require "forwardable" require "timeout" require "shellwords" module Snowglobe class CommandRunner extend Forwardable TimeoutError = def*args, **options, &block) new(*args, **options, &block).tap(&:call) end def!(*args, **options, &block) run(*args, run_successfully: true, **options, &block) end attr_reader :status, :options, :env attr_accessor :command_prefix, :run_quickly, :run_successfully, :retries, :timeout def initialize( *args, env: {}, directory: Dir.pwd, run_successfully: false, **options ) @reader, @writer = IO.pipe @options = options.merge(err: [:child, :out], out: writer) @args = args @env = normalize_env(env) = directory @run_successfully = run_successfully @wrapper = ->(block) { } @command_prefix = "" @run_quickly = false @retries = 1 @num_times_run = 0 @timeout = 20 yield self if block_given? end def directory options[:chdir] end def directory=(directory) if directory.nil? raise ArgumentError, "Must provide a directory" end options[:chdir] = directory end def around_command(&block) @wrapper = block end def formatted_command [formatted_env, Shellwords.join(command)]. reject(&:empty?). join(" ") end def call possibly_retrying do possibly_running_quickly do run_with_debugging if run_successfully && !success? fail! end end end self end def stop unless writer.closed? writer.close end end def output @_output ||= begin stop without_colors( end end def elided_output lines = output.split(/\n/) new_lines = lines[0..4] if lines.size > 10 new_lines << "(...#{lines.size - 10} more lines...)" end new_lines << lines[-5..-1] new_lines.join("\n") end def_delegators :status, :success? def exit_status status.exitstatus end def fail! raise <<-MESSAGE Command #{formatted_command.inspect} exited with status #{exit_status}. Output: #{divider("START") + output + divider("END")} MESSAGE end def has_output?(expected_output) if expected_output.is_a?(Regexp) output =~ expected_output else output.include?(expected_output) end end protected attr_reader :args, :reader, :writer, :wrapper private def normalize_env(env) env.reduce({}) do |hash, (key, value)| hash.merge(key.to_s => value) end end def command ([command_prefix] + args).flatten.flat_map do |word| Shellwords.split(word) end end def formatted_env { |key, value| "#{key}=#{value.inspect}" }.join(" ") end def run pid = spawn(env, *command, options) Process.waitpid(pid) @status = $? end def run_with_wrapper end def run_with_debugging debug { "\n\e[33mChanging to directory:\e[0m #{directory}" } debug { "\e[32mRunning command:\e[0m #{formatted_command}" } run_with_wrapper debug { "\n" + divider("START") + output + divider("END") } end def possibly_running_quickly(&block) if run_quickly begin Timeout.timeout(timeout, &block) rescue Timeout::Error stop message = "Command timed out after #{timeout} seconds: " + "#{formatted_command}\n" + "Output:\n" + output raise TimeoutError, message end else yield end end def possibly_retrying @num_times_run += 1 yield rescue StandardError => error debug { "#{error.class}: #{error.message}" } if @num_times_run < @retries sleep @num_times_run retry else raise error end end def divider(title = "") total_length = 72 start_length = 3 string = "" string << ("-" * start_length) string << title string << "-" * (total_length - start_length - title.length) string << "\n" string end def without_colors(string) string.gsub(/\e\[\d+(?:;\d+)?m(.+?)\e\[0m/, '\1') end def debugging_enabled? ENV["DEBUG_COMMANDS"] == "1" end def debug if debugging_enabled? puts yield end end end end