require: - rubocop-performance - rubocop-rails - rubocop-rspec AllCops: DisplayCopNames: true NewCops: enable RubyInterpreters: - ruby Include: - "**/*.rb" - "**/*.rake" - "**/*.ru" - "**/Gemfile" - "**/Rakefile" Exclude: - "app/javascript/**" - "db/schema.rb" - "node_modules/**/*" - "tmp/**/*" - "vendor/**/*" - ".git/**/*" - node_modules/**/* - tmp/**/* - vendor/**/* - .git/**/* TargetRubyVersion: 3.1 #################### Layout ########################### Layout/ArgumentAlignment: Description: "Here we check if the parameters on a multi-line method call or definition are aligned." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Layout/HashAlignment: Description: "Here we check if the keys of a hash are properly aligned" Enabled: true EnforcedLastArgumentHashStyle: ignore_implicit Layout/ConditionPosition: Description: >- Checks for condition placed in a confusing position relative to the keyword. StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Layout/DotPosition: Description: "Checks the position of the dot in multi-line method calls." StyleGuide: "" EnforcedStyle: trailing Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAttributeAccessor: Description: "Keep blank lines around attribute accessors." StyleGuide: "#empty-lines-around-attribute-accessor" Enabled: true AllowAliasSyntax: false Layout/ExtraSpacing: Description: "Do not use unnecessary spacing." Enabled: true Layout/LineLength: Description: "Limit lines to 100 characters." StyleGuide: "" Max: 100 Exclude: - config/environments/**/* - config/initializers/**/* - db/migrate/*.rb - db/seeds/*.rb - lib/tasks/**/*.rake - spec/**/*.rb Layout/MultilineOperationIndentation: Description: >- Checks indentation of binary operations that span more than one line. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: indented Layout/MultilineMethodCallIndentation: Description: >- Checks indentation of method calls with the dot operator that span more than one line. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: indented Layout/IndentationConsistency: Description: >- Checks for inconsistent indentation. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: normal Layout/IndentationWidth: Description: >- Checks for indentation that doesn't use the specified number of spaces. Enabled: true Width: 2 Layout/InitialIndentation: Description: >- Checks the indentation of the first non-blank non-comment line in a file. Enabled: false Layout/SpaceAroundMethodCallOperator: Description: "Checks method call operators to not have spaces around them." Enabled: true ##################### Lint ########################### Lint/AmbiguousOperator: Description: >- Checks for ambiguous operators in the first argument of a method invocation without parentheses. StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Lint/AmbiguousRegexpLiteral: Description: >- Checks for ambiguous regexp literals in the first argument of a method invocation without parenthesis. Enabled: false Lint/AssignmentInCondition: Description: "Don't use assignment in conditions." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Lint/CircularArgumentReference: Description: "Don't refer to the keyword argument in the default value." Enabled: false Lint/DeprecatedClassMethods: Description: "Check for deprecated class method calls." Enabled: false Lint/DeprecatedOpenSSLConstant: Description: "Don't use algorithm constants for `OpenSSL::Cipher` and `OpenSSL::Digest`." Enabled: true Lint/MixedRegexpCaptureTypes: Description: "Do not mix named captures and numbered captures in a Regexp literal." Enabled: true Lint/DuplicateHashKey: Description: "Check for duplicate keys in hash literals." Enabled: false Lint/EachWithObjectArgument: Description: "Check for immutable argument given to each_with_object." Enabled: false Lint/ElseLayout: Description: "Check for odd code arrangement in an else block." Enabled: false Lint/EmptyWhen: Description: "Avoid when branches without a body." Enabled: false Lint/FormatParameterMismatch: Description: "The number of parameters to format/sprint must match the fields." Enabled: false Lint/FlipFlop: Description: "Checks for flip flops" StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Lint/SuppressedException: Description: "Don't suppress exception." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Lint/LiteralAsCondition: Description: "Checks of literals used in conditions." Enabled: false Lint/LiteralInInterpolation: Description: "Checks for literals used in interpolation." Enabled: false Lint/Loop: Description: >- Use Kernel#loop with break rather than begin/end/until or begin/end/while for post-loop tests. StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Lint/NestedMethodDefinition: Description: "Do not use nested method definitions." