! Wiki Style !! '''NOTICE''' This implements was obsluted. Wiki style is supported in default now in another implements. See tdiary directory. If you want to need old implements, use files in this directory. !! about Wiki Style Like original style of WikiWikiWeb. !! How to use Copy wiki_parser.rb and wiki_style.rb into tdiary directory in you tdiary installed. And specify into tdiary.conf below: @style = 'Wiki' If you want to use link feature, find kw.rb from tDiary plugins and copy it into plugin directory of tDiary. !! How to write Wiki Style !!! Paragraph Starting words from top of the line. If you want to change paragraph, insert a null line. When a day starts with a paragraph, the paragraph become to a section. !!! Heading You can start headings with '!'. In tDiary, one '!' become to '

' and it starts a section. Then '!!' is '

', '!!!' is '

' ... !!! Formatted text Formatted text you know '
' is start with space or TAB.
All other markups are ignore.

!!! Lists

Starts with '*' means lists. And starts with '#' is numbered lists.
You can increase nests by '**', '***' and '****'.

!!! Blockquote

Two double quote means blockquote.

!!!Definition Lists

You can describe '
' by ":keywors:description". !!!Table Table starts with '||', and separate cells with '||' !!! Links Double '[' and ']' makes a link. It expand kw plugin. No WikiWord supported. [[keyword]] By separating keyword with ':', you can make a link equivalent of InterWikiName. This is a feature of kw plugin. [[foo:keyword]] You can make alias name of link word by separate '|'. [[tDiary|http://www.tdiary.org/]] [[this file|../files/foo.txt]] [[bar|foo:KeyWord]] In this case, if the URL part is like a tDiary's anchor (ex. 20030125#p03), it expand to my plugin but not kw plugin. And alone URL will become to a link. !!! Emphasis Two or three single-quote makes Emphasis. Two single-quote makes ''EMPHASUS'', it means . Three single-quote makes '''STRONG''', it means . !!! Deleted line Two equal sign ('=') means . It is tDiary original. !!! Plugin Two '{' and '}' expand to plugin. {{amazon '4906470068'}}