_input c # process keystroke if tf.new_completions? kill_buffer completion_buf if completion_buf shorts = { |full, short| short } prefix_len = shorts.shared_prefix.length mode = shorts, :header => "Possible completions for \"#{tf.value}\": ", :prefix_len => prefix_len completion_buf = spawn "<completions>", mode, :height => 10 draw_screen :skip_minibuf => true tf.position_cursor elsif tf.roll_completions? completion_buf.mode.roll draw_screen :skip_minibuf => true tf.position_cursor end Ncurses.sync { Ncurses.refresh } end kill_buffer completion_buf if completion_buf @dirty = true @asking = false Ncurses.sync do tf.deactivate draw_screen :sync => false, :status => status, :title => title end tf.value end def ask_getch question, accept=nil raise "impossible!" if @asking @asking = true accept = accept.split(//).map { |x| x[0] } if accept status, title = get_status_and_title @focus_buf Ncurses.sync do draw_screen :sync => false, :status => status, :title => title Ncurses.mvaddstr Ncurses.rows - 1, 0, question Ncurses.move Ncurses.rows - 1, question.length + 1 Ncurses.curs_set 1 Ncurses.refresh end ret = nil done = false until done key = Ncurses.nonblocking_getch or next if key == Ncurses::KEY_CANCEL done = true elsif accept.nil? || accept.empty? || accept.member?(key) ret = key done = true end end @asking = false Ncurses.sync do Ncurses.curs_set 0 draw_screen :sync => false, :status => status, :title => title end ret end ## returns true (y), false (n), or nil (ctrl-g / cancel) def ask_yes_or_no question case(r = ask_getch question, "ynYN") when ?y, ?Y true when nil nil else false end end ## turns an input keystroke into an action symbol. returns the action ## if found, nil if not found, and throws InputSequenceAborted if ## the user aborted a multi-key sequence. (Because each of those cases ## should be handled differently.) ## ## this is in BufferManager because multi-key sequences require prompting. def resolve_input_with_keymap c, keymap action, text = keymap.action_for c while action.is_a? Keymap # multi-key commands, prompt key = BufferManager.ask_getch text unless key # user canceled, abort erase_flash raise InputSequenceAborted end action, text = action.action_for(key) if action.has_key?(key) end action end def minibuf_lines @minibuf_mutex.synchronize do [(@flash ? 1 : 0) + (@asking ? 1 : 0) + @minibuf_stack.compact.size, 1].max end end def draw_minibuf opts={} m = nil @minibuf_mutex.synchronize do m = @minibuf_stack.compact m << @flash if @flash m << "" if m.empty? unless @asking # to clear it end Ncurses.mutex.lock unless opts[:sync] == false Ncurses.attrset Colormap.color_for(:none) adj = @asking ? 2 : 1 m.each_with_index do |s, i| Ncurses.mvaddstr Ncurses.rows - i - adj, 0, s + (" " * [Ncurses.cols - s.length, 0].max) end Ncurses.refresh if opts[:refresh] Ncurses.mutex.unlock unless opts[:sync] == false end def say s, id=nil new_id = nil @minibuf_mutex.synchronize do new_id = id.nil? id ||= @minibuf_stack.length @minibuf_stack[id] = s end if new_id draw_screen :refresh => true else draw_minibuf :refresh => true end if block_given? begin yield id ensure clear id end end id end def erase_flash; @flash = nil; end def flash s @flash = s draw_screen :refresh => true end ## a little tricky because we can't just delete_at id because ids ## are relative (they're positions into the array). def clear id @minibuf_mutex.synchronize do @minibuf_stack[id] = nil if id == @minibuf_stack.length - 1 id.downto(0) do |i| break if @minibuf_stack[i] @minibuf_stack.delete_at i end end end draw_screen :refresh => true end def shell_out command @shelled = true Ncurses.sync do Ncurses.endwin system command Ncurses.refresh Ncurses.curs_set 0 end @shelled = false end private def default_status_bar buf " [#{}] #{buf.title} #{buf.mode.status}" end def default_terminal_title buf "Sup #{Redwood::VERSION} :: #{buf.title}" end def get_status_and_title buf opts = { :num_inbox => lambda { Index.num_results_for :label => :inbox }, :num_inbox_unread => lambda { Index.num_results_for :labels => [:inbox, :unread] }, :num_total => lambda { Index.size }, :num_spam => lambda { Index.num_results_for :label => :spam }, :title => buf.title, :mode =>, :status => buf.mode.status } statusbar_text ="status-bar-text", opts) || default_status_bar(buf) term_title_text ="terminal-title-text", opts) || default_terminal_title(buf) [statusbar_text, term_title_text] end def users unless @users @users = [] while(u = Etc.getpwent) @users << end end @users end end end