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Lint/NonLocalExitFromIterator: Description: "Do not use return in iterator to cause non-local exit." Enabled: false Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression: Description: >- Checks for method calls with a space before the opening parenthesis. StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Lint/RaiseException: Description: Checks for `raise` or `fail` statements which are raising `Exception` class. StyleGuide: "#raise-exception" Enabled: true Safe: false AllowedImplicitNamespaces: - "Gem" Lint/RedundantCopDisableDirective: Description: >- Checks for rubocop:disable comments that can be removed. Note: this cop is not disabled when disabling all cops. It must be explicitly disabled. Enabled: true Lint/RequireParentheses: Description: >- Use parentheses in the method call to avoid confusion about precedence. Enabled: false Lint/StructNewOverride: Description: "Disallow overriding the `Struct` built-in methods via ``." Enabled: true VersionAdded: "0.81" Lint/UnderscorePrefixedVariableName: Description: "Do not use prefix `_` for a variable that is used." Enabled: false Lint/Void: Description: "Possible use of operator/literal/variable in void context." Enabled: false ##################### Metrics ########################### Metrics/AbcSize: Description: >- A calculated magnitude based on number of assignments, branches, and conditions. Enabled: false Metrics/BlockLength: CountComments: true # count full line comments? Max: 25 Exclude: - "config/routes.rb" - "config/environments/**/*" - "config/initializers/**/*" - "db/migrate/**/*.rb" - "db/seeds/**/*.rb" - "lib/tasks/**/*.rake" - "spec/**/*" Metrics/BlockNesting: Description: "Avoid excessive block nesting" StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Metrics/ClassLength: Description: "Avoid classes longer than 100 lines of code." Enabled: false Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: Description: >- A complexity metric that is strongly correlated to the number of test cases needed to validate a method. Enabled: false Metrics/MethodLength: Description: "Avoid methods longer than 10 lines of code." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: true Metrics/ModuleLength: Description: "Avoid modules longer than 100 lines of code." Enabled: false Metrics/ParameterLists: Description: "Avoid parameter lists longer than three or four parameters." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false ##################### Naming ########################### Naming/AsciiIdentifiers: Description: "Use only ascii symbols in identifiers." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Naming/AccessorMethodName: Description: Check the naming of accessor methods for get_/set_. Enabled: false Naming/BinaryOperatorParameterName: Description: "When defining binary operators, name the argument other." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Naming/FileName: Description: "Use snake_case for source file names." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName: Enabled: false Naming/PredicateName: Description: "Check the names of predicate methods." StyleGuide: "" ForbiddenPrefixes: - is_ Exclude: - spec/**/* Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName: Description: Check that rescued exceptions variables are named as expecte Enabled: true PreferredName: exception Naming/VariableName: Enabled: true Exclude: - app/views/**/* ##################### Style ########################### Style/Alias: Description: "Use alias_method instead of alias." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/AndOr: Enabled: true Exclude: - app/controllers/**/*.rb Style/ArrayJoin: Description: "Use Array#join instead of Array#*." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/AsciiComments: Description: "Use only ascii symbols in comments." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/Attr: Description: "Checks for uses of Module#attr." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/CaseEquality: Description: "Avoid explicit use of the case equality operator(===)." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: true Style/CharacterLiteral: Description: "Checks for uses of character literals." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/ClassAndModuleChildren: Description: "Checks style of children classes and modules." Enabled: false EnforcedStyle: nested Style/ClassVars: Description: "Avoid the use of class variables." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: true Style/CollectionMethods: Enabled: true PreferredMethods: find: detect inject: reduce collect: map find_all: select Style/HashAsLastArrayItem: Enabled: true StyleGuide: "" EnforcedStyle: no_braces Style/ColonMethodCall: Description: "Do not use :: for method call." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/CommentAnnotation: Description: >- Checks formatting of special comments (TODO, FIXME, OPTIMIZE, HACK, REVIEW). StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/ConditionalAssignment: Description: >- Use the return of the conditional for variable assignment and comparison. Enabled: false Style/Documentation: Description: "Document classes and non-namespace modules." Enabled: false Style/DoubleNegation: Description: "Checks for uses of double negation (!!)." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/EachWithObject: Description: "Prefer `each_with_object` over `inject` or `reduce`." Enabled: true Style/EmptyLiteral: Description: "Prefer literals to" StyleGuide: "" Enabled: true Style/EmptyMethod: Description: "Put empty methods on a single line." Enabled: true # Checks whether the source file has a utf-8 encoding comment or not # AutoCorrectEncodingComment must match the regex # /#.