require 'bigdecimal' shared_examples_for 'geohash query' do it 'searches for nearby points with defaults' do search do with(:coordinates).near(40.7, -73.5) end connection.should have_last_search_including(:q, build_geo_query) end it 'searches for nearby points with non-Float arguments' do search do with(:coordinates).near('40.7'),'-73.5')) end connection.should have_last_search_including(:q, build_geo_query) end it 'searches for nearby points with given precision' do search do with(:coordinates).near(40.7, -73.5, :precision => 10) end connection.should have_last_search_including(:q, build_geo_query(:precision => 10)) end it 'searches for nearby points with given precision factor' do search do with(:coordinates).near(40.7, -73.5, :precision_factor => 1.5) end connection.should have_last_search_including(:q, build_geo_query(:precision_factor => 1.5)) end it 'searches for nearby points with given boost' do search do with(:coordinates).near(40.7, -73.5, :boost => 2.0) end connection.should have_last_search_including(:q, build_geo_query(:boost => 2.0)) end it 'performs both dismax search and location search' do search do fulltext 'pizza', :fields => :title with(:coordinates).near(40.7, -73.5) end expected = "{!dismax fl='* score' qf='title_text'}pizza (#{build_geo_query})" connection.should have_last_search_including( :q, %Q(_query_:"{!dismax qf='title_text'}pizza" (#{build_geo_query})) ) end private def build_geo_query(options = {}) precision = options[:precision] || 7 precision_factor = options[:precision_factor] || 16.0 boost = options[:boost] || 1.0 hash = 'dr5xx3nytvgs' (precision..12).map do |i| phrase = if i == 12 then hash else "#{hash[0, i]}*" end precision_boost = Sunspot::Util.format_float(boost*precision_factor**(i-12.0), 3) "coordinates_s:#{phrase}^#{precision_boost}" end.reverse.join(' OR ') end end