require 'set' require 'aquarium/aspects/join_point' require 'aquarium/aspects/exclusion_handler' require 'aquarium/utils' require 'aquarium/extensions' require 'aquarium/finders/finder_result' require 'aquarium/finders/type_finder' require 'aquarium/finders/method_finder' require 'aquarium/aspects/default_object_handler' module Aquarium module Aspects # == Pointcut # Pointcuts are queries on JoinPoints combined with binding of context data to # that will be useful during advice execution. The Pointcut locates the join points # that match the input criteria, remembering the found join points as well as the # the criteria that yielded no matches (mostly useful for debugging Pointcut definitions) class Pointcut include Aquarium::Utils::ArrayUtils include Aquarium::Utils::HashUtils include Aquarium::Utils::SetUtils include ExclusionHandler include DefaultObjectHandler attr_reader :specification # Construct a Pointcut for methods in types or objects. # :type{s} => [...] | :object{s} => [...] \ # {, :method{s} => [], :method_options => [...], \ # :attribute{s} => [...], :attribute_options[...]} # where # the "{}" indicate optional elements. For example, you can use # :types or :type. # # :types => type || [type_list]:: # :type => type || [type_list]:: # One or an array of types, type names and/or type regular expessions to match. # # :types_and_descendents => type || [type_list]:: # :type_and_descendents => type || [type_list]:: # :types_and_ancestors => type || [type_list]:: # :type_and_ancestors => type || [type_list]:: # One or an array of types and either their descendents or ancestors. # If you want both the descendents _and_ ancestors, use both options. # # :objects => object || [object_list]:: # :object => object || [object_list]:: # Objects to match. # # :default_object => object:: # An "internal" flag used by AspectDSL#pointcut when no object or type is specified, # the value of :default_object will be used, if defined. AspectDSL#pointcut sets the # value to self, so that the user doesn't have to in the appropriate contexts. # This flag is subject to change, so don't use it explicitly! # # :methods => method || [method_list]:: # :method => method || [method_list]:: # One or an array of methods, method names and/or method regular expessions to match. # By default, unless :attributes are specified, searches for public instance methods # with the method option :exclude_ancestor_methods implied, unless explicit method # options are given. # # :method_options => [options]:: # One or more options supported by Aquarium::Finders::MethodFinder. The :exclude_ancestor_methods # option is most useful. # # :attributes => attribute || [attribute_list]:: # :attribute => attribute || [attribute_list]:: # One or an array of attribute names and/or regular expessions to match. # This is syntactic sugar for the corresponding attribute readers and/or writers # methods, as specified using the :attrbute_options. Any matches will be # joined with the matched :methods.. # # :attribute_options => [options]:: # One or more of :readers, :reader (synonymous), # :writers, and/or :writer (synonymous). By default, both # readers and writers are matched. # # :exclude_pointcuts => pc || [pc_list]:: # :exclude_pointcut => pc || [pc_list]:: # :exclude_join_points => jp || [jp_list]:: # :exclude_join_point => jp || [jp_list]:: # :exclude_types => type || [type_list]:: # :exclude_types => type || [type_list]:: # :exclude_type => type || [type_list]:: # :exclude_objects => object || [object_list]:: # :exclude_object => object || [object_list]:: # :exclude_methods => method || [method_list]:: # :exclude_method => method || [method_list]:: # :exclude_attributes => attribute || [attribute_list]:: # :exclude_attribute => attribute || [attribute_list]:: # Exclude the specified "things" from the matched join points. If pointcuts are # excluded, they should be subsets of the matched pointcuts. Otherwise, the # resulting pointcut will be empty! # # :exclude_types_and_descendents => type || [type_list]:: # :exclude_type_and_descendents => type || [type_list]:: # :exclude_types_and_ancestors => type || [type_list]:: # :exclude_type_and_ancestors => type || [type_list]:: # Exclude the specified types and their descendents, ancestors. # If you want to exclude both the descendents _and_ ancestors, use both options. # def