*coding\s?[:=]\s?(?:UTF|utf)-8/ Style/Encoding: Enabled: false Style/EvenOdd: Description: "Favor the use of Fixnum#even? && Fixnum#odd?" StyleGuide: "" Enabled: true Style/ExponentialNotation: Description: "When using exponential notation, favor a mantissa between 1 (inclusive) and 10 (exclusive)." StyleGuide: "#exponential-notation" Enabled: true VersionAdded: "0.82" EnforcedStyle: scientific SupportedStyles: - scientific - engineering - integral Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Description: >- Add the frozen_string_literal comment to the top of files to help transition from Ruby 2.3.0 to Ruby 3.0. Enabled: false Style/FormatString: Description: "Enforce the use of Kernel#sprintf, Kernel#format or String#%." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/FormatStringToken: Enabled: false Style/GlobalVars: Description: "Do not introduce global variables." StyleGuide: "" Reference: "" Enabled: false Style/GuardClause: Description: "Check for conditionals that can be replaced with guard clauses" StyleGuide: "" Enabled: true Style/HashEachMethods: Description: "Use Hash#each_key and Hash#each_value." StyleGuide: "#hash-each" Enabled: true VersionAdded: "0.80" Safe: false Style/HashTransformKeys: Description: "Prefer `transform_keys` over `each_with_object` and `map`." Enabled: true VersionAdded: "0.80" Safe: false Style/HashTransformValues: Description: "Prefer `transform_values` over `each_with_object` and `map`." Enabled: true VersionAdded: "0.80" Safe: false Style/IfUnlessModifier: Description: >- Favor modifier if/unless usage when you have a single-line body. StyleGuide: "" Enabled: true Style/IfWithSemicolon: Description: "Do not use if x; .... Use the ternary operator instead." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/InlineComment: Description: "Avoid inline comments." Enabled: false Style/Lambda: Description: "Use the new lambda literal syntax for single-line blocks." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: true Style/LambdaCall: Description: "Use instead of lambda.(...)." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/LineEndConcatenation: Description: >- Use \ instead of + or << to concatenate two string literals at line end. Enabled: false Style/PreferredHashMethods: Description: "Checks use of `has_key?` and `has_value?` Hash methods." StyleGuide: "#hash-key" Enabled: false Style/RedundantFetchBlock: Description: >- Use `fetch(key, value)` instead of `fetch(key) { value }` when value has Numeric, Rational, Complex, Symbol or String type, `false`, `true`, `nil` or is a constant. Reference: "" Enabled: true Safe: false # If enabled, this cop will autocorrect usages of # `fetch` being called with block returning a constant. # This can be dangerous since constants will not be defined at that moment. SafeForConstants: false VersionAdded: "0.86" Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass: Description: "Checks for unnecessary single-element Regexp character classes." Enabled: true VersionAdded: "0.85" Style/RedundantRegexpEscape: Description: "Checks for redundant escapes in Regexps." Enabled: true VersionAdded: "0.85" Style/SafeNavigation: Description: >- This cop transforms usages of a method call safeguarded by a check for the existence of the object to safe navigation (`&.`). Enabled: false VersionAdded: "0.43" VersionChanged: "0.56" # Safe navigation may cause a statement to start returning `nil` in addition # to whatever it used to return. ConvertCodeThatCanStartToReturnNil: false AllowedMethods: - present? - blank? - presence - try - try! Style/SlicingWithRange: Description: "Checks array slicing is done with endless ranges when suitable." Enabled: true VersionAdded: "0.83" Safe: false Style/SymbolProc: Enabled: true Exclude: - config/initializers/**/* Style/ModuleFunction: Description: "Checks for usage of `extend self` in modules." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/MultilineBlockChain: Description: "Avoid multi-line chains of blocks." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/NegatedIf: Description: >- Favor unless over if for negative conditions (or control flow or). StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/NegatedWhile: Description: "Favor until over while for negative conditions." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/Next: Description: "Use `next` to skip iteration instead of a condition at the end." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/NilComparison: Description: "Prefer x.nil? to x == nil." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/Not: Description: "Use ! instead of not." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/NumericLiterals: Description: >- Add underscores to large numeric literals to improve their readability. StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/OneLineConditional: Description: >- Favor the ternary operator(?:) over if/then/else/end constructs. StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/IfInsideElse: Enabled: false Style/NumericPredicate: Enabled: false Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters: Description: "Use `%`-literal delimiters consistently" StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/PerlBackrefs: Description: "Avoid Perl-style regex back references." