require 'rake' require 'pg_search' namespace :pg_search do namespace :multisearch do desc "Rebuild PgSearch multisearch records for MODEL" task rebuild: :environment do raise "must set MODEL=" unless ENV["MODEL"] model_class = ENV["MODEL"].classify.constantize PgSearch::Multisearch.rebuild(model_class) end end namespace :migration do desc "Generate migration to add table for multisearch" task :multisearch do now = filename = "#{now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}_create_pg_search_documents.rb" + 'db' + 'migrate' + filename, 'wb') do |migration_file| migration_file.puts <<-RUBY class CreatePgSearchDocuments < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up say_with_time("Creating table for pg_search multisearch") do create_table :pg_search_documents do |t| t.text :content t.belongs_to :searchable, :polymorphic => true t.timestamps end end end def self.down say_with_time("Dropping table for pg_search multisearch") do drop_table :pg_search_documents end end end RUBY end end desc "Generate migration to add support functions for :dmetaphone" task :dmetaphone do now = filename = "#{now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}_add_pg_search_dmetaphone_support_functions.rb" dmetaphone_sql =, '..', '..', 'sql', 'dmetaphone.sql')).chomp uninstall_dmetaphone_sql =, '..', '..', 'sql', 'uninstall_dmetaphone.sql')).chomp + 'db' + 'migrate' + filename, 'wb') do |migration_file| migration_file.puts <<-RUBY class AddPgSearchDmetaphoneSupportFunctions < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up say_with_time("Adding support functions for pg_search :dmetaphone") do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(<<-SQL) #{dmetaphone_sql} SQL end end def self.down say_with_time("Dropping support functions for pg_search :dmetaphone") do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(<<-SQL) #{uninstall_dmetaphone_sql} SQL end end end RUBY end end end end