#!/usr/bin/env rspec -cfd require_relative '../spec_helper' require 'time' require 'arborist/node' describe Arborist::Node do let( :concrete_class ) { TestNode } let( :identifier ) { 'the_identifier' } let( :identifier2 ) { 'the_other_identifier' } it "can be loaded from a file" do concrete_instance = nil expect( Kernel ).to receive( :load ).with( "a/path/to/a/node.rb" ) do concrete_instance = concrete_class.new( identifier ) end result = described_class.load( "a/path/to/a/node.rb" ) expect( result ).to be_an( Array ) expect( result.length ).to eq( 1 ) expect( result ).to include( concrete_instance ) end it "can load multiple nodes from a single file" do concrete_instance1 = concrete_instance2 = nil expect( Kernel ).to receive( :load ).with( "a/path/to/a/node.rb" ) do concrete_instance1 = concrete_class.new( identifier ) concrete_instance2 = concrete_class.new( identifier2 ) end result = described_class.load( "a/path/to/a/node.rb" ) expect( result ).to be_an( Array ) expect( result.length ).to eq( 2 ) expect( result ).to include( concrete_instance1, concrete_instance2 ) end it "knows what its identifier is" do expect( described_class.new('good_identifier').identifier ).to eq( 'good_identifier' ) end it "accepts identifiers with hyphens" do expect( described_class.new('router_nat-pmp').identifier ).to eq( 'router_nat-pmp' ) end it "raises an error if the node identifier is invalid" do expect { described_class.new 'bad identifier' }.to raise_error( RuntimeError, /identifier/i ) end context "an instance of a concrete subclass" do let( :node ) { concrete_class.new(identifier) } let( :child_node ) do concrete_class.new(identifier2) do parent 'the_identifier' end end it "can declare what its parent is by identifier" do expect( child_node.parent ).to eq( identifier ) end it "can have child nodes added to it" do node.add_child( child_node ) expect( node.children ).to include( child_node.identifier ) end it "can have child nodes appended to it" do node << child_node expect( node.children ).to include( child_node.identifier ) end it "raises an error if a node which specifies a different parent is added to it" do not_child_node = concrete_class.new(identifier2) do parent 'youre_not_my_mother' end expect { node.add_child( not_child_node ) }.to raise_error( /not a child of/i ) end it "doesn't add the same child more than once" do node.add_child( child_node ) node.add_child( child_node ) expect( node.children.size ).to eq( 1 ) end it "knows it doesn't have any children if it's empty" do expect( node ).to_not have_children end it "knows it has children if subnodes have been added" do node.add_child( child_node ) expect( node ).to have_children end it "knows how to remove one of its children" do node.add_child( child_node ) node.remove_child( child_node ) expect( node ).to_not have_children end describe "status" do it "starts out in `unknown` status" do expect( node ).to be_unknown end it "transitions to `up` status if its state is updated with no `error` property" do node.update( tested: true ) expect( node ).to be_up end it "transitions to `down` status if its state is updated with an `error` property" do node.update( error: "Couldn't talk to it!" ) expect( node ).to be_down end it "transitions from `down` to `acked` status if it's updated with an `ack` property" do node.status = 'down' node.error = 'Something is wrong | he falls | betraying the trust | "\ "there is a disaster in his life.' node.update( ack: {message: "Leitmotiv", sender: 'ged'} ) expect( node ).to be_acked end it "transitions to `up` from `acked` status if it's updated with an `ack` property" do node.update( ack: {message: "Maintenance", sender: 'mahlon'}, error: "Offlined" ) node.update( ping_time: 0.02 ) expect( node ).to be_up end end describe "Properties API" do it "is initialized with an empty set" do expect( node.properties ).to be_empty end it "can attach arbitrary values to the node" do node.update( 'cider' => 'tasty' ) expect( node.properties['cider'] ).to eq( 'tasty' ) end it "replaces existing values on