class Wco::GalleriesController < Wco::ApplicationController before_action :set_lists, only: %i| show | before_action :set_gallery, only: %w| destroy edit j_show show update update_ordering | # Alphabetized! : ) def create params[:gallery][:tag_ids]&.delete '' # params[:gallery][:shared_profiles] ||= [] # params[:gallery][:shared_profiles].delete('') # params[:gallery][:shared_profiles] = Wco::Profile.find params[:gallery][:shared_profiles] @gallery = params[:gallery].permit! # @gallery.user_profile = @current_profile authorize! :create, @gallery if # Wco::GalleriesMailer.shared_galleries( params[:gallery][:shared_profiles], @gallery ).deliver flash[:notice] = 'Success' redirect_to edit_gallery_path(@gallery) else puts! @gallery.errors.messages flash[:alert] = "Cannot create the gallery: #{@gallery.errors.full_messages.join(', ')}" render :action => 'new' end end def destroy authorize! :destroy, @gallery @gallery.delete flash[:notice] = 'Marked the gallery deleted.' redirect_to( request.referrer || galleries_path ) end def edit authorize! :edit, @gallery end def index authorize! :index, Wco::Gallery @page_title = 'Galleries' @galleries = Wco::Gallery.all.order_by( :created_at => :desc ) @tags = Wco::Tag.all if params[:q] q = URI.decode(params[:q]) @galleries = @galleries.where({ :name => /#{q}/i }) end @galleries = params[:galleries_page] ).per( current_profile.per_page ) render '_index' end def j_show authorize! :show, @gallery respond_to do |format| format.json do jjj = {} jjj[:photos] = do |ph| { :thumbnail_url => :thumb ), :delete_type => 'DELETE', :delete_url => photo_path(ph) } end render :json => jjj end end end def new @gallery = @page_title = 'New Gallery' authorize! :new, @gallery end def shared_with_me authorize! :index, Wco::Gallery @page_title = 'Galleries Shared With Me' @galleries = @current_profile.shared_galleries( ).order_by( :created_at => :desc ).page( params[:shared_galleries_page] ).per( 10 ) render params[:render_type] end def show authorize! :show, @gallery @photos = ordering: :asc ) @deleted_photos = ordering: :asc ) end def update_ordering authorize! :update, @gallery out = [] params[:gallery][:sorted_photo_ids].each_with_index do |id, idx| out.push Photo.find( id ).update_attribute( :ordering, idx ) end flash[:notice] = "Outcomes: #{out}." redirect_to action: 'show', id: end def update params[:gallery][:tag_ids]&.delete '' authorize! :update, @gallery old_shared_profile_ids = if params[:gallery][:shared_profiles].present? params[:gallery][:shared_profiles].delete('') end params[:gallery][:shared_profile_ids] = params[:gallery][:shared_profiles] params[:gallery].delete :shared_profiles flag = @gallery.update_attributes( params[:gallery].permit! ) if flag if params[:gallery][:shared_profile_ids].present? new_shared_profiles = Wco::Profile.find( params[:gallery][:shared_profile_ids] ).select { |p| !old_shared_profile_ids.include?( ) } Wco::GalleriesMailer.shared_galleries( new_shared_profiles, @gallery ).deliver end flash[:notice] = 'Success.' redirect_to edit_gallery_path(@gallery) else puts! @gallery.errors.messages, 'cannot save gallery' flash[:alert] = 'No Luck. ' + @gallery.errors.messages.to_s render :action => :edit end end def update_many authorize! :update, Wco::Gallery galleries = Wco::Gallery.where( => params[:gallery_ids] ) tags = Wco::Tag.where( => params[:tag_ids] ) if params[:remove] galleries.each do |gallery| tags.each do |tag| gallery.tags.delete tag end end else galleries.each do |gallery| gallery.tags.push tags end end flash_notice 'Unknown outcome, no exception raised.' redirect_to request.referrer end ## ## private ## private def set_gallery begin @gallery = Wco::Gallery.unscoped.find_by :slug => params[:id] rescue @gallery = Wco::Gallery.unscoped.find params[:id] end @page_title = "#{} Gallery" @page_description = @gallery.subhead end def set_lists @galleries_list = Wco::Gallery.list @tags_list = Wco::Tag.list end end