require 'spec_helper' describe Luggage::Message do include_context "factories" describe "::new_local" do it "executes a passed block" do m = Luggage::Message.new_local(connection, "Inbox") do subject("new subject") end expect(m.subject).to eq("new subject") end it "returns an Luggage::Message" do expect(Luggage::Message.new_local(connection, "Inbox")).to be_a(Luggage::Message) end it "raises ArgumentError if Luggage::Mailbox isn't passed" do expect{ Luggage::Message.new_local() }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end [:subject, :body, :to].each do |method| context "with #{method} passed as argument" do it "sets #{method} on Mail object" do message = Luggage::Message.new_local(connection, :mailbox, method => "string") expect(message.to_s).to match(/string/) end end end context "without template" do it "instatiates a Mail object" do mail = Mail.should_receive(:new).and_return(mail) Luggage::Message.new_local(connection, :mailbox) end end context "with a template" do it "instatiates a Mail object" do Mail.should_receive(:read).and_return({}) Luggage::Message.new_local(connection, :mailbox, :template =>"base") end end end describe "::new" do it "executes a passed block" do m =, "Inbox") do subject("new subject") end expect(m.subject).to eq("new subject") end it "sets connection" do expect(, :mailbox).connection).to eq(connection) end it "requires a connection" do expect {, :mailbox).connection }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "sets mailbox if Mailbox passed" do expect(, mailbox).mailbox).to eq(mailbox) end it "instantiates new mailbox if string passed" do expect(, :mailbox).mailbox).to be_a(Luggage::Mailbox) end it "sets date if passed" do date = 2.days.ago expect(, :mailbox, :date => date).date).to eq(date) end it "sets date to now if not passed" do expect(, :mailbox).date).to be_a(Time) end it "sets message_id if passed" do message_id = "" expect(, :mailbox, :message_id => message_id).message_id).to eq(message_id) end it "creates message_id if not passed" do expect(, :mailbox).message_id).to match(/<\S*@\S*>/) end end describe "#reload" do it "selects mailbox" do connection.should_receive(:select).with("Inbox") message.reload end it "fetches raw email" do connection.should_receive(:uid_fetch). with([1], ["FLAGS", "INTERNALDATE", "BODY.PEEK[]"]). and_return( [{:attr => {"BODY[]" => "raw_body", "FLAGS" => [], "INTERNALDATE" =>}}] ) message.reload end it "fetches flags" do connection.should_receive(:uid_fetch). with([1], ["FLAGS", "INTERNALDATE", "BODY.PEEK[]"]). and_return( [{:attr => {"BODY[]" => "raw_body", "FLAGS" => [], "INTERNALDATE" =>}}] ) message.reload end it "creates new Mail instance" do message # To instantiate the first one... Mail.should_receive(:new).with("raw_body") message.reload end end describe "#save!" do it "selects mailbox" do connection.should_receive(:select).with("Inbox")! end it "appends message to mailbox" do message_date = 2.days.ago message.stub(:raw_message).and_return("Random Content") message.stub(:flags).and_return([:Seen]) message.stub(:date).and_return(message_date) connection.should_receive(:append).with("Inbox", "Random Content", [:SEEN], message_date)! end end describe "#to_s" do it "returns a string" do expect(message.to_s).to be_a(String) end end describe "#delete!" do it "selects mailbox" do connection.should_receive(:select).with("Inbox") message.delete! end it "sets Deleted flag" do connection.should_receive(:uid_store).with([1], "+FLAGS", [:Deleted]) message.delete! end it "resets cached mail instance" do message.delete! expect(message.instance_variable_get(:@mail)).to be_nil end end describe "#exists?" do it "selects mailbox" do connection.should_receive(:select).with("Inbox") message.exists? end it "searches for message with message_id" do message.stub(:message_id).and_return("") connection.should_receive(:uid_search).with("HEADER Message-ID ").and_return([1]) message.exists? end end end