require "rsec" require "set" require "uri" require "date" include Rsec::Helpers require "vobject" require_relative "./propertyvalue" module Vcard::V3_0 class Typegrammars class << self # property value types, each defining their own parser def binary binary = seq(/[a-zA-Z0-9+\/]*/.r, /={0,2}/.r) do |b, q| if (b.length + q.length) % 4 == 0 + q) else { error: "Malformed binary coding" } end end binary.eof end def phone_number # This is on the lax side; there should be up to 15 digits # Will allow letters phone_number = /[0-9() +A-Z-]+/ { |p| p } phone_number.eof end def geovalue float = prim(:double) geovalue = seq(float << ";".r, float) do |a, b| if a <= 180.0 && a >= -180.0 && b <= 180 && b > -180 a, long: b) else { error: "Latitude/Longitude outside of range -180..180" } end end geovalue.eof end def classvalue iana_token = /[a-zA-Z\d\-]+/.r xname = seq(/[xX]-/, /[a-zA-Z0-9-]+/.r).map(&:join) classvalue = (/PUBLIC/i.r | /PRIVATE/i.r | /CONFIDENTIAL/i.r | iana_token | xname).map do |m| m end classvalue.eof end def integer integer = prim(:int32).map { |i| i } integer.eof end def float_t float_t = prim(:double).map { |f| f } float_t.eof end def iana_token iana_token = /[a-zA-Z\d\-]+/ { |x| x } iana_token.eof end def versionvalue versionvalue = "3.0" { |v| v } versionvalue.eof end def profilevalue profilevalue = /VCARD/ { |v| v } profilevalue.eof end def uri uri = /\S+/ do |s| if s =~ URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.make_regexp else { error: "Invalid URI" } end end uri.eof end def text_t text_t = { |t| } text_t.eof end def textlist text = C::TEXT3 textlist1 = seq(text << ",".r, lazy { textlist1 }) { |a, b| [unescape(a), b].flatten } | { |t| [unescape(t)] } textlist = { |m| m } textlist.eof end def org text = C::TEXT3 org1 = seq(text << ";".r, lazy { org1 }) { |a, b| [unescape(a), b].flatten } | { |t| [unescape(t)] } org = { |o| o } org.eof end def date_t date_t = seq(/[0-9]{4}/.r, /-/.r._? >> /[0-9]{2}/.r, /-/.r._? >> /[0-9]{2}/.r) do |yy, mm, dd| yy, month: mm, day: dd) end date_t.eof end def time_t utc_offset = seq(C::SIGN, /[0-9]{2}/.r << /:/.r._?, /[0-9]{2}/.r) do |s, h, m| { sign: s, hour: h, min: m } end zone = { |u| u } | /Z/ { "Z" } hour = /[0-9]{2}/.r minute = /[0-9]{2}/.r second = /[0-9]{2}/.r secfrac = seq(",".r >> /[0-9]+/) time_t = seq(hour << /:/._?, minute << /:/._?, second, secfrac._?, zone._?) do |h, m, s, f, z| h = { hour: h, min: m, sec: s } h[:zone] = z[0] unless z.empty? h[:secfrac] = f[0] unless f.empty? end time_t.eof end def date_time utc_offset = seq(C::SIGN, /[0-9]{2}/.r << /:/.r._?, /[0-9]{2}/.r) do |s, h, m| { sign: s, hour: h, min: m } end zone = { |u| u } | /Z/ { "Z" } hour = /[0-9]{2}/.r minute = /[0-9]{2}/.r second = /[0-9]{2}/.r secfrac = seq(",".r >> /[0-9]+/) date = seq(/[0-9]{4}/.r, /-/.r._?, /[0-9]{2}/.r, /-/.r._?, /[0-9]{2}/.r) do |yy, _, mm, _, dd| { year: yy, month: mm, day: dd } end time = seq(hour << /:/.r._?, minute << /:/.r._?, second, secfrac._?, zone._?) do |h, m, s, f, z| h = { hour: h, min: m, sec: s } h[:zone] = if z.empty? "" else z[0] end h[:secfrac] = f[0] unless f.empty? h end date_time = seq(date << "T".r, time) do |d, t| end date_time.eof end def date_or_date_time utc_offset = seq(C::SIGN, /[0-9]{2}/.r << /:/.r._?, /[0-9]{2}/.r) do |s, h, m| { sign: s, hour: h, min: m } end zone = { |u| u } | /Z/ { "Z" } hour = /[0-9]{2}/.r minute = /[0-9]{2}/.r second = /[0-9]{2}/.r secfrac = seq(",".r >> /[0-9]+/) date = seq(/[0-9]{4}/.r << /-/.r._?, /[0-9]{2}/.r << /-/.r._?, /[0-9]{2}/.r) do |yy, mm, dd| { year: yy, month: