= EXIF Reader EXIF Reader is a module to read metadata from JPEG and TIFF images. == Examples EXIFR::JPEG.new('IMG_6841.JPG').width # => 2272 EXIFR::JPEG.new('IMG_6841.JPG').height # => 1704 EXIFR::JPEG.new('IMG_6841.JPG').exif? # => true EXIFR::JPEG.new('IMG_6841.JPG').model # => "Canon PowerShot G3" EXIFR::JPEG.new('IMG_6841.JPG').date_time # => Fri Feb 09 16:48:54 +0100 2007 EXIFR::JPEG.new('IMG_6841.JPG').exposure_time.to_s # => "1/15" EXIFR::JPEG.new('IMG_6841.JPG').f_number.to_f # => 2.0 EXIFR::TIFF.new('DSC_0218.TIF').width # => 3008 EXIFR::TIFF.new('DSC_0218.TIF')[1].width # => 160 EXIFR::TIFF.new('DSC_0218.TIF').model # => "NIKON D1X" EXIFR::TIFF.new('DSC_0218.TIF').date_time # => Tue May 23 19:15:32 +0200 2006 EXIFR::TIFF.new('DSC_0218.TIF').exposure_time.to_s # => "1/100" EXIFR::TIFF.new('DSC_0218.TIF').f_number.to_f # => 5.0 EXIFR::JPEG.new('enkhuizen.jpg').gps.latitude # => 52.7197888888889 EXIFR::JPEG.new('enkhuizen.jpg').gps.longitude # => 5.28397777777778 == Logging warnings When EXIF information is malformed, a warning is logged to STDERR with the standard Ruby logger. Log to some other location by supplying an alternative implementation: EXIFR.logger = SyslogLogger.new == Time zone support EXIF does not support time zones so this code does not support time zones. All time stamps are created in the local time zone with: Time.local(..) It is possible to change this behavior by supplying an alternative implementation. For those who prefer UTC: EXIFR::TIFF.mktime_proc = proc{|*args| Time.utc(*args)} Or when the application depends on ActiveSupport for time zone handling: EXIFR::TIFF.mktime_proc = proc{|*args| Time.zone.local(*args)} == XMP data access If you need to access XMP data you can use the xmp gem. More info and examples at https://github.com/amberbit/xmp == Author R.W. van 't Veer == Copyright Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 - R.W. van 't Veer