update" do node.properties.replace({ 'cider' => 'tasty', 'cider_size' => '16oz', }) node.update( 'cider_size' => '8oz' ) expect( node.properties ).to include( 'cider' => 'tasty', 'cider_size' => '8oz' ) end it "replaces nested values on update" do node.properties.replace({ 'cider' => { 'description' => 'tasty', 'size' => '16oz', }, 'sausage' => { 'description' => 'pork', 'size' => 'huge', }, 'music' => '80s' }) node.update( 'cider' => {'size' => '8oz'}, 'sausage' => 'Linguiça', 'music' => { 'genre' => '80s', 'artist' => 'The Smiths' } ) expect( node.properties ).to eq( 'cider' => { 'description' => 'tasty', 'size' => '8oz', }, 'sausage' => 'Linguiça', 'music' => { 'genre' => '80s', 'artist' => 'The Smiths' } ) end it "removes pairs whose value is nil" do node.properties.replace({ 'cider' => { 'description' => 'tasty', 'size' => '16oz', }, 'sausage' => { 'description' => 'pork', 'size' => 'huge', }, 'music' => '80s' }) node.update( 'cider' => {'size' => nil}, 'sausage' => nil, 'music' => { 'genre' => '80s', 'artist' => 'The Smiths' } ) expect( node.properties ).to eq( 'cider' => { 'description' => 'tasty', }, 'music' => { 'genre' => '80s', 'artist' => 'The Smiths' } ) end end describe "Enumeration" do it "iterates over its children for #each" do parent = node parent << concrete_class.new('child1') { parent 'the_identifier' } << concrete_class.new('child2') { parent 'the_identifier' } << concrete_class.new('child3') { parent 'the_identifier' } expect( parent.map(&:identifier) ).to eq([ 'child1', 'child2', 'child3' ]) end end describe "Serialization" do let( :node ) do concrete_class.new( 'foo' ) do parent 'bar' description "The prototypical node" tags :chunker, :hunky, :flippin, :hippo update( 'song' => 'Around the World', 'artist' => 'Daft Punk', 'length' => '7:09' ) end end it "can return a Hash of serializable node data" do result = node.to_hash expect( result ).to be_a( Hash ) expect( result ).to include( :identifier, :parent, :description, :tags, :properties, :status, :ack, :last_contacted, :status_changed, :error ) expect( result[:identifier] ).to eq( 'foo' ) expect( result[:type] ).to eq( 'testnode' ) expect( result[:parent] ).to eq( 'bar' ) expect( result[:description] ).to eq( node.description ) expect( result[:tags] ).to eq( node.tags ) expect( result[:properties] ).to eq( node.properties ) expect( result[:status] ).to eq( node.status ) expect( result[:ack] ).to be_nil expect( result[:last_contacted] ).to eq( node.last_contacted.iso8601 ) expect( result[:status_changed] ).to eq( node.status_changed.iso8601 ) expect( result[:error] ).to be_nil end it "can be reconstituted from a serialized Hash of node data" do hash = node.to_hash cloned_node = concrete_class.from_hash( hash ) expect( cloned_node ).to eq( node ) end it "an ACKed node stays ACKed when reconstituted" do node.update(ack: { message: 'We know about the fire. It rages on.', sender: '1986 Labyrinth David Bowie' }) cloned_node = concrete_class.from_hash( node.to_hash ) expect( cloned_node ).to be_acked end it "can be marshalled" do data = Marshal.dump( node ) cloned_node = Marshal.load( data ) expect( cloned_node ).to eq( node ) end end end describe "event system" do let( :node ) do concrete_class.new( 'foo' ) do parent 'bar' description "The prototypical node" tags :chunker, :hunky, :flippin, :hippo update( 'song' => 'Around the World', 'artist' => 'Daft Punk', 'length' => '7:09', 'cider' => { 'description' => 'tasty', 'size' => '16oz', }, 'sausage' => { 'description' => 'pork', 'size' => 'monsterous', 'price' => { 'units' => 1200, 'currency' => 'usd' } }, 'music' => '80s' ) end end it "generates a node.update event on update" do events = node.update( 'song' => "Around the World" ) expect( events ).to be_an( Array ) expect( events ).to all( be_a(Arborist::Event) ) expect( events.size ).to eq( 1 ) expect( events.first.type ).to eq( 'node.update' ) expect( events.first.node ).to be( node ) end it "generates a node.delta event when an update changes a value" do events = node.update( 'song' => "Motherboard", 