module Hubstats class Team < ActiveRecord::Base def self.record_timestamps; false; end scope :with_id, lambda {|team_id| where(id: team_id.split(',')) if team_id} # Public - Counts all of the comments a selected team's members have written that occurred between the start_date and end_date. # # start_date - the start of the date range # end_date - the end of the data range # user_id_array - an array of all of the user ids in selected team # # Returns - count of comments scope :comments_count, lambda {|start_date, end_date| select("IFNULL(COUNT(DISTINCT,0) AS comment_count, as team_id") .joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN hubstats_teams_users ON = hubstats_teams_users.team_id") .joins(sanitize_sql_array(["LEFT JOIN hubstats_comments ON (hubstats_comments.user_id = hubstats_teams_users.user_id) AND (hubstats_comments.created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?)", start_date, end_date])) .group("") } # Public - Counts all of the merged pull requests for selected team's users that occurred between the start_date and end_date. # # start_date - the start of the date range # end_date - the end of the data range # # Returns - count of pull requests scope :pull_requests_count, lambda {|start_date, end_date| select(" as team_id") .select("IFNULL(COUNT(DISTINCT,0) AS pull_request_count") .joins(sanitize_sql_array(["LEFT JOIN hubstats_pull_requests ON hubstats_pull_requests.team_id = AND (hubstats_pull_requests.merged_at BETWEEN ? AND ?) AND hubstats_pull_requests.merged = '1'", start_date, end_date])) .group("") } # Public - Joins all of the metrics together for selected team: net additions, comments, repos, and pull requests. # # start_date - the start of the date range # end_date - the end of the data range # # Returns - all of the stats about the team scope :with_all_metrics, lambda {|start_date, end_date| select("hubstats_teams.*, pull_request_count, comment_count") .joins("LEFT JOIN (#{pull_requests_count(start_date, end_date).to_sql}) AS pull_requests ON pull_requests.team_id =") .joins("LEFT JOIN (#{comments_count(start_date, end_date).to_sql}) AS comments ON comments.team_id =") .group("") } has_and_belongs_to_many :users, :join_table => 'hubstats_teams_users', :uniq => true # Public - Checks if the team is currently existing, and if it isn't, then makes a new team with # the specifications that are passed in. We are assuming that if it is not already existent, # then we probably don't really care about the team, so our hubstats boolean will be set to false. # # github_team - the info that's passed in about the new or updated team # # Returns - the team def self.create_or_update(github_team) github_team = github_team.to_h.with_indifferent_access if github_team.respond_to? :to_h team_data = github_team.slice(* team = where(:id => team_data[:id]).first_or_create(team_data) team_data[:hubstats] = true return team if team.update_attributes(team_data) Rails.logger.warn team.errors.inspect end # Public - Adds or removes a user from a team # # team - a hubstats team that we wish to edit the users of # user - a hubstats user that we wish to remove or add to the team # action - whether the user is to be removed or added (string) # # Returns - nothing def self.update_users_in_team(team, user, action) if action == "added" team.users << user elsif action == "removed" team.users.delete(user) end! end # Public - Orders the list of data by name (alphabetical) # # Returns - the data ordered alphabetically by name def self.order_by_name order("name ASC") end end end