require "csv" module SlashAdmin class ModelsController < SlashAdmin::BaseController include Pagy::Backend skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, only: :nestable before_action :handle_internal_default before_action :handle_default before_action :nestable_config before_action :handle_default_params before_action :handle_assocations helper_method :list_params, :export_params, :create_params, :update_params, :show_params, :nested_params, :should_add_translatable?, :translatable_params, :available_locales, :tooltips def index authorize! :index, @model_class @models_export = if params[:filters].present? handle_filtered_search else @model_class.all end column = @model_class.arel_table[params[:order_field].to_sym] order = params[:order].downcase if %w[asc desc].include?(order) if @models_export.is_a?(Array) @models = if order == "asc" @models_export.sort { |m1, m2| m1.send(params[:order_field]) <=> m2.send(params[:order_field]) } else @models_export.sort { |m1, m2| m2.send(params[:order_field]) <=> m1.send(params[:order_field]) } end @pagy_models, @models = pagy_array(@models, items: params[:per]) else @pagy_models, @models = pagy(@models_export.order(column.send(params[:order].downcase)), items: params[:per]) end end @fields = if @use_export_params export_params else @model_class.column_names end respond_to do |format| format.html format.csv { stream_csv_report } format.xls { send_data render_to_string, filename: "#{@model_class.model_name.plural.upcase}_#{}.xls" } format.js { @models } end end def new authorize! :new, @model_class @model = end def before_validate_on_create end def after_save_on_create end def create authorize! :new, @model_class handle_has_one @model = before_validate_on_create handle_specific_fields if @model.valid? if! after_save_on_create respond_to do |format| format.html do flash[:success] = t("slash_admin.controller.create.success", model_name: @model_name) redirect_to(handle_redirect_after_submit) && return end format.js { render(json: {id:, name: helpers.show_object(@model)}) && return } end end else flash[:error] = t("slash_admin.controller.create.error", model_name: @model_name) end respond_to do |format| format.html { render :new } format.js { render json: {errors: @model.errors.full_messages} } end end def edit authorize! :edit, @model_class @model = @model_class.find(params[:id]) end def update authorize! :edit, @model_class @model = @model_class.find(params[:id]) handle_has_one @model.assign_attributes(permit_params) before_validate_on_update handle_specific_fields if @model.valid? if! after_save_on_update flash[:success] = t("slash_admin.controller.update.success", model_name: @model_name) respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to(handle_redirect_after_submit) && return } format.js end end else flash[:error] = t("slash_admin.controller.update.error", model_name: @model_name) end render :edit end def show authorize! :show, @model_class @model = @model_class.find(params[:id]) respond_to do |format| format.html format.js { @model } end end def destroy @model_class.find(params[:id]).destroy! flash[:success] = t("slash_admin.controller.delete.success", model_name: @model_name) respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to main_app.polymorphic_url([:slash_admin, @model_class]) } format.js end end def before_validate_on_update end def after_save_on_update end # Add tooltip to th list view & edit/create view # { # attr: 'Value', # title: 'The title of my model', # } # def tooltips {} end def handle_has_one @has_one = {} Array.wrap(update_params + create_params).uniq.each do |p| if helpers.guess_field_type(, p) == "has_one" && !@model_class.nested_attributes_options.key?(p.to_sym) @has_one[p] = permit_params[p] permit_params.delete(p) end end end def handle_specific_fields # has_one if @has_one.present? @has_one.each do |k, v| if v.present? @model.send("#{k}=", helpers.class_name_from_association(@model, k).constantize.find(v)) else @model.send("#{k}=", nil) end end end # JSON @model_class.columns_hash.each do |k, v| if permit_params[k].is_a? String if v.type == :json || v.type == :jsonb || helpers.serialized_json_field?(@model_class, k.to_s) begin @model.send("#{k}=", JSON.parse(permit_params[k])) rescue # Handle case when single string passed, we transform it into array to have a valid json json = permit_params[k].split(",").to_json @model.send("#{k}=", JSON.parse(json)) end end end end # Other end def nestable unless @is_nestable flash[:error] = t("slash_admin.controller.nestable.error", model_name: @model_name) redirect_to(main_app.polymorphic_url([:slash_admin, @model_class])) && return end if if params[:nestable][:data].present? JSON.parse(params[:nestable][:data]).each_with_index do |p, i| m = @model_class.find(p["id"]) m.position = i! end end flash[:success] = t("slash_admin.controller.nestable.success") redirect_to(main_app.polymorphic_url(["slash_admin", @model_class])) && return if params.key?(:submit_redirect) redirect_to main_app.polymorphic_url([:nestable, :slash_admin, @model_class]) end end def handle_filtered_search search = if @model_class.respond_to? :translated_attribute_names @model_class.with_translations(I18n.locale).all else @model_class.all end virtual_fields = [] params[:filters].each do |attr, query| unless query.blank? attr_type = helpers.guess_field_type(@model_class, attr) if @model_class.respond_to?(:translated_attribute_names) && @model_class.translated_attribute_names.include?(attr.to_sym) attr = "#{}_translations.#{attr}" end # aggregate_reflections ? attr_prefixed = model.table_name + "." + attr case attr_type # TODO : Should be rewritten when "belongs_to" search = search.eager_load(attr.to_s) search = search.where(attr.to_s + "_id IN (" + query.join(",") + ")") # TODO : Should be rewritten when "has_one" search = search.eager_load(attr.to_s) search = search.where(attr.to_s.pluralize + ".id IN (" + query.join(",") + ")") when "string", "text" query.strip! unless query.strip!.nil? attributes = if !attributes.include?