#! /usr/bin/env ruby # # marathon-metrics # # DESCRIPTION: # This plugin extracts the 'count' metrics from a marathon server # # OUTPUT: # metric data # # PLATFORMS: # Linux # # DEPENDENCIES: # gem: sensu-plugin # gem: rest-client # gem: socket # gem: json # # USAGE: # #YELLOW # # NOTES: # # LICENSE: # Copyright 2015, Tom Stockton (tom@stocktons.org.uk) # Released under the same terms as Sensu (the MIT license); see LICENSE # for details. # require 'sensu-plugin/metric/cli' require 'rest-client' require 'socket' require 'json' class MarathonMetrics < Sensu::Plugin::Metric::CLI::Graphite SKIP_ROOT_KEYS = %w(version).freeze option :scheme, description: 'Metric naming scheme', short: '-s SCHEME', long: '--scheme SCHEME', default: "#{Socket.gethostname}.marathon" option :server, description: 'Marathon Host', short: '-h SERVER', long: '--host SERVER', default: 'localhost' option :port, description: 'Marathon port', short: '-p PORT', long: '--port PORT', required: false, default: '8080' option :protocol, description: 'Marathon protocol [http/https]', short: '-P PROTOCOL', long: '--protocol PROTOCOL', required: false, default: 'http' option :uri, description: 'Endpoint URI', short: '-u URI', long: '--uri URI', default: '/metrics' option :timeout, description: 'timeout in seconds', short: '-t TIMEOUT', long: '--timeout TIMEOUT', proc: proc(&:to_i), default: 5 def run r = RestClient::Resource.new("#{config[:protocol]}://#{config[:server]}:#{config[:port]}#{config[:uri]}", timeout: config[:timeout]).get all_metrics = JSON.parse(r) metric_groups = all_metrics.keys - SKIP_ROOT_KEYS metric_groups.each do |metric_groups_key| all_metrics[metric_groups_key].each do |metric_key, metric_value| metric_value.each do |metric_hash_key, metric_hash_value| output([config[:scheme], metric_groups_key, metric_key, metric_hash_key].join('.'), metric_hash_value) \ if metric_hash_value.is_a?(Numeric) && (metric_hash_key == 'count' || metric_hash_key == 'value') end end end ok rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED unknown 'Marathon is not responding' rescue RestClient::RequestTimeout unknown 'Marathon Connection timed out' end end