/* Welcome to Susy. Use this file to define screen styles. Import this file using the following HTML or equivalent: @import defaults.sass /* @group STRUCTURE */ body +susy #page +container +sans-family color= !text #brand +full +pad(1,1) margin: top: 3em bottom: 1.5em h1 a +full(8) +pad(1,2,8) display: block +replace-text("susy_logo.png", "left") height: 105px &:focus, &:hover, &:active border-bottom: 0 #site-nav +columns(2) +alpha ul +no-bullets margin: 0 text-align: right font-weight: bold #content +columns(8) +omega margin-bottom: 3em #description +columns(5,8) #credit +columns(3,8) +omega(8) color= !light #contentinfo +full +prefix(2) padding: top: .5em bottom: .75em border-top: width: .25em style: dashed color= !light +serif-family font-style: italic color= !light p margin: 0 &.license +columns(5,8) +alpha(8) &.styles +columns(3,8) +omega(8) text-align: right a:link, a:visited color= !light font-weight: bold .tutorial #content margin-bottom: 3em li margin-bottom: 1.5em code font-size: 1.25em font-family: monospace color= !light /* @end */