mm, day: dd } end time = seq(hour << /:/.r._?, minute << /:/.r._?, second, secfrac._?, zone._?) do |h, m, s, f, z| h = { hour: h, min: m, sec: s } h[:zone] = z[0] unless z.empty? h[:secfrac] = f[0] unless f.empty? h end date_or_date_time = seq(date << "T".r, time) do |d, t| end | { |d| } date_or_date_time.eof end def utc_offset utc_offset = seq(C::SIGN, /[0-9]{2}/.r, /:/.r._?, /[0-9]{2}/.r) do |s, h, _, m| s, hour: h, min: m) end utc_offset.eof end def kindvalue iana_token = /[a-zA-Z\d\-]+/.r xname = seq(/[xX]-/, /[a-zA-Z0-9-]+/.r).map(&:join) kindvalue = (/individual/i.r | /group/i.r | /org/i.r | /location/i.r | iana_token | xname).map do |k| end kindvalue.eof end def fivepartname text = C::TEXT3 component = seq(text << ",".r, lazy { component }) do |a, b| [unescape(a), b].flatten end | { |t| [unescape(t)] } fivepartname1 = seq(component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component) do |a, b, c, d, e| a = a[0] if a.length == 1 b = b[0] if b.length == 1 c = c[0] if c.length == 1 d = d[0] if d.length == 1 e = e[0] if e.length == 1 { surname: a, givenname: b, middlename: c, honprefix: d, honsuffix: e } end | seq(component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component) do |a, b, c, d| a = a[0] if a.length == 1 b = b[0] if b.length == 1 c = c[0] if c.length == 1 d = d[0] if d.length == 1 { surname: a, givenname: b, middlename: c, honprefix: d, honsuffix: "" } end | seq(component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component) do |a, b, c| a = a[0] if a.length == 1 b = b[0] if b.length == 1 c = c[0] if c.length == 1 { surname: a, givenname: b, middlename: c, honprefix: "", honsuffix: "" } end | seq(component << ";".r, component) do |a, b| a = a[0] if a.length == 1 b = b[0] if b.length == 1 { surname: a, givenname: b, middlename: "", honprefix: "", honsuffix: "" } end | do |a| a = a[0] if a.length == 1 { surname: a, givenname: "", middlename: "", honprefix: "", honsuffix: "" } end fivepartname = { |n| } fivepartname.eof end def address text = C::TEXT3 component = seq(text << ",".r, lazy { component }) do |a, b| [unescape(a), b].flatten end | { |t| [unescape(t)] } address1 = seq(component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component) do |a, b, c, d, e, f, g| a = a[0] if a.length == 1 b = b[0] if b.length == 1 c = c[0] if c.length == 1 d = d[0] if d.length == 1 e = e[0] if e.length == 1 f = f[0] if f.length == 1 g = g[0] if g.length == 1 { pobox: a, ext: b, street: c, locality: d, region: e, code: f, country: g } end | seq(component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component) do |a, b, c, d, e, f| a = a[0] if a.length == 1 b = b[0] if b.length == 1 c = c[0] if c.length == 1 d = d[0] if d.length == 1 e = e[0] if e.length == 1 f = f[0] if f.length == 1 { pobox: a, ext: b, street: c, locality: d, region: e, code: f, country: "" } end | seq(component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component) do |a, b, c, d, e| a = a[0] if a.length == 1 b = b[0] if b.length == 1 c = c[0] if c.length == 1 d = d[0] if d.length == 1 e = e[0] if e.length == 1 { pobox: a, ext: b, street: c, locality: d, region: e, code: "", country: "" } end | seq(component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component) do |a, b, c, d| a = a[0] if a.length == 1 b = b[0] if b.length == 1 c = c[0] if c.length == 1 d = d[0] if d.length == 1 { pobox: a, ext: b, street: c, locality: d, region: "", code: "", country: "" } end | seq(component << ";".r, component << ";".r, component) do |a, b, c| a = a[0] if a.length == 1 b = b[0] if b.length == 1 c = c[0] if c.length == 1 { pobox: a, ext: b, street: c, locality: "", region: "", code: "", country: "" } end | seq(component << ";".r, component) do |a, b| a = a[0] if a.length == 1 b = b[0] if b.length == 1 { pobox: a, ext: b, street: "", locality: "", region: "", code: "", country: "" } end | do |a| a = a[0] if a.length == 1 { pobox: a, ext: "", street: "", locality: "", region: "", code: "", country: "" } end address = { |n| } address.eof end def registered_propname registered_propname = C::NAME_VCARD registered_propname.eof end def registered_propname?(x) p = registered_propname.parse(x) not(Rsec::INVALID[p]) end # text escapes: \\ \; \, \N \n def unescape(x) # temporarily escape \\ as \007f, which is disallowed in any text x.gsub(/\\\\/, "\u007f").gsub(/\\;/, ";").gsub(/\\,/, ",").gsub(/\\[Nn]/, "\n").tr("\u007f", "\\") end # Enforce type restrictions on values of particular properties. # If successful, return typed interpretation of string def typematch(strict, key, params, _component, value, ctx) errors = [] params[:VALUE] = params[:VALUE].downcase if params && params[:VALUE] ctx1 = value, "source" case key when :VERSION ret = versionvalue._parse ctx1 when :SOURCE, :URL, :IMPP, :FBURL, :CALURI, :CALADRURI, :CAPURI ret = uri._parse ctx1 # not imposing filename restrictions on calendar URIs when :NAME, :FN, :LABEL, :EMAIL, :MAILER, :TITLE, :ROLE, :NOTE, :PRODID, :SORT_STRING, :UID ret = text_t._parse ctx1 when :CLASS ret = classvalue._parse ctx1 when :CATEGORIES, :NICKNAME ret = textlist._parse ctx1 when :ORG ret = org._parse ctx1 when :PROFILE ret = profilevalue._parse ctx1 when :N ret = fivepartname._parse ctx1 when :PHOTO, :LOGO, :SOUND ret = if params && params[:VALUE] == "uri" uri._parse ctx1 else binary._parse ctx1 end when :KEY ret = if params && params[:ENCODING] == "b" binary._parse ctx1 else text_t._parse ctx1 end when :BDAY ret = if params && params[:VALUE] == "date-time" date_time._parse ctx1 elsif params && params[:VALUE] == "date" date_t._parse ctx1 else # unlike VCARD 4, can have either date || date_time without explicit value switch date_or_date_time._parse ctx1 end when :REV ret = if params && params[:VALUE] == "date" date_t._parse ctx1 elsif params && params[:VALUE] == "date-time" date_time._parse ctx1 else # unlike VCARD 4, can have either date || date_time without explicit value switch ret = date_or_date_time._parse ctx1 end when :ADR ret = address._parse ctx1 when :TEL ret = phone_number._parse ctx1 when :TZ ret = if params && params[:VALUE] == "text" text_t._parse ctx1 else utc_offset._parse ctx1 end when :GEO ret = geovalue._parse ctx1 when :AGENT if params && params[:VALUE] == "uri" ret = uri._parse ctx1 else # unescape value = value.gsub(/\\n/, "\n").gsub(/\\;/, ";").gsub(/\\,/, ",").gsub(/\\:/, ":") # spec says that colons need to be escaped, but none of the examples do so value = value.gsub(/BEGIN:VCARD\n/, "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\n") unless value =~ /\nVERSION:3\.0/ ctx1 = value, "source" ret = # TODO same strictness as grammar end else ret = text_t._parse ctx1 end if ret.is_a?(Hash) && ret[:error] parse_err(strict, errors, "#{ret[:error]} for property #{key}, value #{value}", ctx) end if Rsec::INVALID[ret] parse_err(strict, errors, "Type mismatch for property #{key}, value #{value}", ctx) end Rsec::Fail.reset [ret, errors] end private def parse_err(strict, errors, msg, ctx) if strict raise ctx.report_error msg, "source" else errors << ctx.report_error(msg, "source") end end end end end