# Top level module / namespace. module GeneValidator Pair = Struct.new(:x, :y) do include Comparable ## # Overload '-' operator # Returns the euclidian distane between two pairs def -(other) xx = other.x yy = other.y Math.sqrt((x - xx) * (x - xx) + (y - yy) * (y - yy)) end def print $stderr.puts "Cluster: #{x} #{y}" end ## # Overload '+' operator # This will modify the current object def +(other) self.x += other.x self.y += other.y end ## # Overload '*' operator # This will modify the current object def *(other) self.x *= other self.y *= other end ## # Overload '/' operator # This will modify the current object def /(other) self.x /= other.to_f self.y /= other.to_f end ## # Overload quality operator # Returns true if the pairs are equal, false otherwise def ==(other) (other.x == x && other.y == y) ? true : false end def eql?(other) self == other end def hash [self.x, self.y].hash end end class PairCluster # a hash map containing the pair (object, no_occurences) attr_accessor :objects def initialize(objects) @objects = objects end def print objects.each do |elem| $stderr.puts "(#{elem[0].x},#{elem[0].y}): #{elem[1]}" end end ## # Returns the weighted mean value of the cluster def mean mean = Pair.new(0, 0) weight = 0 objects.each do |object, n| (1..n).each do |_i| mean + object weight += 1 end end mean / weight mean end ## # Returns the density of the cluster: how many values it contains def density d = 0 objects.each do |elem| d += elem[1] end d end # Returns the euclidian distance between the current cluster and the one given as parameter # Params: # +cluster+: Cluster object # +method+: 0 or 1 # method = 0: do not into condseideration duplicate values # method = 1: average linkage clusterization def distance(cluster, method = 0) d = 0 norm = 0 cluster.objects.each do |elem1| objects.each do |elem2| if method == 1 d += elem1[1] * elem2[1] * (elem1[0] - elem2[0]).abs norm += elem1[1] * elem2[1] else d += (elem1[0] - elem2[0]).abs norm = cluster.objects.length * objects.length end end end # group average distance d /= (norm + 0.0) end ## # Returns within cluster sum of squares def wss(objects = nil) if objects.nil? objects = @objects.map { |x| a = Array.new(x[1], x[0]) }.flatten end cluster_mean = mean ss = 0 objects.each do |object| ss += (cluster_mean - object) * (cluster_mean - object) end ss end ## # Merges the current cluster with the one given as parameter # +clusters+ vector of Cluster objects def add(cluster) cluster.objects.each do |elem| objects[elem[0]] = elem[1] end end end ## # Stores the values belonging to one cluster # Used for clusterization among a vector of values class Cluster # a hash map containing the pair (length, no_occurences) attr_accessor :lengths def initialize(lengths) @lengths = lengths end ## # Returns the weighted mean value of the cluster def mean mean_len = 0 weight = 0 lengths.each do |length, n| mean_len += length * n weight += n end mean_len /= weight end ## # Returns the density of the cluster: how many values it contains def density d = 0 lengths.each do |elem| d += elem[1] end d end # Returns the euclidian distance between the current cluster and the one given as parameter # Params: # +cluster+: Cluster object # +method+: 0 or 1 # method = 0: do not into condseideration duplicate values # method = 1: average linkage clusterization def distance(cluster, method = 0) d = 0 norm = 0 cluster.lengths.each do |elem1| lengths.each do |elem2| if method == 1 d += elem1[1] * elem2[1] * (elem1[0] - elem2[0]).abs norm += elem1[1] * elem2[1] else d += (elem1[0] - elem2[0]).abs norm = cluster.lengths.length * lengths.length end end end # group average distance d /= (norm + 0.0) d.round(4) end ## # Returns within cluster sum of squares def wss(lengths = nil) if lengths.nil? lengths = @lengths.map { |x| a = Array.new(x[1], x[0]) }.flatten end cluster_mean = mean ss = 0 lengths.each do |len| ss += (cluster_mean - len) * (cluster_mean - len) end ss end ## # Returns the standard deviation of a set of values # Params: # +lengths+: a vector of values (optional, by default it takes the values in the cluster) # Output: # Real number def standard_deviation(lengths = nil) if lengths.nil? lengths = @lengths.map { |x| a = Array.new(x[1], x[0]) }.flatten end cluster_mean = mean std_deviation = 0 lengths.each do |len| std_deviation += (cluster_mean - len) * (cluster_mean - len) end std_deviation = Math.sqrt(std_deviation.to_f / (lengths.length - 1)) end ## # Returns the deviation of a value from the values in all clusters # Params: # +clusters+: a list of Cluster objects # +queryLength+: a reference Sequence object # Output: # Real number def deviation(clusters, queryLength) hits = clusters.map { |c| c.lengths.map { |x| a = Array.new(x[1], x[0]) }.flatten }.flatten raw_hits = clusters.map { |c| c.lengths.map { |x| a = Array.new(x[1], x[0]) }.flatten }.flatten.to_s.gsub('[', '').gsub(']', '') R.eval("sd = sd(c(#{raw_hits}))") sd = R.pull('sd') sd = standard_deviation(hits) (queryLength - mean).abs / sd end ## # Merges the current cluster with the one given as parameter # +clusters+ vector of Cluster objects def add(cluster) cluster.lengths.each do |elem| lengths[elem[0]] = elem[1] end end ## # Prints the current cluster def print $stderr.puts "Cluster: mean = #{mean}, density = #{density}" lengths.sort { |a, b| a <=> b }.each do |elem| $stderr.puts "#{elem[0]}, #{elem[1]}" end $stderr.puts '--------------------------' end ## # Returns the interval limits of the current cluster def get_limits lengths.map { |elem| elem[0] }.minmax end ## # Returns whether the value is inside the cluster # Params: # +value+: value to compare # Output: # :ok or :shorter or :longer def inside_cluster(value) limits = get_limits left = limits[0] right = limits[1] :ok if left <= value && right >= value :shorter if left >= value :longer if right <= value end end class HierarchicalClusterization attr_accessor :values attr_accessor :clusters ## # Object initialization # Params: # +values+ :vector of values def initialize(values) @values = values @clusters = [] end def hierarchical_clusterization_2d(no_clusters = 0, distance_method = 0, vec = @values, debug = false) clusters = [] if vec.length == 1 hash = { vec[0] => 1 } cluster = PairCluster.new(hash) clusters.push(cluster) clusters end # Thresholds # threshold_distance = (0.25 * (vec.max-vec.min)) threshold_density = (0.5 * vec.length).to_i # make a histogram from the input vector histogram = Hash[vec.group_by { |a| a }.map { |k, vs| [k, vs.length] }] # clusters = array of clusters # initially each length belongs to a different cluster histogram.each do |elem| if debug $stderr.puts "pair (#{elem[0].x} #{elem[0].y}) appears #{elem[1]} times" end hash = { elem[0] => elem[1] } cluster = PairCluster.new(hash) clusters.push(cluster) end clusters.each(&:print) if debug return clusters if clusters.length == 1 # each iteration merge the closest two adiacent cluster # the loop stops according to the stop conditions iteration = 0 loop do # stop condition 1 break if no_clusters != 0 && clusters.length == no_clusters iteration = iteration + 1 $stderr.puts "\nIteration #{iteration}" if debug min_distance = 100_000_000 cluster1 = 0 cluster2 = 0 density = 0 [*(0..(clusters.length - 2))].each do |i| [*((i + 1)..(clusters.length - 1))].each do |j| dist = clusters[i].distance(clusters[j], distance_method) $stderr.puts "distance between clusters #{i} and #{j} is #{dist}" if debug current_density = clusters[i].density + clusters[j].density if dist < min_distance min_distance = dist cluster1 = i cluster2 = j density = current_density elsif dist == min_distance && density < current_density cluster1 = i cluster2 = j density = current_density end end end # merge clusters 'cluster1' and 'cluster2' $stderr.puts "clusters to merge #{cluster1} and #{cluster2}" if debug clusters[cluster1].add(clusters[cluster2]) clusters.delete_at(cluster2) if debug clusters.each_with_index do |elem, i| $stderr.puts "cluster #{i}" elem.print end end # stop condition 3 # the density of the biggest clusters exceeds the threshold if no_clusters == 0 && clusters[cluster].density > threshold_density break end end @clusters = clusters end ## # Makes an hierarchical clusterization until the most dense cluster is obtained # or the distance between clusters is sufficintly big # or the desired number of clusters is obtained # Params: # +no_clusters+: stop test (number of clusters) # +distance_method+: distance method (method 0 or method 1) # +vec+: a vector of values (by default the values from initialization) # +debug+: display debug information # Output: # vector of +Cluster+ objects def hierarchical_clusterization(no_clusters = 0, distance_method = 0, vec = @values, debug = false) clusters = [] vec = vec.sort if vec.length == 1 hash = { vec[0] => 1 } cluster = Cluster.new(hash) clusters.push(cluster) clusters end # Thresholds threshold_distance = (0.25 * (vec.max - vec.min)) threshold_density = (0.5 * vec.length).to_i # make a histogram from the input vector histogram = Hash[vec.group_by { |x| x }.map { |k, vs| [k, vs.length] }] # clusters = array of clusters # initially each length belongs to a different cluster histogram.sort { |a, b| a[0] <=> b[0] }.each do |elem| $stderr.puts "len #{elem[0]} appears #{elem[1]} times" if debug hash = { elem[0] => elem[1] } cluster = Cluster.new(hash) clusters.push(cluster) end clusters.each(&:print) if debug return clusters if clusters.length == 1 # each iteration merge the closest two adiacent cluster # the loop stops according to the stop conditions iteration = 0 loop do # stop condition 1 break if no_clusters != 0 && clusters.length == no_clusters iteration = iteration + 1 $stderr.puts "\nIteration #{iteration}" if debug min_distance = 100_000_000 cluster = 0 density = 0 clusters[0..clusters.length - 2].each_with_index do |_item, i| dist = clusters[i].distance(clusters[i + 1], distance_method) $stderr.puts "distance between clusters #{i} and #{i + 1} is #{dist}" if debug current_density = clusters[i].density + clusters[i + 1].density if dist < min_distance min_distance = dist cluster = i density = current_density elsif dist == min_distance && density < current_density cluster = i density = current_density end end # stop condition 2 # the distance between the closest clusters exceeds the threshold if no_clusters == 0 && (clusters[cluster].mean - clusters[cluster + 1].mean).abs > threshold_distance break end # merge clusters 'cluster' and 'cluster'+1 $stderr.puts "clusters to merge #{cluster} and #{cluster + 1}" if debug clusters[cluster].add(clusters[cluster + 1]) clusters.delete_at(cluster + 1) if debug clusters.each_with_index do |elem, i| $stderr.puts "cluster #{i}" elem.print end end # stop condition 3 # the density of the biggest clusters exceeds the threshold if no_clusters == 0 && clusters[cluster].density > threshold_density break end end @clusters = clusters end ## # Returns the cluster with the maimum density # Params: # +clusters+: list of +Clususter+ objects def most_dense_cluster(clusters = @clusters) max_density = 0 max_density_cluster = 0 if clusters.nil? nil end clusters.each_with_index do |item, i| if item.density > max_density max_density = item.density max_density_cluster = i end end clusters[max_density_cluster] end end end