module OrigenTesters module PatternCompilers class UltraFLEXPatternCompiler < IGXLBasedPatternCompiler # Linux compiler executable path def self.linux_compiler Origen.site_config.origen_testers[:uflex_linux_pattern_compiler] end # Windows compiler executable path def self.windows_compiler Origen.site_config.origen_testers[:uflex_windows_pattern_compiler] end # Pre-compile environment setup if necessary def self.atpc_setup Origen.site_config.origen_testers[:uflex_atpc_setup] end # Resolves to correct compiler based on operating system def self.compiler Origen.running_on_windows? ? windows_compiler : linux_compiler end def self.compiler_cmd ? compiler : eval('"' + compiler + '"') end def self.compiler_options "#{compiler_cmd} -help" end def self.compiler_version "#{compiler_cmd} -version" end def initialize(id, options = {}) super @user_options = {}.merge(@user_options) @job_options = { tester: :ultraflex, compiler: self.class.compiler, # required }.merge(@job_options) # These are compiler options that are specific to UltraFLEX (builds on options from IGXL-Based) # Set all of these compiler options that don't have args to true/flase. if true then send compiler '-opt' @compiler_options = { lock: false, # prevents pattern from being reverse compiled or opened in PatternTool multiinst: false, # indicates more than one instrument is connected to a single pin nocompress: false, # do not compress pattern data blocks stdin: false, # Compile data from standard input. Do not use -cpp or specify any pattern file(s) when using this option. }.merge(@compiler_options) # These are compiler options that are specific to UltraFLEX (builds on options from IGXL-Based) @compiler_options_with_args = { pat_version: nil, # version of pattern file to compile scan_type: nil, # type of scan data includes: nil, # include paths to be passed to C- preprocessor. post_processor: nil, # customer's post-process executable. post_processor_args: nil, # customer's post-process executable arguments cdl_cache: nil, # 'yes' | 'no', turns on/off CDL caching, default on compiler side is 'yes' init_pattern: nil, # , uses the specified pattern module/file/set as an init patterns check_set_msb: nil, # 'yes' | 'no', turns on/off check the 'set' or 'set_infinite' opcode time_domain: nil, #