'artist' => 'Daft Punk', 'sausage' => { 'price' => { 'currency' => 'eur' } } ) expect( events ).to be_an( Array ) expect( events ).to all( be_a(Arborist::Event) ) expect( events.size ).to eq( 2 ) delta_event = events.find {|ev| ev.type == 'node.delta' } expect( delta_event.node ).to be( node ) expect( delta_event.payload ).to eq({ 'song' => ['Around the World' , 'Motherboard'], 'sausage' => { 'price' => { 'currency' => ['usd', 'eur'] } } }) end it "includes status changes in delta events" do events = node.update( error: "Couldn't talk to it!" ) delta_event = events.find {|ev| ev.type == 'node.delta' } expect( delta_event.payload ).to include( 'status' => ['up', 'down'] ) end it "generates a node.acked event when a node is acked" do events = node.update(ack: { message: "I have a poisonous friend. She's living in the house.", sender: 'Seabound' }) expect( events.size ).to eq( 3 ) ack_event = events.find {|ev| ev.type == 'node.acked' } expect( ack_event ).to be_a( Arborist::Event ) expect( ack_event.payload ).to include( sender: 'Seabound' ) end end describe "subscriptions" do let( :node ) do concrete_class.new( 'foo' ) do parent 'bar' description "The prototypical node" tags :chunker, :hunky, :flippin, :hippo end end it "allows the addition of a Subscription" do sub = Arborist::Subscription.new( 'test', { type: 'host'} ) node.add_subscription( sub ) expect( node.subscriptions ).to include( sub.id ) expect( node.subscriptions[sub.id] ).to be( sub ) end it "allows the removal of a Subscription" do sub = Arborist::Subscription.new( 'test', { type: 'host'} ) node.add_subscription( sub ) node.remove_subscription( sub.id ) expect( node.subscriptions ).to_not include( sub ) end it "can find subscriptions that match a given event" do events = node.update( 'song' => 'Fear', 'artist' => "Mind.in.a.Box" ) delta_event = events.find {|ev| ev.type == 'node.delta' } sub = Arborist::Subscription.new( 'node.delta' ) node.add_subscription( sub ) results = node.find_matching_subscriptions( delta_event ) expect( results.size ).to eq( 1 ) expect( results ).to all( be_a(Arborist::Subscription) ) expect( results.first ).to be( sub ) end end describe "matching" do let( :node ) do concrete_class.new( 'foo' ) do parent 'bar' description "The prototypical node" tags :chunker, :hunky, :flippin, :hippo update( 'song' => 'Around the World', 'artist' => 'Daft Punk', 'length' => '7:09', 'cider' => { 'description' => 'tasty', 'size' => '16oz', }, 'sausage' => { 'description' => 'pork', 'size' => 'monsterous', 'price' => { 'units' => 1200, 'currency' => 'usd' } }, 'music' => '80s' ) end end it "can be matched with its status" do expect( node ).to match_criteria( status: 'up' ) expect( node ).to_not match_criteria( status: 'down' ) end it "can be matched with its type" do expect( node ).to match_criteria( type: 'testnode' ) expect( node ).to_not match_criteria( type: 'service' ) end it "can be matched with a single tag" do expect( node ).to match_criteria( tag: 'hunky' ) expect( node ).to_not match_criteria( tag: 'plucky' ) end it "can be matched with multiple tags" do expect( node ).to match_criteria( tags: ['hunky', 'hippo'] ) expect( node ).to_not match_criteria( tags: ['hunky', 'hippo', 'haggis'] ) end it "can be matched with its identifier" do expect( node ).to match_criteria( identifier: 'foo' ) expect( node ).to_not match_criteria( identifier: 'bar' ) end it "can be matched with its user properties" do expect( node ).to match_criteria( song: 'Around the World' ) expect( node ).to match_criteria( artist: 'Daft Punk' ) expect( node ).to match_criteria( sausage: {size: 'monsterous', price: {currency: 'usd'}}, cider: { description: 'tasty'} ) expect( node ).to_not match_criteria( length: '8:01' ) expect( node ).to_not match_criteria( sausage: {size: 'lunch', price: {currency: 'usd'}}, cider: { description: 'tasty' } ) expect( node ).to_not match_criteria( sausage: {size: 'lunch'} ) expect( node ).to_not match_criteria( other: 'key' ) expect( node ).to_not match_criteria( sausage: 'weißwürst' ) end end end