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/Proc: Description: "Use proc instead of" StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/RaiseArgs: Description: "Checks the arguments passed to raise/fail." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/RegexpLiteral: Description: "Use / or %r around regular expressions." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/Sample: Description: >- Use `sample` instead of `shuffle.first`, `shuffle.last`, and `shuffle[Fixnum]`. Reference: "" Enabled: true Style/SelfAssignment: Description: >- Checks for places where self-assignment shorthand should have been used. StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/SingleLineBlockParams: Description: "Enforces the names of some block params." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/SingleLineMethods: Description: "Avoid single-line methods." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/SignalException: Description: "Checks for proper usage of fail and raise." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: true Style/SpecialGlobalVars: Description: "Avoid Perl-style global variables." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/StringLiterals: Description: "Checks if uses of quotes match the configured preference." StyleGuide: "" EnforcedStyle: double_quotes Enabled: true Exclude: - config/environment.rb Style/TrailingCommaInArguments: Description: "Checks for trailing comma in argument lists." StyleGuide: "" EnforcedStyleForMultiline: comma SupportedStylesForMultiline: - comma - consistent_comma - no_comma Enabled: true Style/TrailingCommaInArrayLiteral: Description: "Checks for trailing comma in array and hash literals." StyleGuide: "" EnforcedStyleForMultiline: comma SupportedStylesForMultiline: - comma - consistent_comma - no_comma Enabled: true Style/TrailingCommaInHashLiteral: Description: "Checks for trailing comma in array and hash literals." StyleGuide: "" EnforcedStyleForMultiline: comma SupportedStylesForMultiline: - comma - consistent_comma - no_comma Enabled: true Style/TrivialAccessors: Description: "Prefer attr_* methods to trivial readers/writers." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/VariableInterpolation: Description: >- Don't interpolate global, instance and class variables directly in strings. StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/WhenThen: Description: "Use when x then ... for one-line cases." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/WhileUntilModifier: Description: >- Favor modifier while/until usage when you have a single-line body. StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false Style/WordArray: Description: "Use %w or %W for arrays of words." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false # Performance Performance/CaseWhenSplat: Description: >- Place `when` conditions that use splat at the end of the list of `when` branches. Enabled: true Performance/Count: Description: >- Use `count` instead of `select...size`, `reject...size`, `select...count`, `reject...count`, `select...length`, and `reject...length`. Enabled: true Performance/Detect: Description: >- Use `detect` instead of `select.first`, `find_all.first`, `select.last`, and `find_all.last`. Reference: "" Enabled: true Performance/FlatMap: Description: >- Use `Enumerable#flat_map` instead of `Enumerable#map...Array#flatten(1)` or `Enumberable#collect..Array#flatten(1)` Reference: "" Enabled: true Performance/ReverseEach: Description: "Use `reverse_each` instead of `reverse.each`." Reference: "" Enabled: true Performance/Size: Description: >- Use `size` instead of `count` for counting the number of elements in `Array` and `Hash`. Reference: "" Enabled: true Performance/StringReplacement: Description: >- Use `tr` instead of `gsub` when you are replacing the same number of characters. Use `delete` instead of `gsub` when you are deleting characters. Reference: "" Enabled: true # Rails Rails/ActionFilter: Description: "Enforces consistent use of action filter methods." Enabled: false Rails/Date: Description: >- Checks the correct usage of date aware methods, such as, Date.current etc. Enabled: true Rails/Delegate: Description: "Prefer delegate method for delegations." Enabled: false Rails/DynamicFindBy: Description: "Prefer non-dynamic finder methods." Enabled: false Rails/FindBy: Description: "Prefer find_by over where.first." Enabled: true Rails/FindEach: Description: "Prefer all.find_each over all.find." Enabled: true Rails/InverseOf: Enabled: false Rails/HasAndBelongsToMany: Description: "Prefer has_many :through to has_and_belongs_to_many." Enabled: false Rails/HasManyOrHasOneDependent: Description: "Define the dependent option to the has_many and has_one associations." StyleGuide: "" Enabled: false VersionAdded: "0.50" Include: - app/models/**/*.rb Rails/HttpStatus: Description: Enforces use of symbolic or numeric value to describe HTTP status. