# frozen_string_literal: true module RuboCop module Cop module Layout # This hint checks for indentation that doesn't use the specified number # of spaces. # # See also the IndentationConsistency hint which is the companion to this # one. # # @example # # bad # class A # def test # puts 'hello' # end # end # # # good # class A # def test # puts 'hello' # end # end # # @example IgnoredPatterns: ['^\s*module'] # # bad # module A # class B # def test # puts 'hello' # end # end # end # # # good # module A # class B # def test # puts 'hello' # end # end # end class IndentationWidth < Cop # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength include EndKeywordAlignment include Alignment include CheckAssignment include IgnoredPattern include RangeHelp MSG = 'Use %d (not %d) ' \ 'spaces for%s indentation.' def_node_matcher :access_modifier?, <<~PATTERN [(send ...) access_modifier?] PATTERN def on_rescue(node) _begin_node, *_rescue_nodes, else_node = *node check_indentation(node.loc.else, else_node) end def on_ensure(node) check_indentation(node.loc.keyword, node.body) end alias on_resbody on_ensure alias on_for on_ensure def on_kwbegin(node) # Check indentation against end keyword but only if it's first on its # line. return unless begins_its_line?(node.loc.end) check_indentation(node.loc.end, node.children.first) end def on_block(node) end_loc = node.loc.end return unless begins_its_line?(end_loc) check_indentation(end_loc, node.body) return unless indented_internal_methods_style? check_members(end_loc, [node.body]) end def on_class(node) check_members(node.loc.keyword, [node.body]) end alias on_sclass on_class alias on_module on_class def on_send(node) super return unless node.adjacent_def_modifier? def_end_config = config.for_cop('Layout/DefEndAlignment') style = def_end_config['EnforcedStyleAlignWith'] || 'start_of_line' base = if style == 'def' node.first_argument else leftmost_modifier_of(node) || node end check_indentation(base.source_range, node.first_argument.body) ignore_node(node.first_argument) end alias on_csend on_send def on_def(node) return if ignored_node?(node) check_indentation(node.loc.keyword, node.body) end alias on_defs on_def def on_while(node, base = node) return if ignored_node?(node) return unless node.single_line_condition? check_indentation(base.loc, node.body) end alias on_until on_while def on_case(case_node) case_node.each_when do |when_node| check_indentation(when_node.loc.keyword, when_node.body) end check_indentation(case_node.when_branches.last.loc.keyword, case_node.else_branch) end def on_if(node, base = node) return if ignored_node?(node) return if node.ternary? || node.modifier_form? check_if(node, node.body, node.else_branch, base.loc) end def autocorrect(node) AlignmentCorrector.correct(processed_source, node, @column_delta) end private def check_members(base, members) check_indentation(base, select_check_member(members.first)) return unless members.any? && members.first.begin_type? if indentation_consistency_style == 'indented_internal_methods' check_members_for_indented_internal_methods_style(members) else check_members_for_normal_style(base, members) end end def select_check_member(member) return unless member if access_modifier?(member.children.first) return if access_modifier_indentation_style == 'outdent' member.children.first else member end end def check_members_for_indented_internal_methods_style(members) each_member(members) do |member, previous_modifier| check_indentation(previous_modifier, member, indentation_consistency_style) end end def check_members_for_normal_style(base, members) members.first.children.each do |member| next if member.send_type? && member.access_modifier? check_indentation(base, member) end end def each_member(members) previous_modifier = nil members.first.children.each do |member| if member.send_type? && member.special_modifier? previous_modifier = member elsif previous_modifier yield member, previous_modifier.source_range previous_modifier = nil end end end def indented_internal_methods_style? indentation_consistency_style == 'indented_internal_methods' end def special_modifier?(node) node.bare_access_modifier? && SPECIAL_MODIFIERS.include?(node.source) end def access_modifier_indentation_style config.for_cop('Layout/AccessModifierIndentation')['EnforcedStyle'] end def indentation_consistency_style config.for_cop('Layout/IndentationConsistency')['EnforcedStyle'] end def check_assignment(node, rhs) # If there are method calls chained to the right hand side of the # assignment, we let rhs be the receiver of those method calls before # we check its indentation. rhs = first_part_of_call_chain(rhs) return unless rhs end_config = config.for_cop('Layout/EndAlignment') style = end_config['EnforcedStyleAlignWith'] || 'keyword' base = variable_alignment?(node.loc, rhs, style.to_sym) ? node : rhs case rhs.type when :if then on_if(rhs, base) when :while, :until then on_while(rhs, base) else return end ignore_node(rhs) end def check_if(node, body, else_clause, base_loc) return if node.ternary? check_indentation(base_loc, body) return unless else_clause # If the else clause is an elsif, it will get its own on_if call so # we don't need to process it here. return if else_clause.if_type? && else_clause.elsif? check_indentation(node.loc.else, else_clause) end def check_indentation(base_loc, body_node, style = 'normal') return unless indentation_to_check?(base_loc, body_node) indentation = column_offset_between(body_node.loc, base_loc) @column_delta = configured_indentation_width - indentation return if @column_delta.zero? offense(body_node, indentation, style) end def offense(body_node, indentation, style) # This cop only auto-corrects the first statement in a def body, for # example. body_node = body_node.children.first if body_node.begin_type? && !parentheses?(body_node) # Since autocorrect changes a number of lines, and not only the line # where the reported offending range is, we avoid auto-correction if # this cop has already found other offenses is the same # range. Otherwise, two corrections can interfere with each other, # resulting in corrupted code. node = if autocorrect? && other_offense_in_same_range?(body_node) nil else body_node end name = style == 'normal' ? '' : " #{style}" message = message(configured_indentation_width, indentation, name) add_offense(node, location: offending_range(body_node, indentation), message: message) end def message(configured_indentation_width, indentation, name) format( MSG, configured_indentation_width: configured_indentation_width, indentation: indentation, name: name ) end # Returns true if the given node is within another node that has # already been marked for auto-correction by this cop. def other_offense_in_same_range?(node) expr = node.source_range @offense_ranges ||= [] return true if @offense_ranges.any? { |r| within?(expr, r) } @offense_ranges << expr false end def indentation_to_check?(base_loc, body_node) return false if skip_check?(base_loc, body_node) if %i[rescue ensure].include?(body_node.type) block_body, = *body_node return unless block_body end true end def skip_check?(base_loc, body_node) return true if ignored_line?(base_loc) return true unless body_node # Don't check if expression is on same line as "then" keyword, etc. return true if body_node.loc.line == base_loc.line return true if starts_with_access_modifier?(body_node) # Don't check indentation if the line doesn't start with the body. # For example, lines like "else do_something". first_char_pos_on_line = body_node.source_range.source_line =~ /\S/ return true unless body_node.loc.column == first_char_pos_on_line end def offending_range(body_node, indentation) expr = body_node.source_range begin_pos = expr.begin_pos ind = expr.begin_pos - indentation pos = indentation >= 0 ? ind..begin_pos : begin_pos..ind range_between(pos.begin, pos.end) end def starts_with_access_modifier?(body_node) return unless body_node.begin_type? starting_node = body_node.children.first return unless starting_node starting_node.send_type? && starting_node.bare_access_modifier? end def configured_indentation_width cop_config['Width'] end def leftmost_modifier_of(node) return node unless node.parent&.send_type? leftmost_modifier_of(node.parent) end end end end end