require 'spec_helper' # enable laziness class Mocha::Mock def name @name.instance_variable_get("@name") end end describe Project do it_should_behave_like "being a billable item" it{ Project.should respond_to(:primary) } it{ Project.should respond_to(:off) } it{ Project.should respond_to(:rest) } it{ Project.should respond_to(:longest_project_name) } context "scopes" do it "named primary" do Project.expects(:first).with(:conditions => { :weight => 1 }).returns(mock('Refactor')) == 'Refactor' end it "named off" do Project.expects(:first).with(:conditions => { :name => 'Lunch/Break' }).returns(mock('Lunch/Break')) == 'Lunch/Break' end it "named rest" do prim = mock('Refactor') off = mock('Lunch/Break') other = mock('Other') Project.expects(:primary).returns prim Project.expects(:off).returns off Project.expects(:all).returns([prim, off, other]) == [other] end it "named named" do Project.expects(:first).with(:conditions => { :name => 'Refactor' }).returns(mock('Refactor')) Project.named('Refactor').name.should == 'Refactor' Project.expects(:named).with(nil).returns nil Project.named(nil).should be_nil end end context "instances" do before :each do @project = Project.primary @log_count = @project.whences.size end after :each do @project.whences.destroy_all end it "should correctly log entries using start! and stop!" do lambda { @project.start! }.should change(@project.whences, :count).by(1) @project.whences.last.end_at.should be_nil sleep 1 lambda { @project.stop! }.should_not change(@project.whences, :count) @project.should be_valid @project.whences.reload @project.whences.last.end_at.should > @project.whences.last.start_at end it "should log correct time if given (not the default)" do lambda { @project.start! }.should change(@project.whences, :count).by(1) @project.whences.last.end_at.should be_nil end it "should do nothing if attempting to stop a project that hasn't been started" do lambda { @project.stop! }.should_not change(@project.whences, :count) end it "should stop! then start! when calling restart!" do @project.start! first_started_id = lambda { @project.restart! }.should change(@project.whences, :count).by(1) @project.whences.last.end_at.should be_nil == first_started_id end it "has a customer association" do @project.should respond_to(:customer) end context "amount calculation" do before :each do Payment.create :rate => '315.0', :billable => @project @now = Time.parse("2009-10-04 17:53:58") Time.stubs(:now).returns(@now.beginning_of_week) whence = @project.start! whence @project.stop! whence+3.hours whence = @project.start! whence @project.stop! whence+3.hours @project.reload end it "is correct with no arguments" do @project.amount.should == 6*3.15 end it "is correct with a scale" do @project.amount(:month).should == 6*3.15 end it "is correct with a scale and time" do @project.amount(:week, @now).should == 3*3.15 end end end context "time_spent" do before :each do @project = end it "correctly calculates with no data" do @project.expects(:time_spent).returns 0 @project.time_spent.should == 0.0 end it "correctly calculates with time argument" do now = Whence.expects(:find).returns [mock('whence1', :start_at => now, :end_at => now+=1.hour), mock('whence2', :start_at => now+=2.hours, :end_at => now+=2.hour+30.minutes)] @project.time_spent.should == 3.5 end it "correctly calculates with string time argument" do whence = mock('whence', :start_at => Chronic.parse('last monday 12:00 pm'), :end_at => Chronic.parse('last monday 12:00:05 pm')) Whence.expects(:find).returns [whence] @project.time_spent.should == 5.0/3600 end it "correctly calculates with a scale" do whence = mock('whence', :start_at => Time.parse('2009-10-04 23:53:32'), :end_at => Time.parse('2009-10-05 00:10:32')) Whence.expects(:find).returns [whence] @project.time_spent('month').should == 17.0/60 end it "correctly calculates with a scale and specific time" do whence = mock('whence', :start_at => Time.parse('2009-10-05 23:54:32'), :end_at => Time.parse('2009-10-06 00:12:32')) Whence.expects(:find).returns [whence] @project.time_spent('day', Chronic.parse('yesterday')).should == 18.0/60 end end end