# frozen_string_literal: true require 'yaml' require 'logging' require 'concurrent' require 'pathname' require 'bolt/boltdir' require 'bolt/transport/ssh' require 'bolt/transport/winrm' require 'bolt/transport/orch' require 'bolt/transport/local' require 'bolt/transport/docker' require 'bolt/transport/remote' module Bolt TRANSPORTS = { ssh: Bolt::Transport::SSH, winrm: Bolt::Transport::WinRM, pcp: Bolt::Transport::Orch, local: Bolt::Transport::Local, docker: Bolt::Transport::Docker, remote: Bolt::Transport::Remote }.freeze class UnknownTransportError < Bolt::Error def initialize(transport, uri = nil) msg = uri.nil? ? "Unknown transport #{transport}" : "Unknown transport #{transport} found for #{uri}" super(msg, 'bolt/unknown-transport') end end class Config attr_accessor :concurrency, :format, :trace, :log, :puppetdb, :color, :transport, :transports, :inventoryfile, :compile_concurrency attr_writer :modulepath TRANSPORT_OPTIONS = %i[password run-as sudo-password extensions private-key tty tmpdir user connect-timeout cacert token-file service-url].freeze # TODO: move these to the transport themselves TRANSPORT_SPECIFIC_DEFAULTS = { ssh: { 'connect-timeout' => 10, 'host-key-check' => true, 'tty' => false }, winrm: { 'connect-timeout' => 10, 'ssl' => true, 'ssl-verify' => true }, pcp: { 'task-environment' => 'production' }, local: {}, docker: {}, remote: { 'run-on' => 'localhost' } }.freeze def self.default new(Bolt::Boltdir.new('.'), {}) end def self.from_boltdir(boltdir, overrides = {}) data = Bolt::Util.read_config_file(nil, [boltdir.config_file], 'config') || {} new(boltdir, data, overrides) end def self.from_file(configfile, overrides = {}) boltdir = Bolt::Boltdir.new(Pathname.new(configfile).expand_path.dirname) data = Bolt::Util.read_config_file(configfile, [], 'config') || {} new(boltdir, data, overrides) end def initialize(boltdir, config_data, overrides = {}) @logger = Logging.logger[self] @boltdir = boltdir @concurrency = 100 @compile_concurrency = Concurrent.processor_count @transport = 'ssh' @format = 'human' @puppetdb = {} @color = true # add an entry for the default console logger @log = { 'console' => {} } @transports = {} TRANSPORTS.each_key do |transport| @transports[transport] = TRANSPORT_SPECIFIC_DEFAULTS[transport].dup end update_from_file(config_data) apply_overrides(overrides) validate end def overwrite_transport_data(transport, transports) @transport = transport @transports = transports end def transport_data_get { transport: @transport, transports: @transports } end def deep_clone Bolt::Util.deep_clone(self) end def normalize_log(target) return target if target == 'console' target = target[5..-1] if target.start_with?('file:') 'file:' + File.expand_path(target) end def update_logs(logs) logs.each_pair do |k, v| log_name = normalize_log(k) @log[log_name] ||= {} log = @log[log_name] next unless v.is_a?(Hash) if v.key?('level') log[:level] = v['level'].to_s end if v.key?('append') log[:append] = v['append'] end end end def update_from_file(data) if data['log'].is_a?(Hash) update_logs(data['log']) end # Expand paths relative to the Boltdir. Any settings that came from the # CLI will already be absolute, so the expand will be skipped. if data.key?('modulepath') moduledirs = if data['modulepath'].is_a?(String) data['modulepath'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) else data['modulepath'] end @modulepath = moduledirs.map do |moduledir| File.expand_path(moduledir, @boltdir.path) end end @inventoryfile = File.expand_path(data['inventoryfile'], @boltdir.path) if data.key?('inventoryfile') @hiera_config = File.expand_path(data['hiera-config'], @boltdir.path) if data.key?('hiera-config') @compile_concurrency = data['compile-concurrency'] if data.key?('compile-concurrency') %w[concurrency format puppetdb color transport].each do |key| send("#{key}=", data[key]) if data.key?(key) end TRANSPORTS.each do |key, impl| if data[key.to_s] selected = impl.filter_options(data[key.to_s]) @transports[key].merge!(selected) end end end private :update_from_file def apply_overrides(options) %i[concurrency transport format trace modulepath inventoryfile color].each do |key| send("#{key}=", options[key]) if options.key?(key) end if options[:debug] @log['console'][:level] = :debug elsif options[:verbose] @log['console'][:level] = :info end @compile_concurrency = options[:'compile-concurrency'] if options[:'compile-concurrency'] TRANSPORTS.each_key do |transport| transport = @transports[transport] TRANSPORT_OPTIONS.each do |key| if options[key] transport[key.to_s] = Bolt::Util.walk_keys(options[key], &:to_s) end end end if options.key?(:ssl) # this defaults to true so we need to check the presence of the key @transports[:winrm]['ssl'] = options[:ssl] end if options.key?(:'ssl-verify') # this defaults to true so we need to check the presence of the key @transports[:winrm]['ssl-verify'] = options[:'ssl-verify'] end if options.key?(:'host-key-check') # this defaults to true so we need to check the presence of the key @transports[:ssh]['host-key-check'] = options[:'host-key-check'] end end def update_from_inventory(data) update_from_file(data) if data['transport'] @transport = data['transport'] end end def transport_conf { transport: @transport, transports: @transports } end def default_inventoryfile [@boltdir.inventory_file] end def hiera_config @hiera_config || @boltdir.hiera_config end def puppetfile @boltdir.puppetfile end def modulepath @modulepath || @boltdir.modulepath end def validate @log.each_pair do |name, params| if params.key?(:level) && !Bolt::Logger.valid_level?(params[:level]) raise Bolt::ValidationError, "level of log #{name} must be one of: #{Bolt::Logger.levels.join(', ')}; received #{params[:level]}" end if params.key?(:append) && params[:append] != true && params[:append] != false raise Bolt::ValidationError, "append flag of log #{name} must be a Boolean, received #{params[:append]}" end end unless @concurrency.is_a?(Integer) && @concurrency > 0 raise Bolt::ValidationError, 'Concurrency must be a positive integer' end unless @compile_concurrency.is_a?(Integer) && @compile_concurrency > 0 raise Bolt::ValidationError, 'Compile concurrency must be a positive integer' end compile_limit = 2 * Concurrent.processor_count unless @compile_concurrency < compile_limit raise Bolt::ValidationError, "Compilation is CPU-intensive, set concurrency less than #{compile_limit}" end unless %w[human json].include? @format raise Bolt::ValidationError, "Unsupported format: '#{@format}'" end if @hiera_config && !(File.file?(@hiera_config) && File.readable?(@hiera_config)) raise Bolt::FileError, "Could not read hiera-config file #{@hiera_config}", @hiera_config end unless @transport.nil? || Bolt::TRANSPORTS.include?(@transport.to_sym) raise UnknownTransportError, @transport end TRANSPORTS.each do |transport, impl| impl.validate(@transports[transport]) end end end end