(attr.to_s) && @model_class.method_defined?(attr.to_s) virtual_fields << attr.to_s else begin search = search.where("unaccent(lower(#{attr_prefixed})) LIKE unaccent(lower(:query))", query: "%#{query}%") rescue search = search.where("lower(#{attr_prefixed}) LIKE lower(:query)", query: "%#{query}%") end end when "date", "datetime" if query.is_a?(String) search = search.where("#{attr_prefixed} = :query", query: query) else if query["from"].present? || query["to"].present? if query["from"].to_date != query["to"].to_date if query["from"].present? search = search.where("#{attr_prefixed} >= :query", query: query["from"].to_date) end if query["to"].present? search = search.where("#{attr_prefixed} <= :query", query: query["to"].to_date) end else search = search.where("#{attr_prefixed} = :query", query: query["from"].to_date) end end end when "decimal", "number", "integer" if query.instance_of?(ActionController::Parameters) if query["from"].present? || query["to"].present? search = search.where("#{attr_prefixed} >= :query", query: query["from"]) if query["from"].present? search = search.where("#{attr_prefixed} <= :query", query: query["to"]) if query["to"].present? end else if attr_type == "decimal" || attr_type == "number" query = query.to_f elsif attr_type == "integer" query = query.to_i end search = search.where("#{attr_prefixed} = :query", query: query) end when "boolean" search = search.where("#{attr_prefixed} = :query", query: to_boolean(query)) else raise"Unable to query for attribute_type : #{attr_type}") end end end params[:filters].each do |attr, query| unless query.blank? if virtual_fields.present? && virtual_fields.include?(attr.to_s) search = { |s| s.send(attr).present? ? s.send(attr).to_s.downcase.include?(query.downcase) : nil } end end end search end # Export CSV def export_csv(options = {}) @models_export.to_sql end def update_params(options = {}) if options.present? create_params(options) else create_params end end def autocomplete_params aut_params = [] helpers.object_label_methods.each do |m| aut_params << m if model.respond_to? m end raise"You have to defined autocomplete_params in your admin model controller") if aut_params.blank? aut_params end protected def prepend_view_paths prepend_view_path "app/views/slash_admin" begin prepend_view_path "app/views/slash_admin/models/#{@model_class.model_name.to_s.pluralize.underscore}" rescue nil end end def handle_redirect_after_submit path = main_app.edit_polymorphic_url(["slash_admin", @model]) path = main_app.polymorphic_url(["slash_admin", @model_class]) if params.key?(:submit_redirect) path = main_app.new_polymorphic_url(["slash_admin", @model_class]) if params.key?(:submit_add) path end def permit_params params["::").last.underscore].permit! end def handle_default @title = @model_name.present? ? @model_class.model_name.human(count: 2) : nil @sub_title = nil @per = 20 @page = 1 @per_values = [20, 30, 50, 100, 150] @use_export_params = false @order_field = :id @order = "DESC" end def nestable_config @is_nestable = false @max_depth = 1 @nestable_field = :position @acenstry_field = :ancestry end def handle_internal_default @model_class = model @update_params = update_params @model_name = @model_class.model_name.human end def should_add_translatable? should = @model_class.respond_to?(:translated_attribute_names) handle_default_translations if should should end def handle_default_translations available_locales.reject { |key| key == :root }.each do |locale| translation = @model.translations.find_by_locale locale.to_s if translation.nil? locale: locale end end end def handle_default_params params[:per] ||= @per params[:page] ||= @page params[:order_field] ||= @order_field params[:order] ||= @order params[:filters] ||= [] end def available_locales SlashAdmin.configuration.available_locales end def handle_assocations @belongs_to_fields = @model_class.reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to).map(&:name) @has_many_fields = @model_class.reflect_on_all_associations(:has_many).map(&:name) @has_one_fields = @model_class.reflect_on_all_associations(:has_one).map(&:name) end # By default we are looking in SlashAdmin:: namespace def model controller_name.classify.constantize rescue ("SlashAdmin::" + controller_name.classify).constantize end def create_params(options = {}) exclude_default_params(controller_name.classify.constantize.attribute_names).map { |attr| attr.gsub(/_id$/, "") } end def translatable_params controller_name.classify.constantize.translated_attribute_names end def show_params { |attr| attr.gsub(/_id$/, "") } end def nested_params nested_params = [] @model_class.nested_attributes_options.keys.each do |nested| nested_params << {nested => exclude_default_params( { |attr| attr.gsub(/_id$/, "") }) - [@model.model_name.param_key]} end nested_params end # Exclude default params for edit and create def exclude_default_params(params) params -= %w[id created_at updated_at slug position] if @model_class.try(:translated_attribute_names).present? params -= end params end def stream_file(filename, extension) response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/octet-stream" response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=#{filename}.#{extension}" yield ensure end def stream_csv_report query = @models_export.limit(5000).to_sql query_options = "WITH CSV HEADER" stream_file("#{@model_class.model_name.plural.upcase}_#{}", "csv") do |stream| stream_query_rows(query, query_options) do |row_from_db| stream.write row_from_db end end end private def list_params end def export_params list_params end def stream_query_rows(sql_query, options = "WITH CSV HEADER") conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection conn.copy_data "COPY (#{sql_query}) TO STDOUT #{options};" do while row = conn.get_copy_data yield row end end end end end