require "watirspec_helper" not_compliant_on :headless do describe 'Alert API' do before do browser.goto WatirSpec.url_for("alerts.html") end after do browser.alert.ok if browser.alert.exists? end context 'alert' do describe '#text' do it 'returns text of alert' do browser.button(id: 'alert').click expect(browser.alert.text).to include('ok') end end describe '#exists?' do it 'returns false if alert is not present' do expect(browser.alert).to_not exist end bug "Alert exception not thrown, so Browser#inspect hangs", :safari do it 'returns true if alert is present' do browser.button(id: 'alert').click browser.wait_until(timeout: 10) { browser.alert.exists? } end end end describe '#ok' do not_compliant_on :safari do it 'closes alert' do browser.button(id: 'alert').click browser.alert.ok expect(browser.alert).to_not exist end end end bug "", [:chrome, :macosx] do not_compliant_on :safari do describe '#close' do it 'closes alert' do browser.button(id: 'alert').click browser.alert.close expect(browser.alert).to_not exist end end end end not_compliant_on :relaxed_locate do describe 'wait_until_present' do it 'waits until alert is present and goes on' do browser.button(id: 'timeout-alert').click browser.alert.wait_until_present.ok expect(browser.alert).to_not exist end it 'raises error if alert is not present after timeout' do expect { browser.alert.wait_until_present.ok }.to raise_timeout_exception end end end end context 'confirm' do describe '#ok' do it 'accepts confirm' do browser.button(id: 'confirm').click browser.alert.ok expect(browser.button(id: 'confirm').value).to eq "true" end end describe '#close' do it 'cancels confirm' do browser.button(id: 'confirm').click browser.alert.close expect(browser.button(id: 'confirm').value).to eq "false" end end end context 'prompt' do describe '#set' do it 'enters text to prompt' do browser.button(id: 'prompt').click browser.alert.set 'My Name' browser.alert.ok expect(browser.button(id: 'prompt').value).to eq 'My Name' end end end end end