initialize options = {} init_specification options init_candidate_types init_candidate_objects init_candidate_join_points init_join_points end attr_reader :join_points_matched, :join_points_not_matched, :specification, :candidate_types, :candidate_types_excluded, :candidate_objects, :candidate_join_points # Two Considered equivalent only if the same join points matched and not_matched sets are equal, # the specifications are equal, and the candidate types and candidate objects are equal. # if you care only about the matched join points, then just compare #join_points_matched def eql? other object_id == other.object_id || (specification == other.specification && candidate_types == other.candidate_types && candidate_types_excluded == other.candidate_types_excluded && candidate_objects == other.candidate_objects && join_points_matched == other.join_points_matched && join_points_not_matched == other.join_points_not_matched) end alias :== :eql? def empty? return join_points_matched.empty? && join_points_not_matched.empty? end def inspect "Pointcut: {specification: #{specification.inspect}, candidate_types: #{candidate_types.inspect}, candidate_types_excluded: #{candidate_types_excluded.inspect}, candidate_objects: #{candidate_objects.inspect}, join_points_matched: #{join_points_matched.inspect}, join_points_not_matched: #{join_points_not_matched.inspect}}" end alias to_s inspect def self.make_attribute_method_names attribute_name_regexps_or_names, attribute_options = [] readers = make_attribute_readers attribute_name_regexps_or_names return readers if read_only attribute_options writers = make_attribute_writers readers return writers if write_only attribute_options return readers + writers end protected attr_writer :join_points_matched, :join_points_not_matched, :specification, :candidate_types, :candidate_types_excluded, :candidate_objects, :candidate_join_points ALLOWED_OPTIONS_SINGULAR = %w[ type object join_point method exclude_type exclude_object exclude_join_point exclude_pointcut exclude_method default_object attribute method_option attribute_option] OTHER_ALLOWED_OPTIONS = %w[ type_and_descendents types_and_descendents type_and_ancestors types_and_ancestors exclude_type_and_descendents exclude_types_and_descendents exclude_type_and_ancestors exclude_types_and_ancestors] OTHER_ALLOWED_SPEC_KEYS = { "types_and_descendents" => "type_and_descendents", "types_and_ancestors" => "type_and_ancestors", "exclude_types_and_descendents" => "exclude_type_and_descendents", "exclude_types_and_ancestors" => "exclude_type_and_ancestors" } def init_specification options @specification = {} options ||= {} validate_options options ALLOWED_OPTIONS_SINGULAR.each do |option| self.instance_eval(<<-EOF, __FILE__, __LINE__) @specification[:#{option}s]=[:#{option}], options[:#{option}s])) EOF end OTHER_ALLOWED_SPEC_KEYS.keys.each do |option| self.instance_eval(<<-EOF, __FILE__, __LINE__) @specification[:#{option}]=[:#{option}], options[:#{OTHER_ALLOWED_SPEC_KEYS[option]}])) EOF end use_default_object_if_defined unless (types_given? || objects_given?) raise":all is not yet supported for :attributes.") if @specification[:attributes] ==[:all]) init_methods_specification options end def init_methods_specification options @specification[:methods] =[:methods], options[:method])) @specification[:methods].add(:all) if @specification[:methods].empty? and @specification[:attributes].empty? end def validate_options options knowns = [] ALLOWED_OPTIONS_SINGULAR.each do |x| knowns << x.intern knowns << "#{x}s".intern end OTHER_ALLOWED_OPTIONS.each do |x| knowns << x.intern end unknowns = options.keys - knowns raise"Unknown options specified: #{unknowns.inspect}") if unknowns.size > 0 end def self.read_only attribute_options read_option(attribute_options) && !write_option(attribute_options) end def self.write_only attribute_options write_option(attribute_options) && !read_option(attribute_options) end def self.read_option attribute_options attribute_options.include?(:readers) || attribute_options.include?(:reader) end def self.write_option attribute_options attribute_options.include?(:writers) || attribute_options.include?(:writer) end %w[types objects join_points methods attributes method_options attribute_options].each do |name| class_eval(<<-EOF, __FILE__, __LINE__) def #{name}_given @specification[:#{name}] end def #{name}_given? not (#{name}_given.nil? or #{name}_given.empty?) end EOF end %w[types objects join_points pointcuts methods].each do |name| class_eval(<<-EOF, __FILE__, __LINE__) def exclude_#{name}_given @specification[:exclude_#{name}] end def exclude_#{name}_given? not (exclude_#{name}_given.nil? or exclude_#{name}_given.empty?) end EOF end private def init_candidate_types finder_options = {} exclude_finder_options = {} ['', 'exclude_'].each do |prefix| ['', '_and_ancestors', '_and_descendents'].each do |suffix| # Because the user might be asking for descendents and/or ancestors, we convert explicitly-specified # types into names, then "refind" them. While less efficient, it makes the code more uniform. eval <<-EOF #{prefix}type_regexps_or_names#{suffix} = @specification[:#{prefix}types#{suffix}].map do |t| Aquarium::Utils::TypeUtils.is_type?(t) ? : t end unless #{prefix}type_regexps_or_names#{suffix}.nil? finder_options[:"#{prefix}types#{suffix}"] = #{prefix}type_regexps_or_names#{suffix} exclude_finder_options[:"types#{suffix}"] = #{prefix}type_regexps_or_names#{suffix} if "#{prefix}".length > 0 end EOF end end @candidate_types = finder_options @candidate_types_excluded = exclude_finder_options @specification[:exclude_types_calculated] = end def init_candidate_objects object_hash = {} (@specification[:objects].flatten - @specification[:exclude_objects].flatten).each do |o| object_hash[o] =[]) end @candidate_objects = object_hash end def init_candidate_join_points @candidate_join_points = @specification[:join_points].each do |jp| if jp.exists? @candidate_join_points.matched[jp] =[]) else @candidate_join_points.not_matched[jp] =[]) end end end def init_join_points @join_points_matched = @join_points_not_matched = find_join_points_for :type, (candidate_types - candidate_types_excluded), make_all_method_names find_join_points_for :object, candidate_objects, make_all_method_names add_join_points_for_candidate_join_points remove_excluded_join_points end def add_join_points_for_candidate_join_points @join_points_matched += @candidate_join_points.matched.keys @join_points_not_matched += @candidate_join_points.not_matched.keys end def remove_excluded_join_points @join_points_matched.delete_if do |jp| join_point_excluded? jp end end def find_join_points_for type_or_object_sym, candidates, method_names results = find_methods_for type_or_object_sym, candidates, method_names add_join_points results, type_or_object_sym end def find_methods_for type_or_object_sym, candidates, which_methods return Aquarium::Finders::FinderResult::NIL_OBJECT if candidates.matched.size == 0 type_or_object_sym => candidates.matched_keys, :methods => which_methods, :exclude_methods => @specification[:exclude_methods], :options => @specification[:method_options].to_a end def add_join_points search_results, type_or_object_sym add_join_points_to @join_points_matched, search_results.matched, type_or_object_sym add_join_points_to @join_points_not_matched, search_results.not_matched, type_or_object_sym end def add_join_points_to which_join_points_list, results_hash, type_or_object_sym instance_method = @specification[:method_options].include?(:class) ? false : true results_hash.each_pair do |type_or_object, method_name_list| method_name_list.each do |method_name| which_join_points_list << type_or_object_sym => type_or_object, :method_name => method_name, :instance_method => instance_method) end end end def make_all_method_names @specification[:methods] + Pointcut.make_attribute_method_names(@specification[:attributes], @specification[:attribute_options]) - @specification[:exclude_methods] end def self.make_attribute_readers attributes readers = do |regexp_or_name| if regexp_or_name.kind_of? Regexp exp = remove_trailing_equals_and_or_dollar regexp_or_name.source + '.*\b$')) else exp = remove_trailing_equals_and_or_dollar regexp_or_name.to_s remove_leading_colon_or_at_sign(exp.to_s) end end {|exp| exp.to_s}) end def self.make_attribute_writers attributes writers = do |regexp_or_name| if regexp_or_name.kind_of? Regexp # remove the "\b$" from the end of the reader expression, if present. + '=$') else regexp_or_name + '=' end end {|exp| exp.to_s}) end def self.remove_trailing_equals_and_or_dollar exp exp.gsub(/\=?\$?$/, '') end def self.remove_leading_colon_or_at_sign exp exp.gsub(/^\^?(@|:)/, '') end end end end