# frozen_string_literal: true require 'twilio-ruby' class SecretSanta class Error < StandardError; end VERSION = '1.1.1' def initialize(options) @dry_run = options.dry_run @from_number = options.from_number @participants = options.participants @sms = Twilio::REST::Client.new(options.twilio_account_sid, options.twilio_auth_token) unless @dry_run end def notify_participants! pairs = generate_pairs return pairs if @dry_run pairs.each do |pair| @sms.messages.create( body: "Happy holidays! You have been assigned to give a gift to #{pair.recipient_name} this year.", from: @from_number, to: pair.sender_number ) rescue Twilio::Rest::TwilioError => e puts e.message end "\nAll participants have been notified. Happy holidays! 🎅 🎄 🎁\n\n" end def generate_pairs raise Error, SecretSanta.error_message if impossible? [].tap do |list| loop do @participants.each do |sender| recipient = @participants.sample next if try_again?(sender, recipient) list << { sender_number: sender[:number], recipient_name: recipient[:name] } sender[:has_assignment] = true recipient[:is_assigned] = true end break if done? end end end def done? @participants.all? { |p| p[:has_assignment] && p[:is_assigned] } end def impossible? @participants.one? || invalid_hash? end def try_again?(sender, recipient) sender[:has_assignment] || recipient[:is_assigned] || sender[:number] == recipient[:number] || !sender[:disallow].nil? && sender[:disallow].include?(recipient[:name]) end def self.help_text <<~HEREDOC SecretSanta, version #{VERSION} To run, provide command-line arguments or set corresponding environment variables: - TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID - TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN - TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER Command-line arguments: HEREDOC end def self.error_message <<~HEREDOC Looks like something is wrong with your participants file. Make sure that it: 1. Follows the format specified in README.md 2. Contains enough participants so that everyone can be matched 3. Doesn't have too many blacklisted participants (see "disallow" array in README.md) HEREDOC end private def invalid_hash? @participants.each do |participant| return true unless %i[name number].all? { |k| participant.key? k } end false end end