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: symbolic SupportedStyles: - numeric - symbolic StyleGuide: Rails/Output: Description: "Checks for calls to puts, print, etc." Enabled: true Rails/ReadWriteAttribute: Description: >- Checks for read_attribute(:attr) and write_attribute(:attr, val). Enabled: false Rails/ScopeArgs: Description: "Checks the arguments of ActiveRecord scopes." Enabled: false Rails/SkipsModelValidations: Description: "Checks for the use of ActiveRecord persistence methods that bypass model validations" Enabled: true Rails/TimeZone: Description: "Checks the correct usage of time zone aware methods." StyleGuide: "" Reference: "" Enabled: false Rails/Validation: Description: "Use validates :attribute, hash of validations." Enabled: false FactoryBot/AttributeDefinedStatically: Description: Always declare attribute values as blocks. Enabled: true StyleGuide: FactoryBot/CreateList: Description: Checks for create_list usage. Enabled: false EnforcedStyle: create_list SupportedStyles: - create_list - n_times StyleGuide: # rubocop-rspec cops RSpec/AnyInstance: Description: Check that instances are not being stubbed globally. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/AroundBlock: Description: Checks that around blocks actually run the test. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/AlignLeftLetBrace: Description: Checks that left braces for adjacent single line lets are aligned. Enabled: false StyleGuide: RSpec/AlignRightLetBrace: Description: Checks that right braces for adjacent single line lets are aligned. Enabled: false StyleGuide: RSpec/Be: Description: Check for expectations where `be` is used without argument. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/BeEql: Description: Check for expectations where `be(...)` can replace `eql(...)`. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/BeforeAfterAll: Description: Check that before/after(:all) isn't being used. Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/spec_helper.rb - spec/rails_helper.rb - spec/support/**/*.rb StyleGuide: RSpec/ContextWording: Description: "`context` block descriptions should start with 'when', or 'with'." Enabled: false Prefixes: - when - with - without StyleGuide: RSpec/DescribeClass: Description: Check that the first argument to the top level describe is a constant. Enabled: false StyleGuide: RSpec/DescribedClass: Description: Checks that tests use `described_class`. SkipBlocks: false Enabled: false EnforcedStyle: described_class SupportedStyles: - described_class - explicit StyleGuide: RSpec/DescribeMethod: Description: Checks that the second argument to `describe` specifies a method. Enabled: false StyleGuide: RSpec/DescribeSymbol: Description: Avoid describing symbols. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/IteratedExpectation: Description: Check that `all` matcher is used instead of iterating over an array. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/EmptyExampleGroup: Description: Checks if an example group does not include any tests. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/EmptyLineAfterExampleGroup: Description: Checks if there is an empty line after example group blocks. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/EmptyLineAfterFinalLet: Description: Checks if there is an empty line after the last let block. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/EmptyLineAfterHook: Description: Checks if there is an empty line after hook blocks. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/EmptyLineAfterSubject: Description: Checks if there is an empty line after subject block. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/ExampleLength: Description: Checks for long examples. Enabled: false Max: 5 StyleGuide: RSpec/ExampleWithoutDescription: Description: Checks for examples without a description. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: always_allow SupportedStyles: - always_allow - single_line_only - disallow StyleGuide: RSpec/ExampleWording: Description: Checks for common mistakes in example descriptions. Enabled: true CustomTransform: be: is BE: IS have: has HAVE: HAS IgnoredWords: [] StyleGuide: RSpec/ExpectActual: Description: Checks for `expect(...)` calls containing literal values. Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/routing/**/* StyleGuide: RSpec/ExpectChange: Description: Checks for consistent style of change matcher. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: method_call SupportedStyles: - method_call - block StyleGuide: RSpec/ExpectInHook: Enabled: true Description: Do not use `expect` in hooks such as `before`. StyleGuide: RSpec/ExpectOutput: Description: Checks for opportunities to use `expect { ... }.to output`. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/FilePath: Description: Checks that spec file paths are consistent with the test subject. Enabled: true CustomTransform: RuboCop: rubocop RSpec: rspec IgnoreMethods: false StyleGuide: RSpec/Focus: Description: Checks if examples are focused. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/HookArgument: Description: Checks the arguments passed to `before`, `around`, and `after`. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: implicit SupportedStyles: - implicit - each - example StyleGuide: RSpec/HooksBeforeExamples: Enabled: true Description: Checks for before/around/after hooks that come after an example. StyleGuide: RSpec/ImplicitExpect: Description: Check that a consistent implicit expectation style is used. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: is_expected SupportedStyles: - is_expected - should StyleGuide: RSpec/ImplicitSubject: Enabled: false Exclude: - "spec/controllers/**/*.rb" Description: Checks for usage of implicit subject (`is_expected` / `should`). EnforcedStyle: single_line_only SupportedStyles: - single_line_only - disallow StyleGuide: RSpec/InstanceSpy: Description: Checks for `instance_double` used with `have_received`. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/InstanceVariable: Description: Checks for instance variable usage in specs. AssignmentOnly: false Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/ItBehavesLike: Description: Checks that only one `it_behaves_like` style is used. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: it_behaves_like SupportedStyles: - it_behaves_like - it_should_behave_like StyleGuide: RSpec/LeadingSubject: Description: Enforce that subject is the first definition in the test. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/LeakyConstantDeclaration: Description: Checks that no class, module, or constant is declared. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/LetBeforeExamples: Description: Checks for `let` definitions that come after an example. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/LetSetup: Description: Checks unreferenced `let!` calls being used for test setup. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/MessageChain: Description: Check that chains of messages are not being stubbed. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/MessageExpectation: Description: Checks for consistent message expectation style. Enabled: false EnforcedStyle: allow SupportedStyles: - allow - expect StyleGuide: RSpec/MessageSpies: Description: Checks that message expectations are set using spies. Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: have_received SupportedStyles: - have_received - receive StyleGuide: RSpec/MissingExampleGroupArgument: Description: Checks that the first argument to an example group is not empty. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/MultipleDescribes: Description: Checks for multiple top level describes. Enabled: true StyleGuide: Exclude: - spec/tasks/**/*_spec.rb RSpec/MultipleExpectations: Description: Checks if examples contain too many `expect` calls. Enabled: false Max: 1 StyleGuide: RSpec/MultipleSubjects: Description: Checks if an example group defines `subject` multiple times. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/NamedSubject: Description: Checks for explicitly referenced test subjects. Enabled: true Exclude: - spec/tasks/**/* StyleGuide: RSpec/NestedGroups: Description: Checks for nested example groups. Enabled: false Max: 5 StyleGuide: RSpec/NotToNot: Description: Checks for consistent method usage for negating expectations. EnforcedStyle: not_to SupportedStyles: - not_to - to_not Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/OverwritingSetup: Enabled: true Description: Checks if there is a let/subject that overwrites an existing one. StyleGuide: RSpec/Pending: Enabled: true Description: Checks for any pending or skipped examples. StyleGuide: RSpec/ReceiveCounts: Enabled: true Description: Check for `once` and `twice` receive counts matchers usage. StyleGuide: RSpec/ReceiveNever: Enabled: true Description: Prefer `not_to receive(...)` over `receive(...).never`. StyleGuide: RSpec/RepeatedDescription: Enabled: true Description: Check for repeated description strings in example groups. StyleGuide: RSpec/RepeatedExample: Enabled: true Description: Check for repeated examples within example groups. StyleGuide: RSpec/RepeatedExampleGroupBody: Enabled: true Description: Check for repeated examples within example groups. StyleGuide: Exclude: - spec/tasks/**/* RSpec/ReturnFromStub: Enabled: true Description: Checks for consistent style of stub's return setting. EnforcedStyle: and_return SupportedStyles: - and_return - block StyleGuide: RSpec/SharedContext: Description: Checks for proper shared_context and shared_examples usage. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/SharedExamples: Description: Enforces use of string to titleize shared examples. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/SingleArgumentMessageChain: Description: Checks that chains of messages contain more than one element. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/ScatteredLet: Description: Checks for let scattered across the example group. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/ScatteredSetup: Description: Checks for setup scattered across multiple hooks in an example group. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/SubjectStub: Description: Checks for stubbed test subjects. Enabled: true StyleGuide: RSpec/PredicateMatcher: Description: Prefer using predicate matcher over using predicate method directly. Enabled: true Strict: true EnforcedStyle: inflected SupportedStyles: - inflected - explicit StyleGuide: RSpec/VerifiedDoubles: Description: Prefer using verifying doubles over normal doubles. Enabled: true IgnoreSymbolicNames: false StyleGuide: RSpec/VoidExpect: Description: This cop checks void `expect()`. Enabled: true StyleGuide: